Ever wondered where artichokes are grown? Do you know where they originate from? Let’s find out. Artichoke which is a food-giving plant is a variety of thistle.
We have up to 50 recorded varieties of artichokes all over the world. However, what we are familiar with in America is the Italian green globe variety.
Now there have been different debates on the particular origin artichokes came from. But what we would like to know is where are artichokes grown? So let’s dive in and find out more about where artichokes are derived from.
A Little About Artichoke And Their Origin
Artichokes are one of the oldest cultivated vegetables that have been enjoyed for centuries. It’s been agreed generally by historians that artichoke is a native of the Mediterranean perennial plant. However, there have been other speculations that it came from Sicily or the Italian region while others have hinted it came from Northern Africa.
Artichokes are actually the better version of Cardoon which tends to be smaller and prickly.
They first gained their popularity in the 1905’s with an increased interest majorly because of their gourmet flavor and fascinating look.
Where Do Artichokes Grow?
So, where does artichoke grow? As of today, the majority of artichokes have grown all over the world. And cultivated from Southern European countries such as Italy, France, and Spain. Then California produces almost 100 percent of the United States crop.
Also, some countries in South America grow artichoke as well as North Africa. But Italy is one of the biggest producers of artichokes in the world.
Hundred percent of the artichokes grown commercially in the United States are grown from Monterey county California. This plant is a perennial plant. Sustained in the field for about 5 to 10 years.
The journey of artichoke in California started on the East coast where French allied soldiers during the Revolutionary war introduced these plants to America. In the 1720s, the globe artichoke varieties started showing up in Virginia.
Back then, California did not see the artichoke plant as a favorable cash crop until the 1890s. This was when the Italian farmers in Half Moon Bay planted them. Around 1904, boxcars were been filled up with artichokes and they were sent to the East coast. Then around 1922, Italian farmers relocated artichokes to California’s Salinas Valle. Grown here ever since then.
There are, as well baby artichokes which are simply the smaller version of the bigger artichokes.
The California Artichoke Cookbook: From the California Artichoke Advisory Board
Growing Zone For Artichokes
Artichoke will flourish and grow well in mild winter, cool summers, and lots of moisture. Because artichokes are perennial plants, they tend to do well in hardiness zone 7 to 11.
Gardeners that wish to grow artichokes in colder regions can grow artichokes to be an annual vegetable. Or you can simply over-winter the variety of artichokes that is perennial in a sheltered spot.
Artichoke Growing Tips
Grown for their tender edible flower bud is the popular globe artichokes varieties. Here are some useful tips to guide you on how to grow artichokes:
When growing artichokes, you can aim towards the long term if artichokes are perennial to your region. They will grow in that particular spot for about 5 years.
Artichoke plants are sun-loving plants. So, because they tend to grow large, ensure you space them adequately so each plant does not overshadow each other or shade other plants partially. The ideal plant spacing for artichoke is 4 feet apart in a location with full sun.
Provide artichoke plants with
soil that is rich in nutrients and use loamysoil preferably.
Once you’ve planted, make sure to water them. Also, provide constant moisture all through the growing season of the artichoke plant. Aim to water the upper inch of the
soil whenever they turn dry. -
Ensure you eliminate any weed. Then you should further encourage
soil moisture retention by mixing a 4-inch layer of mulch. You can get the mulch from materials like dry grass clippings, straws, or aged manure. This will further prevent weeds. -
When you begin to notice bud formation, take away the mulch and add a 4-inch layer of compost.
Then when it’s time to harvest, you should harvest your artichokes when they have attained a diameter of about 3 inches. Pack the artichokes should also be tightly
Growing Artichoke In Container
You can as well grow artichokes in big containers. Simply select a pot or half whiskey barrel of 24 inches in diameter. Then fill the container with potting
Artichoke Preparations
Artichoke can be prepared in different manners such as boiling, steaming, grilling, as well as frying. Even though globe artichokes are a bit awkward to cut through and prepare, once you’ve been able to master the act of preparations, then you can enjoy this great-tasting vegetable.
Prepare artichokes the following way:
- Trim the stem roughly into 5 cm.
- Detach the outer leaves until you can see the pale center leaves.
- Then take away any leftover hard outer leaves with the help of a peeler.
- Further cut across the top of the artichoke heart unfold or reveal the choke (i.e. the hairy part in the center of the choke).
- With the help of a spoon, scoop out the choke and dispose of it.
- Then you can proceed to cook your artichoke. Make sure you cook it as soon as possible to prevent discoloration and oxidization.
Where Are Artichokes Grown: Conclusion
Artichokes being a food-giving plant is one of the oldest foods eaten by humans. They are one of the oldest vegetable grown and consumed for centuries. Used in culinary applications and it offers great health benefits.
Grown from Southern European countries such as Italy, France, and Spain are the majority of artichokes. In the United States, California is one of the major producers of artichokes. However, Italy is the major producer of artichokes in the world.
So, we do hope you’ve learned some things about where artichokes are grown from.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.