Cilantro is a popular herb to use in cooking. It is versatile and is great for use in salsas, soups, curries, and much more. Though the leaves are commonly used, many people wonder, do you use stems of cilantro?
Cilantro is readily available in most grocery stores and can also be grown in your own home garden. It is a great herb that many chefs like to have on hand in their kitchens. It has a signature taste that wonderfully complements many different dishes.
Using Cilantro In Cooking
Cilantro is a type of annual herb that is part of the family Apiaceae. It is also called coriander, Chinese parsley, or dhania. Though the leaves and seeds are the most commonly used parts, the stems, along with the rest of the plant are edible.
Cilantro has a taste that is slightly tart, similar to that of a lemon or lime. However, for some people, it has a taste of dish soap. This is a result of a variation in a group of olfactory-receptor genes that some people have, which leads them to experience a soapy flavor.
Cilantro leaves are popular for use in chutneys, salads, salsa, and guacamole. In addition, many people use it to garnish soup, fish, and meat.
The seeds can be used both whole dried and ground. When they heat up, the aroma and flavor heighten. As a spice, it is used in garam masala, curries, sausages, beer, and in pickling vegetables as well.
Cilantro also comes with many health benefits as well. It is beneficial for your digestive health and is even helps your skin. In addition, it can also help with pain, inflammation, and anti-fungal properties.
Do You Use Stems Of Cilantro?
So, you may wonder, do you eat cilantro stems? Despite what some people think, cilantro stems are edible. Though other herbs may not have stems that are edible or taste good, cilantro does.
In fact, they can be great for cooking as they are tender and flavorful, which is great for many dishes. The stems also have a crunchy texture, which can be great for adding texture to many dishes.
The stems of cilantro can be great for using in salsas, like pico de Gallo, sandwiches, sauces, soups, and much more. They have the same great taste as the leaves and can be just as great to use.
How To Chop Cilantro
To start off, wash off your cilantro and then pat it dry. Then, line it up and chop off the bigger, thicker part of the stems at the bottom, if desired. Sometimes the bottoms of the stems can be too thick and woody for some people’s preferences.
Then, fold cilantro in half and begin chopping it. Use a sharp knife to finely chop it up by doing a rolling motion with the knife. You can chop it as finely as you like depending on your recipe.
When chopping it, you can leave the stems of the top in and chop them up finely as well. If you want, you can also finely chop up the bottom stems if you don’t mind that they are thicker. Then, add your chopped cilantro to your dish or blend it up for making a sauce.
How Long Does Cilantro Stay Good?
Freshly picked cilantro will last for about seven to 10 days in the fridge when properly stored. It is a perishable herb, so it will only last for a few hours at room temperature once you pick it.
It is important to properly store cilantro in order to ensure that it will stay fresh for as long as possible. To do so, start out by removing the rubber band that holds the herb together.
Then, fill a glass with an inch of water and then place your cilantro into it. You will also want to lightly cover it with a plastic bag in order to maintain freshness. You can also store your cilantro in a produce bag in your crisper drawer.
Like all fruits, vegetables, and herbs, you will want to wash them before using them. However, too much moisture can cause it to go bad quickly, so be sure to wait until you are ready to use your cilantro to wash it.
How To Tell If Your Cilantro Is Bad
Cilantro that is soft and discolored is no longer good. In addition, if it has an off-smell or taste, you will want to disregard it. In addition, if there is any mold or it feels slimy, throw it out right away as it is not safe to eat.
How To Grow Cilantro At Home
If you want to grow cilantro, the best time to do it is in cool weather, such as early spring. You should plant it in loose
The seeds should be planted about one to two inches apart about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch deep in the
Understing If You Do You Use Cilantro Stems
Cilantro stems are edible and they are great for adding it your favorite dishes. In fact, they are full of flavor and provide a great crunch to different dishes. When chopping up the leaves, you can chop up the stems as well to use.
Unlike other herbs, the stems are just as flavorful as the leaves are. There is no need to throw out the stems as they are perfectly good to use. However, some people may choose to leave out the bottom of the stems because they are thicker and woodier.
Do you have any questions regarding do you use cilantro stems? If so, please ask any questions on using the stems in cooking in the comment section down below.

Anna is an avid gardener who loves the outdoors and spending time in nature. She has been gardening since she was a child and has a passion for growing her own food and flowers. She enjoys experimenting with different types of plants and techniques to create beautiful and bountiful gardens. She is always trying to learn more about gardening and is an active member of her local gardening club. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with others and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Anna believes that gardening is a great way to bring people together and foster a sense of community.