How much bone meal per tomato plant? This article will help you determine how much bone meal you should give per tomato plant and how to effectively use bone meal …
The oyster mushroom is a popular edible mushroom that is loved by many. Different substrates can be used for growing this oyster mushroom. But do you know which is the …
If you start to notice cal-mag deficiency in flowers, you’ll need to act fast to save your plant’s bloom. During flowering, plants need more magnesium and calcium because of bud …
Using the best fertilizer for green beans when growing the plant will no doubt greatly improve the yield. The importance of fertilizers in the place of plant growth cannot be …
Learn what a simple super soil recipe is and grow your plants like a pro with super soil. A simple super soil recipe is the combination of soil in addition …
What is the difference between kelp vs seaweed? And why are they used as fertilizer? Isn’t kelp seaweed? What form should I pick (seaweed powder or liquid extract)? I ask …
Potash is derived from the word potassium and it is also referred to as fertilizer potassium. Potash is a natural element or a natural nutrient for both plants as well …