What does an artichoke plant look like and what features does it have that will cause you to identify it easily?
Artichokes are a much-loved delicacy that most Americans love to eat. However, what many do not know is that it takes a lot of time and commitment to grow your artichokes. It can take up to 85-100 days for artichokes to be ready to harvest. But once mature, it will produce what looks like a big purple and green center bud with little yellow flowers.
It takes at least one year before what comes out of that bud is edible. However, it takes even longer than that if you want really large artichokes!
What Does An Artichoke Plant Look Like?
How do you identify an artichoke plant? Identifying an artichoke plant is easy because of its very unique look.
An artichoke plant starts as a baby bud and grows into what looks like a large green bush with spiky leaves. When fully grown, the center of the plant will have what looks like a big purple bud with little yellow flowers on it.

When this flower bud blossoms, something might come out of it that looks like an artichoke! If you leave the baby buds on the plant, what you will be left with is what looks like a purple and green center.
It can take up to one year before what comes out of that bud is edible. However, you will need to wait longer than that if you want really large artichokes!
How Long Does It Take To Grow An Artichoke?
If you intend to grow your artichokes, don’t be shocked if they take too long to grow. The total growing time for artichokes can be up to 180 days.
When started from seed, how long does it take for artichokes to germinate? It takes at least 10 to 21 days to germinate.
Once germinated, give them some time to grow some more before transplanting them. It can take up to 60 days until they are ready to be planted outside.
Transplant them at least two weeks after the last frost date has passed and the
Seed Needs, Green Globe Artichoke (Cynaria scolymus) Twin Pack of 30 Seeds Each Non-GMO
How Many Artichokes Do You Get From One Plant?
How many artichokes you get from one plant varies by the time your artichoke plant starts producing buds? There’s a chance that what comes out of the artichoke flower is a tiny thing no bigger than a broccolini. It can take up to three years for this size to grow.
However, if you want something in between, maybe the size of a regular store-bought one. The number also depends on how long it takes the plant to grow what looks like a big purple bud with little yellow flowers.
A full-grown artichoke plant produces at least 10 to 20 mature artichokes for a period of two to three weeks during the artichoke flower’s blooming period.
So bottom line, the number of mature artichokes you can get from one plant varies.
For example, you could get as many as five to ten if the plant takes less than 20 months. However, most artichoke plants provide six to nine buds per plant.
Some artichoke plants will produce smaller buds that are more numerous. This will happen if it takes less than 10 months to grow the big purple bud with little yellow flowers.
Final Thoughts On What Does An Artichoke Plant Look Like
So what does an artichoke plant look like? Once you identify what does an artichoke plant look like, you can also learn how long it takes to grow this plant. These flower-like edible buds are beautiful to look at as you await them to grow to maturity. Though a much-loved delicacy, artichokes take a long time to grow, however, they are worth the wait.
So next time you think of growing your artichokes, be patient enough to allow them to grow to maturity. When you practice patience, you will surely enjoy a good crop from the sumptuous artichokes.
Want to share recipes that you can make from artichokes so we also get to try them? Let us know in the comments below.
Where can you buy an artichoke plant?
You can buy a young artichoke plant from your local nursery. It's also possible to purchase a young artichoke plant that looks like it has a big purple bud with little yellow flowers from online nurseries.
What does an artichoke plant look like?
The best way to tell what an artichoke plant looks like is by its leaves. They look similar to what you'll find on an asparagus plant because they are fern-like and delicate looking. Another way that you can identify what an artichoke plant looks like is the center of the bud - it is purple and green.
What do artichokes look like when they bloom?
One way to tell what looks like what an artichoke flower looks like is by the sounds they make. When you touch them, they sound similar to how silk feels when you rub your hands against them.

Brian is an avid gardener who loves spending time outdoors. He is passionate about using his green thumb to create beautiful, lush gardens for her friends and family. He finds joy in tending to her garden, trimming plants, and cultivating new species. He enjoys to share his knowledge and experience with others with a similar gardening enthusiasm. Brian is a true nature enthusiast and a has true passion for the outdoors.