Dusty miller plant, which is also known as Senecio cineraria, can be grown as a beautiful landscape addition in the garden. Little wonder it is grown for its foliage that is silvery gray.
Dusty miller plant tends to complement many blooms in the garden because of its attractive lacy leaves. Once the dusty miller has been planted, it won’t be needing much maintenance.
The dusty miller is a garden that is likely to never go out of style. You’ll definitely find this plant looking good all through its growing season. This plant stays beautiful for a long time. Even if it’s being used as a center of attraction piece grown in a container or as a background color for flowers that are bold and bright.
This plant usually set small flowers that are yellow if they are left to grow on their own free will. These yellow flowers sort of look like a daisy’s bloom. However, the lovely foliage of Dusty miller is what makes it known and not its flowers.
How To Care For Dusty Miller
In order to grow this plant successfully, the maintenance and attention it gets matters also. Below are the major things that need to be put into consideration when you want to plant and get the best of it.

1. Required Temperature
The ideal temperature to grow dusty miller in is around 40 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The plants will thrive well in this range of temperatures.
Due to this reason, take extra precautions, during spring, if you will be planting Dusty miller. But in order to be on a safer side in regards to planting your Dusty miller outside during spring, it is advisable you start planting after Mother’s Day.
In the United States, many of the states in the southwest which are under the growing zones between 8 to 10, are where Dusty miller will grow well. The plants will be able to survive the winter because the temperatures there are quite favorable for the plant.
However, Dusty Miller is being grown as annuals even more in the northern part. Their main growing season is mid-spring through late summer.
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2. Sunlight
Your Dusty Miller plant will grow well if exposed to full to partial sunlight. The ideal sunlight requirement for Dusty Miller is 4 hours daily. Another thing about this plant is that it can survive drought. This is because the nature of plant biology makes it possible for the plant to tolerate and thrive during a whole day of sun and a hot atmosphere.
Soil type: The

3. Height And Spacing Requirement
The Dusty Miller plant can grow as tall as 3 feet. This plant will grow branches that are lovely and silver in color, with leaves that are very attractive. Because of their unique color, they are considered a beautiful addition to flower beds or flower pots.
The plant starts to mature, even when it has not reached its full height when it is 6 to 18 tall. It is possible for Dusty Miller’s branches to spread out as far as 9” to 12”. Endeavor to give lots of space between your plants when planting.
The thing is that the look of your seedling might be so small and it doesn’t seem as it actually is. Giving plenty of space and room to breathe between plants will help in preventing diseases.
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4. Fertilizer
Fertilizer requirement for your plants solely depends on where they are being planted like what type of
Whichever type of nutrient-rich
On the other hand, planting them in a type of
Liquinox 7128 Fish Emulsion 5-1-1 Fertilizer, 1-Gallon
How To Prune Dusty Miller
Depending on the variety grown, the dusty miller can attain a height of about 15 inches once they are matured. Dusty miller plants can grow bushy or leggy so it is ideal you cut them back. Also, pruning can help achieve a bushy growth that is healthier.
You can trim this plant using two methods which are pinching or trimming with a pruner.
Pinching your dusty miller simply requires the use of your finger. So, with your fingertip, pinch off half or 1 inch from each tip of the plant that is growing. Doing this will encourage new stems to grow from each spot you’ve pinched.
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Trim With Pruner
The use of pruner is usually required if you’ve not trimmed your dusty miller for a long time and this has been piled up. The plant can get so big and leggy and you can’t just pinch them off with your fingertips. Note that trimming is best done in summer.
So, trim off one-third of the whole plant and watch your dusty miller come back stronger and healthier.
Then regarding the flower of dusty miller, it’s best you remove the bloom because the flower tends to divert and suck most of the plants’ energy to itself. Dusty miller plant is mostly grown for its lovely foliage rather than its flowers.
Dusty Miller Plant: Conclusion
Caring for the stunning dusty miller plant has been discussed in this article. We have also looked into how you can prune this plant so you can always have a healthy plant.
Does dusty miller grow back every year?
Technically speaking, the dusty miller plant can indeed grow back every year. Although the plant is usually grown as an annual and then discarded once the first season is over, it may still return the following year.
Does dusty miller like sun or shade?
The plant of dusty miller prefers full sun and if grown in shade, it can become leggy. The plant can tolerate heat and drought.
Does dusty miller spread?
The plant of the dusty miller is inclined to grow upright and in a spreading manner. dusty miller can spread up to 2 feet.
Can you cut back dusty miller?
Yes, you can cut back dusty miller plant and it will definitely survive trimming. Trimming usually helps the plant grow healthier.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.