Although it’s quite easy to just walk into your local garden center and get a basil plant to grow right away: you can also try growing basil from seeds. How many basil seeds per pot should we be looking at if we are growing basil from seed? Let’s find out.
Basil is an excellent type of herb that is very useful. Growing basil from seed is pretty easy and doing this can even save you some cash. Basil also comes in different types such as sweet basil, dark opal basil, lemon basil, cinnamon basil, lime basil, giant leaf basil, and so on.
Growing and adding basil to your vegetable garden can be pretty beneficial. Basil is a very versatile plant that is used in our various dishes such as salads, sandwiches, pizza, soups, pasta, and so on. They are also useful in terms of medicinal use.
You can grow basil either from its plant or simply start from seed. How many basil seeds per pot are what we would like to discuss in this post. So, read further to get some knowledge on the appropriate number of basil seeds to sow per pot.
Growing Basil In Pot – How Many Basil Seeds Per Pot
Basil is easily grown in pots or containers and with some attention and extra effort, you can enjoy the result of fresh basil. All kinds of containers can work for basil to be grown in. just make sure you use a top-notch potting
How Many Basil Seeds Per Pot?
Ideally, you can sprinkle or sow around 5 to 8 basil seeds per pot or container. Use potting
Also, the seeds of basil are usually started indoors with the pot placed on a warm windowsill or under a grow light.
You should begin to notice some sprouting after about a week of sowing seed.
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Growing Basil From Seed – How Many Basil Seeds Per Pot
Starting basil plant from seed may sound new to you. But not to worry because this can go pretty easy for you if you do things the right way. Basil is also a fast-growing plant or herb that can germinate from seed in just about a week.
So let’s look into how we can properly grow basil from seeds:
- Firstly, you should make sure the danger of frost has elapsed when you plan to grow basil. This is because basil plants are not cold-hardy. Hence, they are sensitive to frost or cold. Matter of fact, you can wait to move your potted basil outdoors garden after about 7 to 10 days of your estimated last frost in your area. This is because the outdoor conditions may still be unpredictable so you can be sure the cold weather is done.
- Next, plant about 5 to 8 seeds for each pot, or some seeds should be sprinkled in a seed starter kit. Then cover the basil seeds with a fine layer of compost.
- A top-quality potting
soil or a seed starter mix should be used. Mist thesoil to make sure thesoil remains a little moist but not soggy.
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- Once you’ve sown your basil seeds, you should begin to see some sprouting in about a week.
- Then when you begin to see a set of true leaves and not the first tiny seeding leaves, you should thin them down to one or two seedlings for each pot.
- Also, note that starting basil indoors with your pots should either be done beside a window (a windowsill is appropriate) or with the help of a grow light. You can also do direct outdoor seeding by putting your potted plant in your outdoor garden so far there is no danger of frost.
- Eventually, the young seedlings of basil grown from seeds are usually transplanted into the garden outdoors. And basil plants usually do well after transplanting. Just make sure they are protected from too much wind or sun for some days until the plant has adjusted enough.
Why You Should Consider Growing Basil From Seed
Even though it’s pretty easy and fast to just purchase basil seedlings from your local garden stores or even local farmers’ market. There are still some wonderful benefits to growing basil from seeds. Some of these benefits have been stated below.
Growing Basil From Seed Is Easy
Growing basil from seed is an easy thing to do and does not require any special skill or tools. All you need do is to get the right information on how to go about it and you should be good to go.
When you decide to grow basil seeds, it becomes an easy way of saving some money because it is a budget-friendly plan.

Advantages Of Successive Planting
Around the middle of summer, it may be difficult to find a healthy basil seedling. But if you want a continuous supply of high-quality basil leaves, then you can benefit from this by planting by starting a couple of basil seeds in pots. You can even grow them indoors under grow light and always have a non-stop supply of basil leaves.
Conclusion On How Many Basil Seeds Per Pot
So, we can see that apart from growing basil from their plant or seedlings, we can see that growing basil from seed is another easy method. It doesn’t require any special knowledge or tools. How many basil seeds per pot have also been discussed in this article.
How many basil seeds do I need to plant in a pot?
Ideally, you should plant about 5 to 8 basil seeds in one pot. You can commence your basil seeds indoors if the outdoor climate isn’t stable yet and you are not sure of the temperature outdoors.
Can you grow multiple basil plants in one pot?
It is possible to grow multiple basil plants in a single pot. However, it may be hard to maintain moisture when growing multiple basil plants in one container. So, it is recommended to use a very big pot if you plan on growing multiple basil plants in a single pot.
How much space do you need between basil seeds?
The ideal spacing between basil seeds should be about 2 to 3 seeds per inch in rows of 18 inches apart. However, a final spacing of basil can go around 4 to 8 inches apart for a healthier and fuller plant.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.