If you’re into raising tilapia and you’re wondering what to feed your tilapia in aquaponics, we’ve got the right answer for you. One added reason, why most farmers love raising tilapia for their aquaponics, is that they feed on broad varieties of food.
Tilapia feeds on food sources that are at the bottom of the food chain. However, the best type of food to feed your tilapia for your aquaponics system is to feed them with organic tilapia food. This organic fish food contains the right nutrient requirements for your tilapia and plants.
Types Of Tilapia & Their Feeding
First, let’s understand the different stages of tilapia feeding.
- Newly hatched tilapia known as fry feed on organisms that float on water such as detritus and neuston. Their foods should be in smaller pieces.
- The juvenile tilapias (fingerlings) are omnivores that is; they can feed on both plants and animals such as worms, insects, duckweed, etc.
- The adult tilapias are herbivores, so they feed on plants such as algae, duckweed, bacteria, detritus, and other plants.

What Should You Feed Your Aquaponics Tilapia?
We mentioned earlier that tilapia can feed on a wide variety of food. In their wild habitat such as streams, lakes, etc, they usually feed on diatoms and a lot of blue-green algae.
However, you should know to keep them far away from feeding on your algae. This is because algae are needed by your plants in the aquaponics system for nutrient recycling.
Feeding With Pellets
Adult tilapia can also be feed with pelleted food which comprises all important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins. You can as well feed the newly hatched fry with pellets, but they should be in smaller pieces.
Organic Tilapia Feeding
If you’re a fan of all organic, then everything that goes into your aquaponics should be organic. Examples of organic food to feed your tilapia fish includes cassava plants, lengko plants, duckweed, sweet potato plants, lettuces, cocoyam leaves, etc. Among all these plants, duckweed has the smallest food sizes and it will fit all stages or sizes of tilapia.
You can combine these organic foods with commercial fish food to increase their proteins and for a more balanced filled nutrient.
Other Types Of Tilapia Feed
- Bran chaff feed such as white bran or wheat bran.
- Pomace feed and cereal feed such as rice sprouts, malt, etc.
- Oil cake feed such as rapeseed meal, cottonseed meal, or soybean meal.
- Animal feed such as blood meal, meat and bone meal, fish meal, etc.
- Compound feeds are the pelleted feed and extruded feed.
Common Varieties Of Tilapia: What They Feed On
The common varieties of tilapia are the Nile tilapia, the Mozambique tilapia, and the Blue tilapia. Here is what they feed on:
- Nile tilapia feeds on detritus and phytoplankton.
- Mozambique tilapia feeds on vegetation and bottom algae.
- Blue tilapia feeds on detritus and zooplankton.
Lakeway Tilapia Pro Pack 4000 Tilapia Food – 4 Pounds
Tilapia Nutrient Requirements
Nutrient requirements in your aquaponics tilapia are crucial so your plants can have access to adequate nutrients. Although various species of tilapia require various growth periods, thus, their nutrient demand will be a little different.
Nile tilapia fingerlings for example require about 35% to 40% protein contents. While adult tilapia of about 45 to 50 grams requires 20% to 25% protein content.
The blue tilapia fingerlings will require a protein content of about 36%. While for the adult blue tilapia, they will require about 26% to 36% protein content.
Avoid Overfeeding
You should avoid overfeeding your fish. If you supply your fish with an excess amount of food, these foods will end up in your floating system causing hindrance and water clog. You can scoop out uneaten food. Also, pay attention to how much they eat and readjust when next you feed them.
You should always feed them twice a day and the food should be eaten within 30 minutes of feeding. However, if you feed them and you notice they aren’t hungry, scoop out the food and don’t feed them for a while.

What is the best food to feed tilapia?
When choosing a tilapia food, you want one that is a good source of calcium and phosphorous, and contains other minerals and vitamins.You can feed them live or frozen. A combination of live and frozen is best, as they both have a more natural flavor. Fish Food – This is another good source of protein. You can purchase dry, freeze-dried, and canned fish food. Tilapia food is typically made from a mix of various ingredients.
You can also buy foods that are specifically designed for tilapia. Some of these include: Aquarium Fish Food Tilapia – This is a specially formulated tilapia food. It has a high level of calcium, and other nutrients. Tilapia are omnivores, so they need a variety of foods, and this is a good way to ensure that they get all of the nutrients they need. The food will provide them with a more natural flavor, as well as more nutrients.
Shrimp Food Tilapia – This is another great food for tilapia. It has a natural shrimp flavor, which is beneficial for the health of your fish. Feeding Tilapia Tilapia should be fed on a regular basis. Depending on the size of your tank, you should feed your fish once or twice a day.
How can I make tilapia grow faster?
The only thing I can think of is to reduce the size of his ration. If you are feeding him twice a day, he should eat roughly 1/2 of the amount you are feeding the rest of the fish. So if you are feeding 1/4oz. twice a day, then he should eat 1/8oz. of food twice a day. You can also try adding some live plants to the tank. This will increase his appetite.
What do tilapia eat naturally?
Tilapia are omnivorous fish that eat both plants and animals. They can be a vegetarian when fed a diet of algae.
But like most fish, they need meat to survive. So, what’s the best way to feed them? Well, there are two ways to feed them: live food and dry food. Live food is a great option because it keeps your fish in good shape and allows them to grow quickly.
Tilapia is a freshwater fish that is native to South America and Africa. It is one of the most common fish species in the world, with an estimated total production of about 25 million tons per year. Tilapia are generally kept as aquarium pets, and there are many varieties of them. There are two types of tilapia: the goldfish-like tilapia and the black carp-like tilapia. The goldfish-like tilapia is much smaller than the black carp-like tilapia. Both types of tilapia are commonly found in ponds and tanks in home aquariums. The fish is also known as cichlid or lake tilapia.
Final Say
Tilapia feeds on just a bit of everything. It’s why they are the most commonly reared fish in aquaponics. Feeding your tilapia fish the appropriate food will increase their growth in just about 240 days. So, get them eating well so you can have a heavy pound of fish at the same time healthy plants by the end of harvest time.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.