The plant aloe vera is one type of houseplant commonly found in most homes. Aloe vera is characterized by its fleshy leave that looks triangular and the color can range from light to dark green. But are you aware that some plants have a good resemblance to aloe vera? Plants that look like aloe vera will be highlighted here in case you’re looking for a substitute for aloe vera.
Other types of plants share some good resemblance with aloe and this characteristic similar appearance includes the leaves and the flowers.
So, there are succulents that look like aloe vera that can be substituted for the plant. Plants that look like aloe vera will be listed here so let’s begin.
7 Plants That Look Like Aloe Vera
1. Agave plant
The plant agave is one common example of a plant that looks like aloe vera. It is a stemless plant that is perennial. The leaves of the agave plant look big and fleshy just like aloe plants. Agave plant leaves can be broadened or narrowed to form a dense root rosette. Then the end of the leaves forms a sharp point and most species of agave have bent or straight spines on their edges just like aloe vera. The plant agave usually comes in various colors such as green, gray, or blue-green.
Additionally, agave plant has fibrous roots and this allows them to attach themselves to rocks or trees. So, this allows them to create their support system for growing vertically high above the ground level.

Caring for agave plants is almost the same as caring for aloe plants. So, just like aloe vera, the plant is hardy and can be grown indoors easily.
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2. Maguey plant
The maguey plant is another succulent that looks like a cactus plant due to the thorny edges on the foliage. So, most people may think this is a cactus that looks like an aloe vera plant.
This plant is related to agave plants. Maguey plants can grow and attain a height of up to 20 feet depending on their variety. Therefore, this plant may look like a different species altogether. Maguey plant leaves look broad and long just like aloe plants.
Maguey is a good choice for houseplants and a west-facing window suits them because they are a low-light-tolerating plant. This plant also doesn’t need to be watered too much because over-watering can lead to root rot.
3. Haworthia
Another great substitute for the aloe plant is the haworthia plant. The plant is also pretty easy to grow indoors due to their light and water requirements that are easy to meet.
Haworthia shares the same family classification as the aloe vera plant. Similar to aloe plants, the foliage of haworthia grows in a rosette pattern and emerges from the stem axis of the plant. Haworthia plant has foliage with white bands that looks raided on the surface and this is why the haworthia is regarded as a zebra plant.
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4. Gasteria succulent
Gasteria is a type of succulent with fleshy leaves that are arranged in a rosette form. The foliage of gasteria is long and they have this rough texture. They may also possess some colors and markings depending on the species.
The succulent of gasteria grows up to twelve inches or more and it has green-gray leaves with a tiny bit of orange hue. The flowers of gasteria can range from pink to yellow and they usually bloom during the fall months. The blooms gasteria produces are almost the same as that of aloe vera and haworthia. So, these are similar-looking plants suitable to be grown indoors.
Also, gasteria succulents are less sensitive to climate conditions. Hence, the plant can’t tolerate extreme temperatures and they don’t demand too much water like aloe would.
5. Yucca
Another plant that looks like aloe vera is yucca and they are related to agaves. But there is a bit of a difference in the leaves and shapes. The plant yucca also has this rosette foliage form that is sword-shaped and known to be tough. Yucca has this whitish bloom that grows at the upper part of its stem in big terminal panicles.
6. Snake plant
Snake plant is one popular houseplant that looks a bit like aloe vera. The plant is characterized by dark green, lance-shaped leaves that form a dense rosette pattern when grown in a pot or container.
Snake plants can attain a height of about 4 feet and this depends on how the plant is bred. Also, the darker stripes and borders on the leaves can differ greatly.
7. Young pineapple plant
Before the plant pineapple bears fruit, the young plant pineapple can easily be confused with the aloe vera plant. The foliage of young pineapple resembles the ones seen on aloe vera leaves, and also just like in gasteria plant leaves or yucca leaves.
Similar to other plants listed above, their leaves are in a rosette pattern with sharp spines along the edges to protect the plant as well as the fruit.
Unlike the lengthy oval-shaped leaves of most succulent plants, the young pineapple leaves tend to be more rounded. They also have these pointed tips rather than straight ends as you would find on most other plants you will find in this family classification.
Aloe Type Succulents
When it comes to types of aloe plants, there are actually over 500 species! But I thought I’d share some facts about some of my top 10 choices when it comes to aloe succulents. Let’s take a closer look.
- Aloe Broomii. You’ll see this type of plant often as it’s a very common ornamental plant. They work best outdoors in a gravel or rock-type environment. They have light green leaves and wildlife such as birds will enjoy this plant.
- Aloe Crosby’s Prolific. This is essentially a mini aloe. It usually has orange or red flowers and is ideal for a flower bed.
- Aloe Ferox. You may know this succulent better than cape aloe. This plant contains the gel you’ll so often see in products such as after-sun and skincare. It’ll be brown and have orange flowers.
- Aloe Cameronii. In fall, it turns a deep red color, which is why it’s so well-loved. You may know it better than red aloe.
- Aloe Barbadensis Miller. Another common type is the Barbadensis Miller. It has yellow flowers and contains the gel that soothes products such as after-sun. This is known to help wounds such as burns heal more quickly.
- Aloe Petricola. You may know this type of aloe better than stone aloe. It’s grown from the winter but usually peaks in the summer months. It requires little attention and can grow in many environments. It’s bright in color, which is the main attraction of this plant.
- Aloe marlothii. This plant can grow up to 5 feet tall. The leaves are usually a dark red color, whereas the flowers are much lighter, such as red or orange.
- Aloe Hereroensis. You may know this plant better than sand aloe. This plant is ideal to use in flower beds. It has red flowers, but dark red spines.
- Aloe Rubroviolacea. This plant is known better as Arabian aloe. It gets its name because it’s such a hardy plant and can do well in dry conditions. You can use this plant in many places, such as flower beds and gardens. This type of aloe can last throughout the year and will change color depending on the season.
- Aloe ciliaris. An ideal houseplant, but can also be kept outside too. One of the main perks of this plant is that it can grow quickly. It blooms during cooler months and has orange flowers.
Aloe Vera Plant vs Agave
While the aloe vera plant and the agave plant look very similar, there are actually a few differences between the two; and they are definitely not the same. One of the main differences is size. Aloe is usually much smaller than agave. As well as this, aloe leaves contain the beneficial gel we use for skincare products, whereas the agave plant doesn’t.
Conclusion: Plants That Look Like Aloe Vera
Plants that look like aloe vera are nice for substitution. However, you may not get the medicinal or beneficial use aloe vera plant provides. But you can still get some similar growing conditions as aloe plants.
Do you know of any other plants that look like aloe vera? If so, please feel free to let me know in the comments below. And remember, sharing is caring!
Is my plant Agave or aloe?
Even though agave and aloe look similar, you can still determine if your plant is agave or aloe by looking at the differences. Agave is characterized to have bigger and spinier leaves compared to aloe. Agave plants have their spines to be very sharp whereas aloe plant spines are often soft to feel.
Is Agave the same as aloe?
Agave and aloe plants may look quite similar, but there are some differences between them. For instance, agave is usually bigger and possesses sharp spines on their leaves. Then aloe vera leaves on the other hand are serrated but not so sharp.
What plant looks like aloe vera but isn’t?
There are several plants that look like aloe vera but they are actually not aloe. Some of these plants include maguey, agave, yucca, haworthia, gasteria succulent, and young pineapple plant.
Is Yucca an aloe plant?
Yucca is often mistaken to be an aloe plant but it isn’t an aloe plant. Yucca plants have this leaf texture with some smooth edge on each side so this gives yucca plants a similar look to those found on the base of the leaves of aloe plants.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.