Best Fertilizer for Green Beans: Updated for 2023

Using the best fertilizer for green beans when growing the plant will no doubt greatly improve the yield.

The importance of fertilizers in the place of plant growth cannot be emphasized enough. These supplemental nutrients help plant yield. This is why we would be looking into some fertilizers needed by your green bean to thrive.

Green beans are one loved vegetable amongst other plants. They are very nutritious and easy to grow if you gain the right knowledge about them.

In this post, we will be looking at some of the best fertilizers for green beans. So, continue reading to gain some knowledge about this.

Brief About Green Beans Vegetable

Before we delve into fertilizers for green beans, let’s discuss some things that you should know about green beans and the nutrient requirement of green beans.

Green beans which are also known as string beans or snap beans are green vegetables with huge nutritional benefits. There are over 130 varieties of green beans in the world presently.

Green beans are of two varieties namely bush bean and pole bean. This variety majorly distinguishes them based on their growing styles.

Brief About Green Beans Vegetable

Bush beans are inclined to grow compactly and usually don’t require support. They are therefore perfect to be grown in raised beds as well as in a garden with little space. Their growth height is usually around 12 to 24 inches tall.

Pole beans on the other hand are inclined to grow in a vining manner and will usually require support such as a trellis or cage. The growing height of pole beans can be as tall as 6 feet or more.

Green beans are also loaded with great nutrients. It has a high amount of Chlorophyll, which can greatly help reduce the chances of having cancer. For women of childbearing age, green beans are a great method of improving fertility.

Apart from the above, green beans have some other wonderful health benefits such as reducing the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and mortality generally. Green beans contain calories, fat, carbohydrate, sugar, protein, calcium, iron, etc.

Fertilizer for Beans

Generally, bean plants are not so demanding when it comes to fertilization requirements. This is because they are legumes and they basically fix nutrients such as nitrogen. Therefore, they are capable of supplying some of their nitrogen usually. So, all you need may just be a 3 to 4 inches layer of work in compost.

However, if you have less fertile soil or they lack just one crucial nutrient, your green bean plant may not flourish well.

Do a soil test to determine the status so you can know if there are any deficiencies in essential nutrients.

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Homemade fertilizer for green beans

Homemade fertilization of green beans can be derived using organic materials such as fish emulsion, compost tea, as well as other organic fertilizers.

Bean Fertilizer

Here are some major fertilizers that tend to increase the growth rate of beans:

Phosphorous – Best fertilizer for green beans

Phosphorus is one essential nutrient bean plants need to majorly develop a good root system. But as we have mentioned earlier, beans are not heavily nutrient-requiring. Therefore, you can simply use a 3 inches layer of compost to enhance the growth of your green bean plant.

But in the case where your garden soil test result shows that phosphorous is insufficient or lacking, you can use a 5-10-10 fertilizer. You can optionally make use of 1 pound of bone meal per 100 square feet to achieve moderate nutrient feeding.


Potassium is another nutrient that can help green beans to grow efficiently. It is like a supporting nutrient in the growth of beans.

Although potassium doesn’t really offer a major effect on the stem or growth like nitrogen and phosphorus would, potassium will still help in keeping beans healthy. This will therefore encourage or support the growth of the green beans.

Potassium - Green Beans Vegetable

A moderate supply or feeding of compost is fine to supply the needed potassium for green beans.

However, if the soil tests in your garden show very low or infertile potassium, you should make use of 5-10-10 fertilizers. Alternatively, you can make use of 10 pounds of ground granite or 10 pounds of greensand per square foot.

Is nitrogen needed in beans?

The very first fertilizers any gardener would think of when it comes to the growth of the plant is nitrogen fertilizers. However, when it comes to legumes such as beans, these plants are nitrogen fixers.

Hence, they are capable of fixing nitrogen into the soil and this nitrogen is gotten from the air.

Therefore, avoid supplying your green beans with fertilizer rich in nitrogen because this can hurt your plant. Excess nitrogen can result in excess stem and leaf growth and offer you little or small beans.

Growing Green Beans

Green beans are very easy to grow. They are warm-loving crops that should be planted when the danger of frost has elapsed in your zone.

The ideal growing temperatures for green beans range from 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. For that successful seed germination, the temperature of your soil should be around 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

So, once you’ve planted your green beans, monitor your beans to notice any signs of nutrient deficiencies.

One sign of low nitrogen level is expressed by slow growth and pale green or yellow leaves. You can help the plant by spraying a balanced liquid spray on the green bean plant. This will supply direct nutrients to the plants rather than the soil first.

Best Branded Fertilizers for Green Beans

There are many branded fertilizers you can use for your green beans, but I’ve found that some are far better than others. Let’s take a closer look at some of our personal favorites.

  • Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food. This is usually the most popular fertilizer to use on your green beans. It’s an all-around favorite and Miracle-Gro is one of the most trusted brands when it comes to gardening. You can use this fertilizer every few weeks on your green beans and you’ll quickly see the effect. This fertilizer is 24-8-16.
  • Old Farmer’s Almanac Fertilizer. This fertilizer is completely organic and made just for veggies, such as green beans. It helps both growth and root structure. This fertilizer is 8-4-8.
  • Osmocote Vegetable Plant Food. Easy to use and can be used for both perennials and veggies, such as green beans. It helps both root structure and plant growth. This fertilizer is 15-9-12.
  • Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n’ Feed. As mentioned, you can’t go wrong with Miracle-Gro, as it’s such a well-trusted and loved brand. It contains a range of micronutrients, as well as calcium. This fertilizer is 8-2-12.
  • Jobe’s Organic Vegetable Fertilizer. This product is absolutely ideal for green beans. It has a range of benefits besides producing tasty green beans, such as helping the soil and warding away any unwanted pests and diseases. As well as this, it’s also organic. This fertilizer is 2-7-4.
  • Dr. Earth Organic Fertilizer. Another great choice for any green bean enthusiast. It’s non-GMO, bursting with goodness and microbes, and even pro-biotics. This fertilizer is 4-6-3.

Best Fertilizer Without Nitrogen

Low nitrogen or nitrogen-free options are important when working with green beans. Some of the best options to use are:

  • bone meal
  • wood chips
  • potash
  • wood ash
  • cow manure
  • kelp meal
  • seaweed fertilizer

Best Liquid Fertilizer for Beans

The best liquid fertilizer for green beans is without a doubt Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food. It’s a 24-8-16 fertilizer and is a multi-use fertilizer that can be used for any of your gardening needs. Just simply use your liquid fertilizer every few weeks to start seeing top results.

pH for Green Beans

The soil pH when growing green beans is very important. It should be kept anywhere from 6-6.5. This means that the soil should just be a little acidic. If this need isn’t met, it’s unlikely that your green beans will thrive and will likely have stunted growth.

If you test your soil and notice your soil is too acidic, you’ll need to add something alkaline, such as powdered lime to neutralize the soil. The more acidic your soil is, the more powdered lime you’ll have to add to reach the correct pH of 6-6.5.

If you test your soil and notice your soil is too alkaline, you’ll need to add something acidic, such as sulfur. The more alkaline your soil is, the more sulfur you’ll have to add to reach the correct pH of 6-6.5.

fertilizer without nitrogen

Conclusion on Best Fertilizer for Green Beans

The basis of what you need to know about the best fertilizer for growing green beans has been covered in this guide. To attain the best possible result, ensure you first test your soil to determine any nutrient deficiency. Then supply your green beans plant with the appropriate fertilizer.

So, anytime you need to grow green beans, consider any of the above fertilizers mentioned to help boost your plant yield. Be careful when applying to make sure you are applying the proper way.

Do you have any tips or tricks for choosing the best fertilizer for green beans? If so, please feel free to let us know in the comments below. And remember, sharing is caring! 

Read more about Discover Types Of String Beans You Can Grow


What is a good fertilizer for green beans?

I've grown green beans successfully in the past using the following mix: 20-30% Nitrogen (N) 40-50% Phosphorus (P) 10-15% Potassium (K) The only thing I can think of that would help is to add some sulfur. If you have any, use it, as sulfur is an essential nutrient for plants. The best time to plant green beans is from mid-May to early June. You can start seeds indoors or buy plants ready to be transplanted.

How often do you fertilize green beans?

You should fertilize your green beans when they are 4 to 6 inches tall, because that’s when they start to produce seeds. Use a fertilizer that has a low phosphorus-to-nitrogen ratio. This will allow your plants to focus on making seeds instead of growing roots. You should also try to keep the phosphorus-to-nitrogen ratio around 1:3 or 1:5. If you live in an area where your soil is acidic, then you should fertilize your green beans with a compound called lime. Lime is a form of limestone that has been treated with sulfur.
In general, fertilize our beans once a week.

What nutrients do green beans need to grow?

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the three main nutrients for growth of plants.
Green beans are easy to grow, and they grow well even in average soil. They prefer full sun, but will tolerate partial shade.
They can be grown year-round in most climates, but if you live in a cold climate, it is best to start them indoors in late winter or early spring.

How do I grow green beans?

Seeding green beans is easy. They like to be planted about one inch deep and three inches apart. They also like to be fertilized at planting time with compost, manure or a general purpose fertilizer. As soon as they have sprouted, thin the plants to two inches apart. Water them frequently, especially during the first few weeks. If you are growing green beans in containers, keep them watered until they are tall enough to handle their own weight. In the fall, you can harvest your beans and store them for winter eating.

How can I increase the yield of my green beans?

The yield of your green bean crop is directly related to the amount of sunlight that reaches the plant during its growth period. During the early stages of growth, the plant needs to grow quickly, and therefore must be able to capture as much light as possible. The more light it can capture, the bigger it will get. As a result, your plants will be larger and the yields will be greater.
Also, the quality of your green bean crop is directly related to the soil conditions in which the plants are growing. The more nutrients that are available to the plant, the better the quality will be.

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