If you’ve come across the names string beans and
Green beans are one of the most popularly known around the world. They are so easy to grow and are very delicious. They also have great nutritional benefits.
But what is the difference between string beans versus
Types Of Common Beans
Generally, we have 3 types of common beans and they are snap beans, dry beans, and shell beans.
The young pods that are harvested before the seeds develop are known as snap beans. Now, these snap beans are also known as
Usually, the majority of beans are grown especially for seed harvesting. These beans are often known as dried beans in their many different varieties.

String Beans vs Green Beans
Both sting beans and green beans are scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris. When we talk about string beans,
First, why are they called string beans? These beans are also known as string beans because a time came when these
So why are they also called snap beans? They are also known as snap beans because they can break or snap easily. So when you bend and break these beans, they will make a snapping sound.
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Differences Between Green Beans and String Beans
As we said, both string beans and
Bush beans are beans that will grow in a bushy and short direction and they don’t require support. Also, all
David’s Garden Seeds Bean Bush Contender SAL1988 (Green) 100 Non-GMO
Pole beans are climbing beans that usually require support from trellis or stake. All bush beans are
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Green Beans & Their Appearance
Green beans including their outer pods are considered unripe. However, they are eaten this way.
We have about 130 varieties of
Appearance: Not all
Green Beans, Are They All Green?
The majority of beans are usually green. However, not all beans are green. Some beans variety comes in various colors.

- Purple Beans for instance are purple in color and they have the pigment anthocyanins that are responsible for the purple color. However, when you cook these purple beans, their pigments eventually shed and turn green. These types of beans are a little sweeter than the regular
green beans . - Haricots Verts is another type of
green beans and the name meansgreen beans in French. These beans are more tasteful than the regulargreen beans . Also, you can stumble on them in the store to be labeled as Frenchgreen beans . - Wax Green is also under
green beans but they lack the pigment chlorophyll. For this reason, they always remain yellow even after cooking. They have seeds that are pale blue and their pod or flesh remains yellow. Their taste is just likegreen beans but in a nutty and grassy way. - Rattlesnake Pole Bean is another variety of
green beans . This bean comes in green and has purple stripes.
Nutritional Benefits Of Green or String Beans
There are lots of nutritional benefits to
- Green beans are high in fiber and protein thus it helps promote the body’s general health.
- It encourages healthy weight loss.
- Enhance healthy bone development.
- Promote healthy blood pressure.
- Beans reduce free radicals in the body. Thus, it decreases the risk of the overall disease. It can as well promote a slow aging process.
- Beans assist in cell division and normal DNA production.
- Beans can help protect your body from unwanted infectious diseases.
- Promotes the reduction of blood cholesterol levels.
These beans have great nutritional value and here is some nutrition they contain:
- Vitamins (Vitamin A, B, C, and K)
- Calcium
- Manganese
- Folate
- Iron
- Potassium
- Beta-carotene
- Magnesium
They are also very low in saturated fats, sodium, and cholesterol, making them healthy food to consume.
Is green beans the same as string beans?
Is green beans the same as string beans?
The short answer: yes, they’re both green beans. But there are several differences that make them unique. Green beans are one of the most common types of beans.
They have a bright green color and are available in many different varieties. They are considered to be one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Most green beans are grown indoors in controlled conditions, but some farmers grow them outdoors in warmer climates. Regardless of where they’re grown, green beans can be used in many different ways. You can boil them, roast them, steam them, sauté them or even use them as a side dish.
Why are green beans called string beans?
String beans were probably named this way because the seeds look like strings.
The common green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is a plant in the family Fabaceae and is also known as green bean, garden bean, pole bean, cowpea, or black-eyed pea. It is cultivated for its edible seeds, which are also called beans. Green beans are a popular vegetable in many countries, especially in Europe, Asia, North America, and Latin America.
The edible pods of the green bean contain an edible seed. The beans are eaten cooked or raw. They are also used in soups, salads, and stir-fries. Green beans have a long history of use as food. They have been cultivated for more than 10,000 years. Today, they are grown all over the world.
Green beans are considered to be a healthy food, and they are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The name "string bean" is usually applied to a variety of green bean that is grown for its edible pods, not its seeds. The name was originally applied to the green bean because it had a stringy texture when cooked.
Are string beans pole beans?
String Beans are definitely not pole beans. They are related to bush beans, which are edible. Bush beans are also known as runner beans, as they grow fast and look like runners.
The main difference between string beans and pole beans is the shape. Pole beans have a straight, vertical stem and string beans have a curved one. This makes them more difficult to harvest as they grow from the ground, but they also grow faster and produce more beans. String beans are best for long-term storage.
What is the benefits of string beans?
The benefits of string beans are many. First, they are a very healthy vegetable that can be consumed in a variety of ways. They contain plenty of fiber and other nutrients. Some of the common nutrients that can be found in string beans include vitamin K, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and folate. Nutrients that help to maintain a healthy immune system Vitamin K: Vitamin K helps to prevent the breakdown of bone and teeth. It is also important for healthy blood clotting.
Potassium is important for heart function and muscle contraction. Potassium is also needed for the body’s electrolyte balance. Iron is necessary for the proper functioning of the body’s red blood cells. Iron is also needed to make new blood cells. Magnesium is required for strong bones and teeth. Magnesium is also needed for energy metabolism. Phosphorus is needed for healthy bones and teeth. It is also important for normal growth. Folate is essential for the development of the brain, especially in women. Folate is also important for the prevention of anemia and birth defects.
Final Say
String beans and
Green beans are only categorized as pole beans or bush beans variety. The pole beans are climbing beans, thus, they require support such as trellis or stakes. On the other hand, bush beans do not usually require support. However, know that not all
These beans will make a delicious meal and they are rich in nutritional values. Therefore, beans will be a great addition to your garden.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.