The Right Hedera Helix Watering Schedule

What is the right hedera helix watering schedule you can adopt when growing this plant?  Let’s learn all about it in this article.

Hedera helix also known as the English Ivy is a much-loved plant by gardeners.  It does well in USDA zones 4 to 11 and is a low-maintenance plant.

English ivy grows effortlessly as long as its provided with adequate light and water.  This plant is a climber and can become unstoppable when given the right growing conditions. It is a good plant for cascading from a hanging basket or trailing across mantel.

Propagating English Ivy

It is easy to propagate English ivy with the simplest method being through cutting.  Simply slice a few cuttings and put them in a few inches of water, removing the bottom leaves so they don’t rot. Within a few weeks, new roots will form. When the roots have grown a few centimeters, it’s time to transplant it into a suitably sized pot.  To get a full bushy look, plant multiple cuttings – at least 3 or 4 in one pot.

Growing ivy indoors is not as easy as most people think.  You will need to provide perfect indoor growing conditions for these plants that will help them thrive.  Once you get it right, it will grow fast and is less susceptible to pests.

You can choose to grow other types of ivy plants.

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The Right Hedera Helix Watering Schedule

One of the best growing conditions is getting a perfect hedera helix watering schedule in place.  English Ivy requires watering as often as possible depending on where you are growing it. The right hedera helix watering schedule is not the same for every gardener, rather it is set personally depending on the USDA zone it is growing in.

To know when to water your plant, check for the following:

  • Check if the soil has moisture before adding more water.  Use your finger to test the top soil – if its dry, it needs to be watered.  Water your plant by pouring water onto the soil until the excess drains from the container. Use room temperature water instead of the normal cold.
  • Mist the plant daily.  This helps discourage spider mites which are commonly attracted to this plant.
  • Keep the temperature at about 50 to 70 degrees F and water frequently to keep the soil moist, however, be careful not to let the soil become soggy.

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Avoid Overwatering The Hedera Helix Plant

When watering this plant, avoid giving it too much until the soil is too wet.  It’s best to keep it a little dry rather than water it too much.  Ensure the pot you are growing your plant in, has enough drainage holes.

An overwatered English Ivy has brown leaves that are dry on the edges.  The brown leaves are a result of the plant’s roots becoming too wet. Overly wet roots are not able to deliver nutrients to the rest of the plant inhibiting the growth process.

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It is best to keep your plant dry than wet.  However, there are problems that come with underwatering.  Let’s look at them below.

Hedera Helix Does Not Like Underwatering

Did you know underwatering a plant attracts pests and diseases? A dry plant is a stressed plant – the same way your body feels when dehydrated. A stressed plant is susceptible to disease, pests and mostly spider mites.  These destructive pests suck the remaining juices out of the plant leaves leaving them dead.

These mites are tiny and hardly noticeable.  However, when you notice a web-like structure on the underside of the leaves, then it’s an indication of spider mites. These mites are dangerous as they reproduce very quickly.  To get rid of these pests, spray them off the leaves using neem oil solution or insecticidal soap.

Other Growing Conditions For Hedera Helix Watering

Besides the hedera helix watering, there are other growing conditions this plant needs to thrive.  They include:

Adequate Light.  Keep this plant in a place where it receives bright but not direct light. It also thrives under fluorescent lighting ensuring it gets adequate light indoors. If you notice your leaves changing color to pale green, it could be a result of poor lighting/.  Be sure to adjust the light and water your plant adequately. The leaves of this plant are attracted to the light and tend to grow toward it.  You will need to rotate the pot occasionally to prevent your plant from getting a lop-sided look.

Fertilize Your plant.  English Ivy requires fertilization at least once per month starting in the spring all the way into the fall. During this time, the plant is in an active growth season and will take the fertilizer in so well. You can use a liquid fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. Do not fertilize the plants when the temperatures are too high or too cold as this will slow down the plant from growing.

Other Growing Conditions For Hedera Helix Watering

Well-drained Soil. Your potting soil should be rich and well-draining to be able to retain the amount of water it needs and drain the rest.  Homemade potting mix can be made using equal parts coarse sand, moist peat, and a small amount of lime. Do not compact the soil before planting your ivy, once you start watering, the soil will compact itself.

Take Home

You will need to establish a consistent helix watering schedule that you can follow to ensure your plant is well-watered not over or under-watered. This plant is prone to drying out so for this reason avoid keeping it dry for long.

It is important to note that the leaves of this plant are toxic and should be handled with care.  They can cause skin irritation and are toxic if swallowed. Wear gardening gloves when handling this plant to protect your skin.


What is the Hedera helix?

This is one of the most common plants grown across America both indoors and outdoors.  It has dark green foliage that is toxic and irritates the skin.

What is it used for?

It is popularly grown as an ornamental plant due to its ability to climb on walls or other plants.

How to care for Hedera helix?

The most important requirement for this plant is adequate light and water.  Ensure that you provide it with enough water by following a consistent watering schedule.

How many times is Hedera helix watered?

This plant can be watered as many as 3 times or as few as twice a week.  The growing zones is what determine how much water you will give your plant.

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