Cucumber grows in two forms and they are vining and bushy manner. For the purpose of this article, we will be focusing more on vining cucumber. Vining cucumber varieties can grow up to 6 to 8 feet long or even more. Hence, they usually require support such as a trellis.
Growing vining cucumbers will require more space because they tend to grow larger. The good thing is that they will produce more fruits compared to bush varieties.
In this post, we will be discussing what you need to know about vining cucumber varieties. We will also be looking at some additional information on this. So, let’s begin.
Types Of Cucumbers
As we mentioned earlier, there are two types or two ways cucumber grows. They include bush and vining cucumber.
- Bush Cucumber: Bushy cucumber variety grows in a bushy or compact manner. They normally grow about 2 to 3 feet long and don’t need a trellis. They also don’t require too much space and you get abundant yield all the same.
- Vining Cucumber: Vining cucumber grows in a climbing manner. They can grow as tall as 4 to 6 feet in length or even taller. Their produce is always in abundance and their structure usually requires trellis for support.

Cucumbers can as well be grown for 3 different reasons and they are for slicing, pickling, or seedless cucumber.
Slicing cucumbers are grown for their juicy taste. They are grown for immediate consumption. They are thick in shape and dark green and they are longer than pickling cucumbers.
Pickling cucumbers are shorter and stouter in shape. They have more spines and their flesh is dry. They are meat for pickles.
Then we have the seedless cucumber also known as burpless cucumbers.
Climbing Cucumbers
Vining cucumber plants do climb as they grow. Climbing cucumbers or vining cucumbers usually spread and climb up in a vertical manner. Therefore, support such as stake or trellis is always required.
Vining Cucumber Varieties
These vining cucumber varieties tend to grow on strong and vigorous vines and these vines are shaded by large leaves. Vining cucumber growth is very rapid and they will produce plentiful harvest so far you care for them properly. The best way to grow vining cucumber varieties is to train them up with trellis.

Growing Cucumbers On A Fence
To get a more successful result and less stressful work, we recommend you grow vining cucumbers on a fence. You grow them on a fence by training them using a trellis. Naturally, cucumbers tend to climb, but if we don’t provide them with any support to climb, they end up spreading on the ground.
Growing cucumbers in a climbing way will give a cleaner growth and result in more prolific yield and it saves more space. Also, it will be easier to pick them when you grow them this way.
Growing Fenced Cucumber
Here is how you can grow cucumbers on a fence using trellis:
To begin your climbing cucumber, you can make use of an existing fence in your garden. This fence should be a wire type of fence. For example, use a chain link or chicken wire. This way, the tendrils on the cucumber vines can have a support to hold on to.
However, if there is no existing fence in your garden, then you should make one. Do this by driving two stakes into the ground at each end of the row where you will be growing your cucumber. Then stretch a part or section of chicken wire between these two posts. Then staple the chicken wire to the posts.
Once you are done building the fence, you can begin planting your vining cucumber. Plant the cucumber at bottom of the fence 12 inches or 31 cm apart.
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When the cucumbers begin to grow, train them to grow up the fence you’ve built. Do this by gently positioning the growing vines on the fence. When you notice the cucumber vines have begun to wrap their tendrils around the wire, you can stop assisting them. They will keep on growing and climbing on the fence on their own.
As the fruit begins to appear and develop, the vines o the fence are more than capable of supporting the weight of the fruits. So, you don’t need to do anything else. However, when you begin to pick your cucumbers, ensure you cut the fruit off with a sharp garden tool. Avoid pulling or twisting the fruits off the vine to prevent hurting or damaging the vine.
Benefits Of Growing Cucumbers In A Fenced & climbing Manner
Growing vining cucumber varieties with the help of trellis on a fence offers great benefits. Here are some of these benefits:
Growing cucumber in a fenced and climbing manner saves more space.
It’s much easier to harvest your cucumber fruits once they are ready on the vine.
You also enjoy abundant harvest while utilizing lesser space.
Cucumbers are heat-loving plants and they require at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. So, growing them on a fence with trellis will provide your cucumbers adequate access to sunlight which can enhance fruit production.
Pest and diseases can be easily monitored or controlled when your cucumber plant is fenced or trellis.
Foliage wetting is drastically reduced on the trellis. Too much water splashing can spread disease. Even if the leaves do get wet when it rains, they tend to dry faster compared to when they are overcrowded and grown on the ground.
What are the uses of climbing cucumbers?
Climbing cucumbers have a very wide variety of uses. Some are grown simply for their leaves and flowers, but many have edible fruit. The leaves can be used to make tea, and the flowers can be used to make jam. The fruit can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced. In addition, climbing cucumbers can be used as support for climbing plants, as they help them to grow into trees. There are three main types of climbing cucumbers: those that climb by means of tendrils, those that climb by means of suckers, and those that climb by means of roots. Each of these climbing mechanisms has different advantages and disadvantages. A tendril is a flexible stem that grows out from the base of a plant.
When it reaches the ground, the stem will bend back towards the plant, thereby lifting the plant up. Tendrils are usually found on vines that are trying to get as close as possible to a source of water. A sucker is a piece of root that can grow out from the base of a plant. Suckers are usually used to support climbing plants. Root climbers are plants that have a main stem that grows up to a height of several feet, but whose roots grow down into the soil.
Do all cucumber plants climb?
No, but There are many varieties of climbing cucumbers. Some, such as the common climbing cucumber (Cucumis melo var. agrestis), grow on vines and climb up trellises and walls; others, like the Japanese climbing cucumber (Lagenaria siceraria) or the Chinese longan (Euphorbia lathyris), grow in a bushy clump, with the stems growing along the ground.
Why do many people like to grow cucumbers?
Cucumbers are one of the most versatile vegetables, capable of being grown for their edible fruit, as well as to provide a climbing plant that produces long vines. They grow easily from seed and can be raised from seed in pots or started from transplants. There are many varieties available, from standard pickling types to ornamental climbers.
How tall should cucumber trellis be?
It should be somewhere between 5 and 5 feet tall. Remember that they do grow rapidly, so although you may feel that this is too tall, just give ti time and let them grow around your tall trellis.
How far apart do you plant cucumbers on a trellis?
It's best to keep them somewhere around 7 inches apart so that they have enough room to grow properly.
Vining Cucumber Varieties: Conclusion
There are two main types of cucumber and they are bush and vine cucumber. Bush cucumber spreads and grows in a bushy manner. Vine cucumbers on the other hand grow in a vertical manner especially when they are supported with trellis.
The vining cucumber varieties are a great type of cucumber to grow in your vegetable garden. They will produce abundant yield and you will always enjoy fresh cucumbers in the comfort of your home.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.