Prayer plant problems can arise in different ways and we will look into that here. The prayer plant is prominent for its leaves that fold and close, in the form of praying hands, at night. This is why it is called the “prayer plant” otherwise known as the Maranta leuconeura.
It is commonly raised as a house plant by gardeners and in fact, the Texas A&M University confirms it to be one of the best house plants for indoor gardening. Prayer plant problems however are something that can’t be totally avoided.
Prayer plant can grow up to 2 feet, depending on the cultivar you’ve planted. Also, it sets white flowers. These flowers are set against the foliage.
In order to enjoy this plant for years, you should try to keep it healthy and safe from issues. Hence, let’s take a look at some prayer plant problems as well as possible solutions.
Prayer Plant Problems
Leaves curling up or turning brown due to overwatering, yellowing leaves, change in climate, stress due to repotting or bad
With proper care, yellow leaf problem, which is well known to happen to prayer plants, can be resolved. Too much light, under-watering, or an environment with low humidity can cause the problem of brown tips on prayer plants.
Let’s take a look at these problems one after the other in the remaining part of this article. Possible solutions to these issues pertaining to the roots and foliage section of the prayer plant will be proffered also.

Problems Pertaining To Prayer Plant And Possible Remedies
Below is the list of possible issues that can occur in the prayer plant and possible solutions as well;
1. Low Moisture Pn Prayer Plant
Low humidity in the house leads to low moistness in prayer plants which creates issues for prayer plants. This is because a high to medium damp habitat is the type of environment this plant can thrive in and not that with low humidity.
The solution is to change the spot or get a small-sized container, water it and then put it close to the prayer plant. Doing this will help increase the presence of humidity and moistness all around your prayer plant making indoors conducive for it to survive.
2. Fungal Infections In Prayer Plant – Prayer Plant Problems
Leaf spot diseases are the result of fungi infection, especially Dreschslera and other types of fungi like exserohilum spp. Water sports like the size of a pinhead that are either yellow, brown, or purple dapple patches, may be seen on the leaves.
Such happens due to over irrigated water and the entire droplets of water remaining on the leaves longer than usual. This over wet foliage poses a lot of threats to leaves thereby, resulting in leaf reduction.
The solution is for you to not water the leaves too much but rather the root section. You can use fungicide chlorothalonil which is commonly used, for conventional methods, in tackling the fungal problem. However, you have to be cautious when watering the plant at the end in order not to water it too much.
3. Chlorosis – Prayer Plant Problems
This is a type of prayer plant problem that causes the plant leaves to wilt due to the low amount of iron in the potting
It also causes new leaves to become yellow. Experiencing this can only mean your plant
Contacting your nearest plant care expert for help will go a long way. However, if you’ve bought a good potting mix, you won’t be having many problems with this.
4. Unbearable Light Conditions
Prayer plants only need indirect sunlight as a source of light. But anything other than this, like keeping them in a spot where there’s excess heat or sun, will make them get burned out. It may also cause yellowing tips on the foliage.
Excessive sunlight poses a threat to the leaves thereby creating an in-conducive environment for the prayer plants to survive.
5. Yellowing Leaves On Prayer Plants
Excess watering, Cold climate, High Humidity, low nutrient, bad potting mix, and many more are mostly the major culprit of prayer plant leaves turning yellow.
Other culprits are Fungal infection, the infestation of pests, and iron deficiency. The solution is caring for your prayer plant well and also adjusting its watering schedule.
6. Too Much Watering – Prayer Plant Problems
Excess watering is mostly the reason for prayer plant leaves turning yellow. In fact, planting in good
How often you water your prayer plant may take a toll on your plants for a long space of time without any schedule but have watered the plant too much every other day. If you want to water your prayer plant, check the top of the
But there’s an exception for those living in hot regions. However, people living in regions with temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit should avoid over-watering their prayer plant.
Conclusion On Prayer Plant Problems
The prayer plant is an interesting plant that any houseplant collector would love to have. But issues may arise with this fascinating plant. Prayer plant problems can occur but don’t fret because most times, the issue can be resolved if handled on time and the right way.
What am I doing wrong with my Prayer Plant?
If you aren’t properly taking care of your prayer plant, then issues may arise. Inappropriate watering, low humidity, too much fertilizer application, excess sun exposure, and so on are things that you may be doing wrong.
How do you revive a dying Prayer Plant?
To revive prayer plant from issues like over-watering, take out dead leaves and allows the soil dry out totally. Then you can spray the plant with pesticides and water when the soil is completely dried.
Why are the leaves on my Prayer Plant turning brown?
The leaves on your prayer plant may be turning yellow due to moisture stress and this may be from either over-watering or under-watering.
How often should you water a Prayer Plant?
Once you notice the first inch or two inches deep of the soil has become dried, it’s time to water your prayer plant. You can do 3 to 5 times in a week watering during summer, but always check the moisture status of your soil before watering.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.