Fruit is usually the result of a flower but when the flower refuses to yield fruit even with some blooms it becomes a worrying situation. Zucchini plant not producing fruit …
One of the most widely planted vegetables commonly grown in the US is usually lettuce. They are so easy to grow and you don’t need the experience to grow them. …
Do you see freezing temperatures approaching in your region? Can compost worms survive winter? Well, the cold climate won’t stop composting worms from working for you in your compost bin. …
Although it’s quite easy to just walk into your local garden center and get a basil plant to grow right away: you can also try growing basil from seeds. How …
In this article, we have prepared a list of plants that like high phosphorus during their growth journey. Phosphorus is one of the major components of plant cell walls and …
Have you tested your soil and are wondering what is the right soil pH for peppers? You want to ensure that you are providing your plants with the right growing …
Are you a new gardener and are wondering when to harvest chili peppers and what are the signs to look out for to know they are fully mature? Chilies are …