If you notice the leaves turning yellow during the flowering of your plant life cycle it could be a warning sign. Your plants’ leaves may begin to turn yellow for a couple of reasons and we will be discussing this in this post.
When the yellowing of leaves occurs, it is usually something mild that can be fixed easily. You must get to the root of the cause and confer solutions to fix the problem.
This guide will assist you on how to fix the cause of leaves turning yellow during flowering and ways of preventing future occurrences. So, let’s begin.
Leaves Turning Yellow During Flowering
Firstly, when you notice your leave turning yellow towards the end or during their late flowering stage, you should know there’s usually no cause for alarm.
It’s a good indicator that your plants have received adequate nutrients for blooming. Thus, your flowers will invest all their energy and resources in flower production during the final or late weeks. This process is called senescence and it means the yellowing and dying of plants leave naturally.
When you’re certain senescence is what you have, you should refrain from doing anything such as washing off your

Reasons for Leaves Turning Yellow During Flowering Stage
Generally, when your leaves start to turn yellow, it’s usually caused by a lack or loss of chlorophyll and this is known as chlorosis. When this occurs during the plants’ early flowering phase or anytime during the vegetative phase, it may signify an underlying issue that needs to be resolved.
Below are some of the reasons why you may have yellowing leaves during the flowering stage of your plants:
1. Nutrient deficiency
When one or more nutrients are deficient (especially macronutrients), there will be yellowing of leaves during the flowering stage. Also, an excess quantity of nutrients may cause leaves to turn yellow but this is in rare cases.
To solve the situation, ensure you provide your plants with the correct nutrient scheme and balance the pH for nutrient uptake.
2. Lack of nitrogen
For instance, when you notice the lower part of leaves turns yellow, it may be due to a lack of nitrogen. However, note that in some cases, nitrogen deficiency may not mean an insufficient supply of nitrogen to your plant.
It may signify your pH values are not correct and incorrect pH values can cause specific nutrients to unabsorbable by plant roots. Thus, this can cause nitrogen deficiency.
To fix the issue, check your nutrient scheme to know if there is the right nitrogen amount. If the nitrogen amount is correct, ensure your pH is balanced for optimal nutrient absorption.
3. Temperature
Fluctuating temperatures can cause leaves to turn yellow during flowering especially when the temperature falls out of desired range. The ideal temperature for the day cycle is 80 degrees Fahrenheit while for the night cycle is 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
These temperature ranges must not drop or exceed these values. If it drops or exceeds for more than a day, yellowing of leaves may occur.
4. Light burn and inadequate light
Another culprit is growing light burns. When the grow light is too strong and emits too much heat it can burn the leaves. This in turn will cause the leaves to turn yellow.
To fix the situation, position your grow light a little further from your plants. Also, if your grow lights are dimmable, dim them.
On the other hand, inadequate light can predispose your leaves to turn yellow. This is because they are not receiving enough light in their growing stage. So, ensure your plants receive good light quality for optimal growth.
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5. Inappropriate pH range
Inappropriate pH values can cause the leaves to turn yellow during the flowering stage. All nutrients need a particular pH range to adequately be absorbed by plant roots. If the range falls out, there will be a nutrient lockout.
This is solved by ensuring the nutrient pH does not fall out of range. Thus, you need to always monitor the pH range with the right pH meters.
6. Over-watering or under watering
Both over-watering and under-watering can cause leaves to turn yellow during flowering. Over-watering will cause root clogging thereby restricting oxygen flow around the plant roots. This can encourage bad microorganisms and pathogens.
When you notice the dropping of leaves and yellowing of leaves, then it’s likely caused by over-watering.
Solve this issue by watering your plant less. Also, if you have any issues with water drainage, you should resolve the problem so your plant root can breathe easily.
Underwatering can as well cause the yellowing of leaves. If you notice wilted leaves and your plant looking stressed, that may be a sign of under-watering. Solve the issue by watering your plants adequately.
7. Pests
A pest infestation can as well cause the yellowing of leaves during the flowering stage. This is why you should ensure your grow tent is sealed appropriately. Also, ensure you scrutinize any clones or new plants you bring into your indoor garden for pests.
Scrutinize your grow area and plants for any crawling or flying insects. If you notice any, implement means of getting rid of them.
Additionally, keep a good and clean growing space. Avoid over-watering or making a mess around your grow space as this can invite pest infestations.
Should I Remove Yellow Leaves During Flowering?
You may be wondering if it’s best to remove the yellowing leaves during flowering. This is not recommended before you identify the cause of the problem; particularly if your plant is young. If you’ve identified the problem, then you can simply remove the yellow flowers. However, if this is happening near the final weeks of flowering, your plant is simply experiencing senescence and the yellow flowers will likely fall off on their own.
Which Leaves to Remove During Flowering?
If you’re unsure which leaves to remove, simply tackle your pruning the same way you would with veggies. If there are any particularly large leaves or leaves that are looking as though they’re dying, simply pinch them to remove them. However, it’s best not to do this too often; every few weeks or so is best.
Tips of Leaves Turning Yellow During Flowering: Why?
If you’ve noticed that just the tips of your leaves are turning yellow during flowering, there may be a few reasons for this. When flowering occurs, the majority of the energy that the plants receive will be directed to the flowers, rather than the leaves. Because of this, you may notice that the first thing to turn yellow is the tips of the leaves.
Another reason could be due to a lack of nutrients. For example, if your plant is deficient in potassium, the tips will turn yellow, while the rest of the leaf remains green. It could also mean that your plant is deficient in iron. When this happens, yellow veins will appear on the tip of your leaves.
Top Leaves Yellowing Flowering: Why?
If your top leaves are yellowing during flowering, this can be for a few reasons. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons.
- Root problems. Your plant roots can be damaged for many reasons, including root rot. When there’s a problem with your roots, this impacts the entire plant. This can then lead to a lack of nutrients and eventually, your leaves turning yellow. To check your roots, simply pull your plant out carefully and take a look. They should look white and yellow. However, if they have an off smell and are dark in color, it’s likely that it’s rotten and should be discarded.
- Deficiency in nutrients. Depending on what your plant is deficient in, will depend on which part of the leaves are yellowing. For example, if your plant is deficient in nitrogen, it will be yellow all over, starting with the oldest leaves. If your plant is deficient in potassium, the edges of the leaves will first turn yellow, but the inside will be green. If your plant is deficient in magnesium, the yellowing will be patchy and veiny. If your plant is deficient in iron, the yellowing will affect the veins and tips of the leaves first. And finally, if your plant is deficient in sulfur, you’ll know for sure because the yellowing will happen to the new leaves first.
- Watering. If you water your plants too much, your roots will drown and will be unable to receive what it needs to thrive, resulting in yellow leaves. If you water your plants too little, your plants can’t absorb the nutrients it needs, and the leaves will turn yellow. This is why it’s important to use well-draining
soil . - Soil pH. Most plants do best with a pH of 6.0-7.0. However, you should always check depending on which plant you’re growing, as this can differ slightly from plant to plant. However, if the pH is off from what it should be, your plants will struggle to thrive and the leaves turning yellow will be the first sign of this.
Conclusion: Leaves Turning Yellow During Flowering
When it comes to leaves turning yellow during flowering, most of the time it won’t be anything too serious. However, in other cases, they may signify a serious situation. Whichever the case may be, ensure you are enlightened on determining the situation and how and when to act.
If the leaves turning yellow during flowering happens at the later stage of flowering, it may not mean any issue at all. However, if it happens during the early flowering stage or even during the vegetative stage, it usually signifies an issue that needs to be fixed.
Do you have any tips or tricks when it comes to leaves turning yellow during flowering? If so, please feel free to let us know in the comments below. And remember, sharing is caring!
Why are the leaves yellowing during flowering?
The first thing that you need to understand is that this can happen for a number of reasons, so you shouldn't automatically suppose that it is because of a single factor.
It is usually being caused by a lack of chlorophyll in the leaves.
I've seen this in a number of perennials (Iris, Vinca, Echinacea) and it's been puzzling me for a while. The plants are usually in full flower, but the leaves are yellowing. Is this a sign of stress? I don't think so because it happens before the plant is stressed by drought or heat or anything else. It's just happening when the flowers are blooming.
This is a very common problem with many plants, especially when flowering. You can try to correct the problem by using fertilizer during the summer months. It is also common for many plants to start blooming too early, or flowering too late. This may also be due to over watering, or under watering. I know that when I have a lot of blooms on my garden, I water more often than I need to. When I have few blooms, I water less often.
You could be seeing a condition called "flower drop." That's what happens when the plant's energy is used up in the production of flowers. The leaves turn yellow because they're getting less light.
What are questions that I can ask to determine if my plants should be happy?
1. Is the plant getting enough light?
2. Does the soil have enough nutrients?
3. Are there any diseases or pests in the garden?
4. Are there any pests or diseases on your houseplants?
5. How often is the plant watered?
6. How much light does the plant get?
7. Do you fertilize? If so, how much?
8. Do you have too much or too little water?
9. What are you feeding your plants?
10. Are you giving your plants enough light?
How do I know if it’s leaf burn?
If the leaves have been yellowing for a week or more, and there are no signs of insects or disease, the cause is probably leaf burn. It is common with many plants and can be caused by any number of things. The most common causes are too much water or fertilizer, or exposure to high temperatures (like direct sunlight). Burned leaves may show up as yellowing, wilting, or even spotting on the surface of the leaves. In some cases, it may be best to remove the plant from the affected area and repot it in fresh soil. If this is the case, you may want to use a pot that drains well. Yellowing of leaves is also sometimes seen in plants that have not received enough light. The leaves may look a little scorched, and the plant may seem to be "dying" right before your eyes. But the yellowing will only last a few days.
What are the most obvious causes?
The problem could be that the plant doesn't have enough fertilizer or nutrients, or that the plant isn't getting enough water. You might want to try fertilizing in the fall. If it doesn't help, you can also try planting a plant that grows better in a warmer climate.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.