You might be wondering about this; When are tomatillos ripe? Tomatillo is a small round green fruit that has a similar appearance to green tomatoes. But take note that tomatoes and tomatillos are two entirely different fruits.
Their fruits of tomatillos usually have husks around them. From inside the husk, the fruits are usually formed on plants.
You can harvest so much on a tomatillo plant which gives you the advantage of preparing lots of salsa verde. When you know the right time to pick tomatillos, you get to pick the fruits only when it’s in their full flavor.
Physalis philadephica and Physalis ixocarpa are the two types of tomatillos and these two types of tomatillos have many varieties. These several varieties of tomatillos are native to Central America and Mexico.
When tomatillos are ripe is what we would like to know but before we look into this, let’s briefly discuss growing tomatillos.
Growing Tomatillos – When Are Tomatillos Ripe?
Discussing about knowing when tomatillos get becomes ripen may not be complete without going into little details about how they are being grown.
You can either plant tomatillos in warmer climates if you’re planting from seed or plant them indoors first. This should be before the last expected frost, like six weeks before then. It usually takes like 75 to 100 days, from planting to harvesting tomatillos.

Remember a tomatillo plant can yield a lot of fruits. But two or more tomatillo plants, at least, are needed in order for them to yield fruits. This is because tomatillo plants are not self-pollinating.
A lot of yellow flowers are then produced, which later begin to transform into round husks that are empty (from the calyx). It is inside the husks the tomatillos will begin to form gradually and then totally occupy the husks. You need lots of patience when growing tomatillos.
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Step By Step
Choose a spot with full sun and with
Well, you can say tomatillos and tomatoes share some similarities in how they are being cultivated. And as it is also called Mexican husk tomatoes and Mexican ground cherries, tomatillos can take time to set fruit.
At this point, you may need to self-pollinate the plant, so, go ahead and hand pollinate them if you want to. But be very observant once you notice signs of the setting of fruits.
Once the tomatillo fruits begin to develop, you will notice that the plants are becoming heavier. Sometimes these plants will begin to lean for support due to how heavy they’ve become.
To avoid disturbing the roots or breaking the branches when the plants are more matured, cage or stake the plants when they are yet smaller during earlier in the season. The strongest-looking tomatillo plant can cause by a sudden summer storm. This is why caging or staking the plants will be the best thing to do.
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When Are Tomatillos Ripe?
When are tomatillos ripe and ready to be picked? Well, the fruit of tomatillos should be ripe and ready for picking once you notice that the papery husk that surrounds the fruit turns green to tan. Then they will begin to split.
The fruit of tomatillos is usually bright green, purple, or yellow and this often depends on the variety.
Once the fruit of tomatillos is ripened or matured, the size will be like that of cherry tomatoes or a bit bigger. Note that the smaller fruit of tomatillos is usually tastier than the larger ones.
Also, tomatillos are usually ready to be harvested from 65 to 100 days after sowing and about 65 to 85 days after transplanting. However, this can vary depending on the weather conditions, growing conditions, and variety.
You can however allow your plant a good 2 to 3 months of growing before you begin to check the fruit for ripeness. Then when the fruits have begun to ripen, you will be picking them for 1 to 2 months.
The plant of tomatillos yields abundantly and a single plant can give rise to 60 to 200 individual tomatillos. This is about 2 and a half pounds for each plant.
However, once tomatillo’s mature stage has passed, you will notice the gloss of the fruit becoming dull.
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Harvesting Tomatillos – When Are Tomatillos Ripe?
It is best to harvest tomatillos when they are still green. This is because it is the stage when they still have the most flavors. To foster the yielding of fruits continuously, knowing how to harvest tomatillos is important.
- You should harvest tomatillos by gently twisting or slightly turning the plant with the help of a garden pruner or scissors.
- Then go ahead and peel the back a little part of the husk and ensure the fruit is blemish-free.
- If you notice the fruit is sticky when you remove the husk, simply wash it off with mild soapy water.
- Also, you should pick the fruits whose husks have been burst open and have not been infected with diseases or mold. Not with insect damage also. When there are any damaged fruits, separate them from the plant and compost them. To prevent these affected fruits from harming other healthy fruits and stems, cut them off the plants.
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Storage Of Tomatillos – When Are Tomatillos Ripe?
Once you’ve harvested the fruit of tomatillos, it is best you use them while they are fresh and green.
However, if you wish to store them, you can store them in their husk for around two weeks in a paper bag in the section for crisper vegetables in the refrigerator. Note that tomatillos can suffer injury if stored below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

Final Say On When Are Tomatillos Ripe?
Tomatillo is a cool crop you can add to your vegetable garden and always enjoy the tasty result anytime. We have given some great hints to help you know when this tasty fruit is ready to be picked so you can comfortably enjoy your harvest.
Can you eat unripe tomatillos?
It may not be necessary for tomatillos to become ripe for you to eat them. The small unripe tomatillos may be fine to be eaten but they often taste sour and you won’t get that sweet and flavorful feel when you eat the ripe ones.
Will tomatillos ripen after being picked?
Yes, tomatillos can continue to ripe and mature after they have been picked. But ideally, tomatillos usually fall off the vine before fully ripe so they can continue their maturity once picked.
What part of tomatillos are poisonous?
The parts of tomatillos plants that are poisonous include the leaves, husk, and the stem. Once the fruit ripens, their papery husk will let out the fruit inside them.
What is the sticky stuff on tomatillos?
The sticky stuff on tomatillos are chemicals called withanolides and along with their husk, they help deter insects away from them.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.