Do you know how to harvest dill properly and save it for later? Do you grow and harvest a lot of dill and would like to know how to preserve it to get maximum use out of your harvest? Keep reading this article to learn more about how to enjoy the many different uses of this fast-growing plant.
Dill pairs really well with many dishes and adds a great flavor and lovely fragrance. So you will want to learn how to save it. Keep reading.
Quick Summary:
Dill, like most herbs, can be harvested continuously throughout the growing season, because it grows really fast. The best way to harvest dill is if you cut it off next to the stem and the plant will continue to grow.
About Dill
Dill, scientific name Anethum graveolens L., is also often referred to as dill weed because it can grow like a weed if the growing conditions are ideal.
The dill plant grows in slender, hollow stems that have green feather-shaped leaves of fennel. The delicate leaves of dill have their own distinct aroma. The dill seeds are brown and flat and have a great mild citrus flavor, and smell a lot like caraway.
Depending on where it is grown, the taste of dill can vary. There are also many different varieties of dill to choose from, which again can differ in taste.
The different types of dill plants can be dwarf, or taller. The dwarf types of plants are the Fernleaf and Nano. Because these varieties only grow up to 12-18 inches, they are ideal for growing indoors in pots and window boxes. You can also use a smart pot to grow dill.
The taller variety, appropriately named the Mammoth can reach heights of 5 ft 10 in when fully matured. This type of dill plant has large umbrella-style flowers.
Dill is a seasonal herb and thrives in the cooler months of the year. Depending on the climate, it is possible to grow and harvest dill all year round. This means that you can enjoy fresh dill all year round. In cases where greenhouses are used, dill can also be grown all year round since the temperatures can be controlled to create an ideal growing environment.
The dill plant has been used in Ayurvedic medicines since ancient times. Although it is most popularly used as a spice, it also yields good quantities of essential oils that are much loved for their aroma. Other uses of dill include the use as a digestive herb that provides a relaxing and calming effect on the gut. It can also be used to relieve nausea, colic, and wind while also assisting with appetite.
You can read the following article if you want to grow other types of herbs: Popular Herbs With Shallow Roots
Harvesting Dill
Knowing how to harvest dill properly, and save it for later is very important. Dill, like most herbs, can be harvested continuously throughout the growing season, because it grows really fast. If you cut it next to the stem, the plant will keep growing. As long as you harvest it the right way, you can be sure to have a constant supply of dill throughout the year.
Here are the steps to follow to ensure that you use the best way to harvest dill.
1. Give your dill plant sufficient time to grow
Dill takes anywhere between 4-8 weeks to grow and fully mature. So when they grow to about 6 inches in height, then you know they are ready to harvest.
Harvesting the largest, older outer leaves of the plant is best. This will give the smaller leaves more time to mature and give you a continuous supply.
2. Water your dill plant before harvesting
Water the dill plant about one day before harvesting to ensure that the plant stays hydrated. Watering the plant before harvest will keep it hydrated so that it will recover faster after the older leaves are cut off.
3. Trim the leaves
To trim the leaves, use a sharp pair of garden scissors or pruning shears, and cut them next to the stem right where they meet the growth point on the main stem. If you don’t have cutting implements, you can simply use your hand to pinch the stems off. This will work even better if the stems are still young and tender.
4. Limit the leaves you cut off
Pay careful attention to the number of leaves you harvest from one plant. Only take about a quarter to a third of the leaves to allow new growth to develop so that you can have a continuous harvest.
When to Harvest Dill
As already mentioned, it takes about 4-8 weeks for dill to get mature. Dill can be harvested after this time period, After this amount of time has passed and your dill has at least 4-5 leaves, you can go ahead and harvest it. Remember to only pick the outer, older leaves so that the smaller leaves can have time to grow.
Harvesting the outside leaves will prompt new shoots and foliage to develop. It will also delay flowering and the formation of seeds. Removing the flower stalks can also help to prolong leaf production. Do not harvest the center of the plant as it may not grow back.
You can harvest dill early in the growing season by either cutting it back to about 4 inches of growth or from all around the plant.
The best time to pick dill leaves is just before the flowers open. They should be sprayed with water at least overnight before harvest and should be picked up early in the morning.
How to harvest dill edible flowers
In addition to the leaves, dill flowers are also edible and can be harvested. They are bright yellow and delicious. Dill flowers are great for garnishing both sweet and savory dishes and sales. They are best consumed fresh. To harvest the flowers, simply snip off what your need. They can even be stored in the freezer for later use.
Read about Are Cilantro Flowers Edible?
How to harvest dill seeds
To prune dill, use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to cut off the frond-like leaves at the top of the plant, above the leaf set.
The Best Way to Store Dill
Freshly harvested dill can wilt quite quickly, and as it does so will start to lose its flavor and aroma. If stored properly, however, this should not be a concern. There are various ways that you can store your dill, these are;
- Store it in the refrigerator’s crisp drawer – it will stay fresh for a few days
- Put it in water – harvest dill with the stems and place them in a glass of water, and cover the top with a plastic bag. This way, dill leaves will stay fresh for about a week.
- Freeze it – chop your dill into small pieces and freeze it with some water in ice cube trays. This way, you can store your dill for up to 4 months.
- Dry it – drying will reduce the flavor of the dill but it can still be used and will store for a very long time. Chop the dill up and dry it until it is crumbly. You can then store it in an airtight container.
- Stick to hang drying – instead of cutting the dill up before drying it, you can hang the dill leaves together. Tie them up with a string, and hang them upside down in a well-ventilated area. Allow them to air dry until they are crumbling and then store them in an airtight container or ziplock bag.
Conclusion – How to Harvest Dill Properly and Save It for Later
There you have it, the best way to harvest dill and save it properly. Dill is such an easy herb to grow and has so many versatile uses from culinary to health to fragrances. Once you start growing it, it can take over your growing environment if it is not properly controlled.
Knowing how to harvest dill properly and save it for later will help you to enjoy the best out of your harvest. There are so many different ways that you can store dill, depending on how long you want to keep it. You can freeze, refrigerate and even dry this amazing herb for later use, ensuring that you can have a constant supply all year round without having to wait for its ideal growing season.
Depending on where you live, you may even be able to grow dill all year round depending on the climate. If that is not an option for you, you can just select the dwarf variety of dill that can be grown indoors where you can manipulate temperatures.
With so many options to choose from when it comes to varieties, growing conditions, and storage of dill, you can definitely find an option to suit you. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t enjoy this amazing and versatile herb.
Happy gardening!
Dill seeds have a teardrop shape and have a characteristic brown stripy coat. To harvest them, wait for the flowers to open and turn brown before trimming them off and drying the seed.
Another way to harvest them is to cut off the fading flowers and place them in a paper bag, in an upside-down position. Tie this bag and hang it up somewhere where it will be exposed to sunlight, where it will dry. After the seeds ripen, they will fall into the bag and then they will be ready for storage.
How to Prune Dill
Pruning dill can extend its life span. Picking it often, like with most herbs and vegetables can encourage growth and will result in strong healthy plants.
To prune dill, use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to cut off the frond-like leaves at the top of the plant, above the leaf set.
The Best Way to Store Dill
Freshly harvested dill can wilt quite quickly, and as it does so will start to lose its flavor and aroma. If stored properly, however, this should not be a concern. There are various ways that you can store your dill, these are;
- Store it in the refrigerator’s crisp drawer – it will stay fresh for a few days
- Put it in water – harvest dill with the stems and place them in a glass of water, and cover the top with a plastic bag. This way, dill leaves will stay fresh for about a week.
- Freeze it – chop your dill into small pieces and freeze it with some water in ice cube trays. This way, you can store your dill for up to 4 months.
- Dry it – drying will reduce the flavor of the dill but it can still be used and will store for a very long time. Chop the dill up and dry it until it is crumbly. You can then store it in an airtight container.
- Stick to hang drying – instead of cutting the dill up before drying it, you can hang the dill leaves together. Tie them up with a string, and hang them upside down in a well-ventilated area. Allow them to air dry until they are crumbling and then store them in an airtight container or ziplock bag.
Conclusion – How to Harvest Dill Properly and Save It for Later
There you have it, the best way to harvest dill and save it properly. Dill is such an easy herb to grow and has so many versatile uses from culinary to health to fragrances. Once you start growing it, it can take over your growing environment if it is not properly controlled.
Knowing how to harvest dill properly and save it for later will help you to enjoy the best out of your harvest. There are so many different ways that you can store dill, depending on how long you want to keep it. You can freeze, refrigerate and even dry this amazing herb for later use, ensuring that you can have a constant supply all year round without having to wait for its ideal growing season.
Depending on where you live, you may even be able to grow dill all year round depending on the climate. If that is not an option for you, you can just select the dwarf variety of dill that can be grown indoors where you can manipulate temperatures.
With so many options to choose from when it comes to varieties, growing conditions, and storage of dill, you can definitely find an option to suit you. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t enjoy this amazing and versatile herb.
Happy gardening!

An aquaculture specialist and freelance writer. Passionate about anything sustainable living, such as growing your own food, and if you can do it in conjunction with fish farming, even better! I currently work as an aquaculture researcher where I can expand and share my knowledge and skills on aquaculture, crop farming and adding value to wastewater by using it to grow food products. I enjoy reading and learning as much as possible, and writing is another avenue for me to share the knowledge I gain with others. I want my writing to inspire people to try their hand at gardening, whether indoors or outdoors. You can even start by keeping a few houseplants indoors to help you gain a bit of confidence if you need to.