Why does it seem like one of the toughest and durable plants to nurture also comes with a whole lot of issues? What are the most common snake plant problems and how can we deal with them? Snake plant brown tips problem and many more are what we shall be diving into in this article.
You might wake up one day and discover the tip of your plant has turned brown and the question in your mind will be why is the tip of my snake plant turning brown? The tip of the snake plant doesn’t just turn brown without reason. So, let’s find out the causes of this issue.
About Snake Plant
Snake plant (sansevieria trifasciata) is well known for its toughness and durability. It is popularly referred to as the mother-in-law’s tongue obviously because of its strong upright shape and it is a plant-filled with so many health benefits.
It serves as an oxygen purifier because of its ability to remove toxins from the air which makes your home free from airborne pollutants and toxic elements. It can tolerate quite a neglect, wide range of lighting conditions.

This is a well sought-after plant because of its easy growth and grooming pattern. It is a fantastic low-pressure nature characteristic is great as well as its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. However, the toughest humans or creature have their breaking point. The same goes for the snake plant and one of its problems is the brown tips.
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Why Does My Snake Plant Have Brown Tips?
These indestructible plants are expected to be easy to care for but they won’t flourish unless they are being accorded suitable conditions.
When those needed conditions are lacking, the leaves of the snake plant will take a different color and it will become an issue of serious concern because if proper care and attention aren’t given, it may lead to the end of the plant.
Factors causing the tips of your snake plant to turn brown include the following:
1. Unstable Or Improper Watering Pattern – Snake Plant Brown Tips
The snake plants’ leaves are thick and succulent so they can store a lot of water. This is why the plant can withstand a little bit of nonchalance and spend some time without a drink. However, the health condition of the plant will suffer a serious blow if not correctly watered.
Waterlogged conditions affect and reduce the chances of the snake plant’s root absorbing the needed nutrients for proper growth and development. This can cause snake plants to begin to show brown tips.
This can also lead to root rot and fungal infection and to avoid this, don’t allow the plant sit in water especially during winter because, during this season, the plant enters its dormant state where it needs little water.
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2. Cold Sensitivity
The snake plant’s most preferred temperature shouldn’t be colder than 550F. Although they can withstand harsh weather conditions, they are liable to sudden climatic and lighting changes so any weather below this temperature can lead to stress in the plant and cause your resilient snake plant to develop brown tips.
3. Potting System – Snake Plant Brown Tips
It is crucial for the pot size to be just the right size because a huge pot gives room for fungi and bacteria breeding while a small-sized pot causes root-bound (a situation where the plant roots are bounded together thereby affecting the nutrient and water intake).
4. Slow Growth
A major problem with snake plants is that they have a minimal growth level when grown indoors and also at a certain time of the year. Also, the size of the pot used in growing the plant plays a major role in how fast and big it’s going to grow and how far its root will spread.
Slow growing pace in the snake plant can also be caused by incessant breaking, trimming, and cutting off the tip of the plant. This affects how high the plant can grow. It has been discovered that growing the plant outside (in front of a window that has 2-3 hours of direct sunlight) can help it grow taller and of course, make use of a larger variety of the plant.
5. Pest Invasion – Snake Plant Brown Tips
The presence of bugs such as mealybugs, spider mites, and fungus gnats can cause brown tips on the leaves of your snake plant. These bugs suck out the sap in your plant and leave them dehydrated which leads to stress on the part of the plant, resulting in snake plant brown tips.
Once you discover there’s a pest invasion on your plant, try to eradicate it as fast as you can using either a natural pest control method and when that doesn’t work out, you can resort to the chemical pest control method.
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6. Poor Drainage System
Since it’s been known that the snake plant gets waterlogged quickly, an improper drainage system for the plant pot can cause it to be overwater thereby denying it of the nutrients needed for proper growth. Also, using the common garden
7. Excess Fertilization – Snake Plant Brown Tips
Snake plants are naturally known for their tough and succulent nature so their nutrient requirement is not so much. When you feed it with excess fertilizer or you fertilize it too often, it can cause serious damage to the roots which is another main cause of brown tips in them.

Conclusion On Snake Plant Brown Tips
Snake plant brown tips can happen to any gardener and to fix this problem, the cause must be identified. Once the problems of your snake plants have been identified, sorting out the problems will be easy.
Note that even after all the plant issues have been sorted, the brown tips won’t go away but not to worry. As long as the plants get the care they need, they will grow more healthy leaves and with time, the impact of the brown tip will be less apparent. You also can choose to trim off the affected leaves.
Will snake plant tips grow back?
It is usually rare for the plant tips of snake plants that have turned brown to grow back. But you can trim of that part just to encourage new growth.
Should I remove dead leaves from snake plant?
Yes, you should remove dead leaves from the snake plant. The right thing to do is to take out damaged and dead leaves so that the appearance of your snake plant can be palatable.
How often should I water my snake plant?
Ideally, you should water your snake plant every 2 or 3 days. Also, you can do a simple test by touching the soil it is dry or moist to determine if you should water it.
How do I make my snake plant grow straight?
Make sure your snake plant gets light in all directions of the plant otherwise the part that isn’t receiving light can start to bend over in search of light.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.