Spiny backed orb weaver is one type of colorful spider that may intrigue you and it may have you wondering what they are. Not too worry. We will be sharing some quick facts about this fascinating spider in this post.
Spiny backed orb weaver is a common animal seen along the southeast coast of the United States. It is one common inhabitant to different yards in Florida. The small bodies colorful creature has this distinctive physical appearance that cannot be missed.
Many people may often wonder what this unique and intriguing spider is. You may even wonder if they are poisonous or not; or if they can bite? We will answer all that and more in this article. So, dive in further for more information on this.
Quick Facts About Spiny Backed Orb Weaver
So here are some facts about the spiny backed orb weaver.
What types of animals and class of animals are they? Spiny backed orb weavers are easily categorized as spiders due to their colorful physical features and red-colored spine. They belong to the family of arthropods and the class of Arachnida.
Appearance And Characteristics
- Size – The size of this spiny backed orb weaver is around one inch and another half inch in length.
- Appearance – The spiny backed orb weaver looks like a crab and takes the shape of a crab. However, they are not closely related to the true crab spiders. They are also referred to as the Crablike Spiny Orbweaver. The body of this spider can be seen to have spines protruding from its abdomen.
- Color – One of the most unique and distinctive features about this spider is the color. It has this radiant color which makes them easy to identify or spot. This spider usually has a hard abdomen. This abdomen can come in white with red markings and black spines that emerge from the edges of the abdomen.
- Behavior – This spiny backed orb weaver tends to web in trees, shrubs. They can also web in the corner of windows as well as similar outdoor areas of buildings. Spiny backed orb weaver can’t harm you and if not for their radiant and distinctive color, you may not even notice them. Also, these spiders aren’t invaders unless you mistakenly carry them indoors from a potted plant they may be living in.
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Male And Female Spiny Backed Orb Weaver – Typical Lifestyle
- Male Spiny Backed Orb Weaver: The male spiny backed orb weavers are smaller in size compared to the females. They also lack point spines. Normally, the male spiny backed orb weavers are eaten by the female spiny backed orb weaver after the mating process.

- Female Spiny Backed Orb Weaver: The female spiny backed orb weavers are bigger in size than the male. They also tend to be longer. The females can be about 5 or even 9 mm in length and 10 to 13 mm in width. When the female and male spiny backed orb weavers have mated, the female feeds on the male. Then she keeps on living for a couple of weeks and produces eggs. Then the female will hang the egg sac she produces on the web under leave. This is to indicate she is done with her egg laying and that she has completed her breeding process. Then the female will look after her offspring for a couple of days and then she dies.
So, the above shows the typical lifecycle of the spiny backed orb weaver. And generally, their life span is around one year.
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Habitats Or Location Spiny Backed Orb Weavers Can Be Found
You can find spiny backed orb weaver across the world then you can particularly find them in some parts of the United States. The spider can be widely distributed and can range anywhere in the southern state and can range from southern California to Florida. Spiny backed orb weaver is a common inhabitant in the yards of Florida.
They are usually found on the trees or woodland, citrus groves, and shrubs or shrubby gardens. You can also find them around houses or nurseries especially in citrus groves.
Spiny Backed Orb Weaver Bite: Is Their Bite Poisonous?
It is true that the spiny backed orb weaver can bite. But they aren’t aggressive creatures and they won’t just bite you for no reason. Usually, they tend to bite when they are picked up or when they are provoked.
Their bite isn’t even a serious issue as the bite doesn’t really cause a serious symptom. So, spiny backed orb weaver isn’t a dangerous or poisonous creature.
Common Spiders of North America
Matter of fact, they can be beneficial creatures as they are known to feed on flying and even crawling insects. So, they can help you clean up any unwanted flying or crawling insects around your yard. They usually prey on insects such as mosquitoes, beetles, moths, and the likes.
They often create or make their web in their preferred location such as leaves of trees, shrubs, citrus groves, and so on. They make their webs in these locations and wait until any small insects become trapped and they feed on them.
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What’s The Life Span Of The Spiny Backed Orb Weaver?
Spiny’s backed orb weaver life span is approximately one year. The male spiny orb weaver dies just after they’ve mated with the female. However, then the female tends to live longer and this is mainly because they need to lay eggs and feed their offspring.
The female after laying eggs and feeding their offspring for a couple of days dies off and this indicates that her breeding session is over.

There are so many interesting facts about the spiny backed orb weaver and we have listed some things you need to know about them. so, if you’ve ever found yourself wondering about what the spiny baked orb weaver is all about, then you should look through our guide for a quick knowledge about them.
What ecosystem do spiny backed orb weaver live in?
Spiny backed orb weavers are mainly found on trees or in woodland areas. They can also be found in the citrus grove, shrubs or shrubby gardens.
Spiny backed orb weaver what do they eat?
They capture flying and even crawling insects and feed on them.
Is the spiny-backed orb weaver venomous?
No. Spiny backed orb weavers aren’t venomous or dangerous.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.