Repotting a snake plant may be necessary especially if they’ve outgrown their present container. You can even help boost the snake plant’s growth and help it flourish when you repot in the appropriate container size.
Even though snake plant is one easy type of houseplant to have, you should still take care of your snake plant. So, repotting is also part of caring for the plant. A snake plant that is overgrown in pot can cause rootbound. So, once your snake plant has grown heavy and is starting to explode out of its pot, then it’s time to repot.
Repotting a snake plant is easy to go by and we are all about this in this pot. So, let’s delve into everything you need to know about repotting snake plants.
Signs That Shows Your Snake Pot Needs Repotting
Repotting a snake plant should be done when it’s only necessary. Don’t repot when it’s not needed so you don’t stress the plant for anything.
So, let’s look at some signs to tell if your snake plant requires repotting:
· Water Drains Too Fast Out Of Drainage Holes When You Water
These signs show that whenever you water, the water drains fast without holding adequate water. Although snake plants can thrive with some neglect from water for some period, if the neglect is however extended, the plant will suffer.
These issues whereby water drains very fast can be a sign of
Another reason for rapid water draining from the pot can be because the root has overgrown the pot. So, the root takes most space and leaves little space for the
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· Root Growing Out From The Pot’s Bottom
When the root of snake plant begins to emerge from its container, it means repotting is necessary. This also applies to all houseplants. When this happens, it implies there is a root bound meaning the root has limited space to grow. Hence, this causes the root to come out of the base of the container.
Your snake plant shouldn’t be left in this condition because it can cause the plant to struggle to assimilate nutrients and water. This in turn causes stunted growth that can even put an end to the plant.
· Snake Plant With Several Pups – Repotting A Snake Plant
One interesting feature of snake plant is its ability to produce pups from its plant base. Pups are little snake plants that sprout from the
It’s fine to leave snake plant when it has just one or two pups. However, once the pups become many, it’s necessary to repot. The pups that have adequate roots can be cut off from the parent plant and repotted into a separate individual pot.
· Snake Plant Falling Off
Snake plant tends to grow in a tall manner with thick leaves and strong rhizomes. So, this makes the plant-heavy most time and causes the plant to fall over.
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Repotting a snake plant will then be required in this situation especially if the plant has grown twice the size of the container.
When Is The Best Period To Repot Snake Plant?
Early spring or late winter is the best time to repot your snake plant. This is mainly because snake plant is in its dormancy period during winter. So, this is right before the plant’s active growing season which is spring.
Repotting A Snake Plant: Steps To Follow
Below are the steps to follow when repotting a snake plant:
Step 1: Obtain A New Bigger Or Spacious Pot
Repotting a snake plant when necessary will require a bigger pot. The new pot needs to be at least 2 to 4 inches bigger than the previous container. This can ensure there is adequate space for the snake plant you’re repotting.
Step 2: Plant Removal
Take the snake plant out of its container. Then loosen the potting mix that is found around the root balls.
Also, if there are many pups, you should cut the pups that have roots where the rhizomes are clearly visible. Then you can plant them in individual pots. But if the pups aren’t too many, you may leave them.
Step 3: Obtain A New Soil And Replant
Obtain some new

Step 4: Water And Provide Indirect Sun
After planting, water to encourage the roots to grow. Then position the newly potted plant in its spot where it can get bright indirect sunshine.
Step 5: Fertilization – Repotting A Snake Plant
If you plan to repot your snake plant in early spring or summer, adding fertilizer to boost its growth during its active season can go a long way.
Conclusion On Repotting A Snake Plant
Repotting a snake plant can be quite beneficial to the plant especially when the plant is due for repotting. It’s easy to go about repotting your snake plant and we have discussed this in this post.
What soil should I use for a snake plant?
A well draining and aerated soil is what snake plants like and a light loamy soil is one good example. Snake plant tends to store water in their thick leaves so using soil that retains moisture isn’t advisable.
When should you repot a snake plant?
Once snake plant shows some signs it needs repotting, you should repot. Signs that your snake plant needs repotting include, roots growing out from the drainage holes, soil draining too fast, the plant becomes heavy and bends over, and too many pups.
What kind of pots do snake plants like?
Pots like terra cotta pots are great for snake plants because they allow soil dry out easily compared to plastic pots.
How do you repot an indoor snake plant?
Get a spacious container and get extra soil to add to the extra space. Then take out your snake plant and repot in the new container.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.