N Joy Pothos is a delightful houseplant to have and this plant really stand out from every other plant. The lovely plant is known for its white and green variegation of leaves. But do you know how to care for the plant? N Joy plant care tips will be discussed in this post.
N Joy Pothos is from the Araceae family and if you can adequately take care of this plant, it can grow well and attain a height of 8 to 12 inches. Just provide the plant with proper temperature and humidity, bright indirect sunlight, and water the right way.
This lovely variegated plant is easy to care for. N joy plant care tips are what we will be looking at in this post so let’s begin.
Overview About N Joy Pothos
The plant of N Joy Pothos is one charming houseplant you can have. N Joy is well known for its distinctive white and green variegation. The scientific name for the plant is Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Njoy,’
This gorgeous plant is characterized by its very compact growth, bright, and distinctive green and white variegation foliage.
N Joy Pothos can grow and attain a height of about 8 to 12 inches and this will depend on how well you take care of the plant. This care includes providing N Joy plant with bright indirect sunlight, well-draining

N Joy Plant Care Tips
So here are some great tips on how you can properly care for your N Joy Pothos plant:
1. Light
Lightning is one crucial requirement when it comes to caring for N Joy Pothos plant. The light requirement for N Joy Pothos is bright to moderate indirect light. When indoors, you can position this plant a few feet away from a window that is sunny.
However, avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight because this can scorch the beautiful foliage. Too much sun exposure may also cause the leaves to turn pale yellow or white. To help reverse this condition, simply relocate your plant from the sunny spot to a more shaded spot.
The plant can grow and tolerate low light or a bit of direct sunlight. However, if you only supply N Joy with low light, your plant may not get that full variegated look. So, you will notice great results when you supply your plant with adequate light and your plant will look greener.
2. Soil – N Joy Plant Care
This plant does not demand too much when it comes to the type of
Just ensure the
For instance, you can use a potting mix that is made of peat moss. This medium can retain moisture and nutrient long enough for them to be absorbed by the roots.
rePotme Houseplant and Tropical Classic Potting Soil Mix – Mini Bag
3. Watering Requirement
Allow the upper part of the
But make sure you avoid over-watering your N Joy Pothos plant. Ensure you always discard any excess water that may accumulate underneath the saucer. Waterlogged
4. Temperature
This lovely plant will do well with temperatures ranging from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. However, avoid putting the plant in a place where there are sudden temperature changes. So, don’t put the place close to any heating appliances such as air conditioning units.
5. Humidity – N Joy Plant Care
N joy plant care also involves providing adequate humidity for the plant. This plant is from the tropical region and this implies that it fairs well in humid conditions. Maintain an optimal humidity between the ranges of 50 to 70% and you will see your N Joy plant do well. To help maintain the moisture level, keep the pot on a pebble tray filled with water.
6. Fertilization
N Joy Pothos requires light fertilization. You can supply a balanced feed once in 5 to 6 weeks and this can supply the plant with all it needs for it to grow and flourish. Also, make sure you follow the instruction on the label.
During autumn and winter, you should reduce the fertilization to once a month. You need to also ascertain that the fertilization you’re using is designed for houseplants.
7. Pruning N Joy Plant
Pruning helps control and removes dead foliage from time to time. Although N Joy Pothos isn’t a vigorous grower and the plant is inclined to stay compact; the plant can still benefit from trimming.
8. Pest And Disease Control – N Joy Plant Care
The common pest that may affect your N Joy Pothos plant is aphids and mealybugs. You can use insecticide to eliminate them if you have an invasion.
N Joy Plant Care Summary
Here is a quick recap of some important points we’ve mentioned about caring for N Joy:
- Water N Joy Pothos only when the top one inch of the
soil is a little dry. - Provide the plant with bright indirect sunlight always.
- Use a well draining
soil to grow your N Joy plant. - Use a light and balanced fertilizer for your N Joy Pothos.
- N Joy plant care also requires a fairly humid condition.
- The temperature range should be around 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
How often do you water Pothos N Joy?
Generally, you should water Pothos N Joy plant about once or twice weekly. Make sure you allow the top part (one inch) of the soil to dry out before watering.
Why is my N Joy Pothos Brown?
The leaves of your N Joy Pothos can begin to turn brown from excess light exposure, over-watering, under-watering, or from leaf spot disease. Additionally, excess fertilizer can result in brown spots and brown leaf tips.
Is Pothos N Joy rare?
Pothos N Joy is not a rare plant. However, one rare Pothos you may find is the Harlequin Pothos. This rare Pothos resembles Manjula and has a mix of marble and snow queen with a bit more variegation on the foliage.
When should I repot Pothos N Joy?
Once you notice the roots of your Pothos N Joy are emerging from the pot’s drainage holes, then you should repot. Avoid allowing your plant to become rootbound.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.