It is vital to know the cilantro temperature tolerance when growing it to ensure you are providing the proper growing atmosphere.
Cilantro is a sharp and distinct flavored plant that adds a unique interest to many foods, especially Mexican cuisine. It is used to flavor salads, seafood, salsa, chicken, assorted sauces, and more. This herb is one of the most popular plants among gardeners and thrives in cooler climates.
It is easy to do, especially if you keep planting successions. This plant produces a good crop of cilantro, leaves, and coriander, the seeds used differently in cooking. Some varieties are grown for leaf production, while others are for seed production.
Cilantro Temperature Tolerance
Cilantro is a cool-season plant that thrives best in temperatures between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Intolerance temperatures are as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit, but it starts to bolt if the temperatures go higher than 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
The best time to grow cilantro in Texas is in February for an April harvest and September for a November harvest. Weekly plantings ensure you have a continuous surplus group.
Does Cilantro Freeze When Growing Outdoors?
Cilantro can freeze only when exposed to high frosty temperatures if growing outside. Therefore, the prevailing atmospheric temperature outside determines your plants.
It is important to note that cilantro does not just freeze because it is planted outdoors. Instead, it freezes and dies when the climate exceeds the surviving capacity the plant can withstand. This process occurs during frosty cold temperatures when cilantro cannot withstand them.
Cilantro only freezes under ice-cold weather conditions, which mainly occurs when growing outdoors because they are exposed directly to severe cold conditions. When these temperatures drop drastically, cilantro is bound to freeze and die.
However, this shouldn’t discourage you from growing cilantro outdoors. A covering or a blanket for your garden can help preserve your plant’s life by preventing frosting from killing them. The covering for the blanket helps maintain the right temperature for a plant to grow.
Can Cilantro Withstand A Light Frost?
Cilantro can withstand a light frost. This is because cilantro is a frost-tolerant vegetable and thrives in a frosty environment. In addition, it does not die during winter like many other green vegetables.
However, the type of frost determines the survival of your cilantro plants. A light frost that occurs in temperatures 28 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit does not affect your cilantro plants. Cilantro does die due to a light frost. Frostbite lower than 28 degrees Fahrenheit is a hard frost and highly detrimental to your crop.
Cilantro cannot withstand such temperatures, especially when you have not provided any covering like gold frames, row covers, or low cold tunnels protecting them from severe cold weather conditions.
Under frosty conditions, the cilantro plant gets sweeter. This is because the cold weather causes them to convert their starches into sugar, making them taste sweeter.
What Temperature Does Cilantro Germinate?
Cilantro seeds can be hard to germinate. They are very susceptible to disease and fungal infections, which can interfere with sprouting. This is because the conditions for germination have to be just right. One of the most important factors that need to be just perfect for cilantro to germinate is temperature.
The germination rate of cilantro is naturally below 50%, but if you can ensure that other environmental conditions are optimal this rate can increase to about 70%.
The ideal temperature for cilantro seeds to germinate is in the range of 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Cilantro does not like cold temperatures and will definitely die and not germinate if exposed to freezing temperatures.
If you are germinating your cilantro in an indoor environment such as a greenhouse, can easily make sure that the temperature in the environment is up to standard. You can use heat lamps such as these, which are specifically formulated for seed germination.
If you have no access to a temperature-controlled area to germinate your cilantro seeds, you will need to germinate them in the summer or spring months when the temperatures are high enough. If you do it in the wrong season, you will not have any success, and therefore no crop.
Will Cilantro Grow Back After Bolting?
Unfortunately, once cilantro bolts it loses all its flavor and does not grow back. Trimming it by cutting off the white flowers will also not bring it back to life.
Let us discuss what bolting looks like so we can better understand this process. Bolting is the process when a plant produces flowers and goes to seed. This is a natural part of the plant’s life cycle and prepares for the following season by making seeds that can be planted. Some of the most common and fast-bolting plants alongside cilantro include basil, broccoli, lettuce, and Swiss chard.
When these plants start bolting, they start to produce and thick central stem and also start shooting out delicate little flowers (which are white in the case of cilantro) on the tip of the stem. Cilantro plants will grow very tall when bolting and will eventually turn yellow. At this point, the cilantro starts to get bitter and becomes inedible. The little ponds on the plant will develop into seeds, known as coriander.
Bolting signals the end of the life of your cilantro plant. To have a continual supply of this crop, you will need to plant your crops sequentially over time so that you always have a new crop coming up.
Bolting might seem like a disadvantage but it is actually good because it gives seeds to plant the next season. If you plant your cilantro sequentially, you will have a constant flow of seeds coming in and you will have the freedom to select the best ones ensuring further success for your future planting.
Unlike other green vegetables, cilantro does well under cooler temperatures. It is a cool-season plant that grows favorably in cold weather conditions due to its tolerant nature. It is however intolerant of freezing temperatures and will not germinate or grow well in these conditions.
Cilantro temperature tolerance outdoes many other vegetables because it withstands light frost temperature which actually helps it improve its life span.
Growing Cilantro requires some care, maintenance, and tolerance to the zone you are growing in and the sort of growing season have.
With adequate attention, you can enjoy prolonged and abundant harvests of rich, flavorful cilantro leaves. If some plants grow past you and go to seed, don’t despair. You can let them ripen into tasty coriander seeds or let them fall to earth and seed another set of cilantro plants.
Is cilantro sensitive to frost?
Cilantro is fairly tolerant of cold weather. Cilantro can handle frost just fine.
The problem with cilantro is that it grows best when you give it lots of water. If you're planning to plant it in the fall, wait until spring before you put it out in the garden. You'll have a better chance of having it grow well then. I've also heard that cilantro does not like to dry out. This is true as well. It won't like to dry out as long as it is kept moist. I don't think there is anything wrong with planting cilantro in the fall, but it's best to wait until spring. It will still grow, but you won't get as much from it. I would plant it early in the spring if you can, because it won't grow as big or as well in the fall.
Cilantro is a member of the mint family, but it's more closely related to parsley. It's often used as an herb and can be found in Mexican, Indian, Asian and Mediterranean cuisines. It's also commonly used in Latin American dishes, including tacos and guacamole. Cilantro is known for its distinct flavor and is often used as an ingredient in cooking. When you add it to dishes, you're adding a bit of spice to foods.
When can I put cilantro outside?
Cilantro likes heat, but can tolerate cooler temperatures, so the main thing you need to consider is when will it be cool enough for your plants.
You should try to get it started early (April-May) since it does well in summer and fall. But if you get it started in spring, you can plant in pots outside, and bring inside when it gets too hot. I am doing this right now. If it gets too warm, I'll just bring it in. Cilantro is one of the easiest herbs to grow. The main thing to watch out for is that it doesn't get too much heat, and doesn't get cold temperatures, which will cause the leaves to curl.
What is the trick to growing cilantro?
It's easy to grow and does well in a pot or hanging basket. It likes full sun, but can tolerate some shade.
Cilantro can be grown in a pot on a sunny windowsill. I grow it year-round, but usually it's too cold in the winter. You can grow it indoors in a houseplant container. Water it regularly.
The plants are easy to propagate from seed, and if you get enough of them, they will multiply.
How often should I water cilantro?
You should water your cilantro once or twice a day.
Does Cilantro Freeze When Growing Outdoors?
Cilantro can freeze only when exposed to high frosty temperatures if growing outside. Therefore, the prevailing atmospheric temperature outside determines your plants.
It is important to note that cilantro does not just freeze because it is planted outdoors. Instead, it freezes and dies when the climate exceeds the surviving capacity the plant can withstand. This process occurs during frosty cold temperatures when cilantro cannot withstand them.
Cilantro only freezes under ice-cold weather conditions, which mainly occurs when growing outdoors because they are exposed directly to severe cold conditions. When these temperatures drop drastically, cilantro is bound to freeze and die.
However, this shouldn’t discourage you from growing cilantro outdoors. A covering or a blanket for your garden can help preserve your plant’s life by preventing frosting from killing them. The covering for the blanket helps maintain the right temperature for a plant to grow.
Can Cilantro Withstand A Light Frost?
Cilantro can withstand a light frost. This is because cilantro is a frost-tolerant vegetable and thrives in a frosty environment. In addition, it does not die during winter like many other green vegetables.
However, the type of frost determines the survival of your cilantro plants. A light frost that occurs in temperatures 28 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit does not affect your cilantro plants. Cilantro does die due to a light frost. Frostbite lower than 28 degrees Fahrenheit is a hard frost and highly detrimental to your crop.
Cilantro cannot withstand such temperatures, especially when you have not provided any covering like gold frames, row covers, or low cold tunnels protecting them from severe cold weather conditions.
Under frosty conditions, the cilantro plant gets sweeter. This is because the cold weather causes them to convert their starches into sugar, making them taste sweeter.
What Temperature Does Cilantro Germinate?
Cilantro seeds can be hard to germinate. They are very susceptible to disease and fungal infections, which can interfere with sprouting. This is because the conditions for germination have to be just right. One of the most important factors that need to be just perfect for cilantro to germinate is temperature.
The germination rate of cilantro is naturally below 50%, but if you can ensure that other environmental conditions are optimal this rate can increase to about 70%.
The ideal temperature for cilantro seeds to germinate is in the range of 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Cilantro does not like cold temperatures and will definitely die and not germinate if exposed to freezing temperatures.
If you are germinating your cilantro in an indoor environment such as a greenhouse, can easily make sure that the temperature in the environment is up to standard. You can use heat lamps such as these, which are specifically formulated for seed germination.
If you have no access to a temperature-controlled area to germinate your cilantro seeds, you will need to germinate them in the summer or spring months when the temperatures are high enough. If you do it in the wrong season, you will not have any success, and therefore no crop.
Will Cilantro Grow Back After Bolting?
Unfortunately, once cilantro bolts it loses all its flavor and does not grow back. Trimming it by cutting off the white flowers will also not bring it back to life.
Let us discuss what bolting looks like so we can better understand this process. Bolting is the process when a plant produces flowers and goes to seed. This is a natural part of the plant’s life cycle and prepares for the following season by making seeds that can be planted. Some of the most common and fast-bolting plants alongside cilantro include basil, broccoli, lettuce, and Swiss chard.
When these plants start bolting, they start to produce and thick central stem and also start shooting out delicate little flowers (which are white in the case of cilantro) on the tip of the stem. Cilantro plants will grow very tall when bolting and will eventually turn yellow. At this point, the cilantro starts to get bitter and becomes inedible. The little ponds on the plant will develop into seeds, known as coriander.
Bolting signals the end of the life of your cilantro plant. To have a continual supply of this crop, you will need to plant your crops sequentially over time so that you always have a new crop coming up.
Bolting might seem like a disadvantage but it is actually good because it gives seeds to plant the next season. If you plant your cilantro sequentially, you will have a constant flow of seeds coming in and you will have the freedom to select the best ones ensuring further success for your future planting.
Unlike other green vegetables, cilantro does well under cooler temperatures. It is a cool-season plant that grows favorably in cold weather conditions due to its tolerant nature. It is however intolerant of freezing temperatures and will not germinate or grow well in these conditions.
Cilantro temperature tolerance outdoes many other vegetables because it withstands light frost temperature which actually helps it improve its life span.
Growing Cilantro requires some care, maintenance, and tolerance to the zone you are growing in and the sort of growing season have.
With adequate attention, you can enjoy prolonged and abundant harvests of rich, flavorful cilantro leaves. If some plants grow past you and go to seed, don’t despair. You can let them ripen into tasty coriander seeds or let them fall to earth and seed another set of cilantro plants.
Is cilantro sensitive to frost?
Cilantro is fairly tolerant of cold weather. Cilantro can handle frost just fine.
The problem with cilantro is that it grows best when you give it lots of water. If you're planning to plant it in the fall, wait until spring before you put it out in the garden. You'll have a better chance of having it grow well then. I've also heard that cilantro does not like to dry out. This is true as well. It won't like to dry out as long as it is kept moist. I don't think there is anything wrong with planting cilantro in the fall, but it's best to wait until spring. It will still grow, but you won't get as much from it. I would plant it early in the spring if you can, because it won't grow as big or as well in the fall.
Cilantro is a member of the mint family, but it's more closely related to parsley. It's often used as an herb and can be found in Mexican, Indian, Asian and Mediterranean cuisines. It's also commonly used in Latin American dishes, including tacos and guacamole. Cilantro is known for its distinct flavor and is often used as an ingredient in cooking. When you add it to dishes, you're adding a bit of spice to foods.
When can I put cilantro outside?
Cilantro likes heat, but can tolerate cooler temperatures, so the main thing you need to consider is when will it be cool enough for your plants.
You should try to get it started early (April-May) since it does well in summer and fall. But if you get it started in spring, you can plant in pots outside, and bring inside when it gets too hot. I am doing this right now. If it gets too warm, I'll just bring it in. Cilantro is one of the easiest herbs to grow. The main thing to watch out for is that it doesn't get too much heat, and doesn't get cold temperatures, which will cause the leaves to curl.
What is the trick to growing cilantro?
It's easy to grow and does well in a pot or hanging basket. It likes full sun, but can tolerate some shade.
Cilantro can be grown in a pot on a sunny windowsill. I grow it year-round, but usually it's too cold in the winter. You can grow it indoors in a houseplant container. Water it regularly.
The plants are easy to propagate from seed, and if you get enough of them, they will multiply.
How often should I water cilantro?
You should water your cilantro once or twice a day.
Does Cilantro Freeze When Growing Outdoors?
Cilantro can freeze only when exposed to high frosty temperatures if growing outside. Therefore, the prevailing atmospheric temperature outside determines your plants.
It is important to note that cilantro does not just freeze because it is planted outdoors. Instead, it freezes and dies when the climate exceeds the surviving capacity the plant can withstand. This process occurs during frosty cold temperatures when cilantro cannot withstand them.
Cilantro only freezes under ice-cold weather conditions, which mainly occurs when growing outdoors because they are exposed directly to severe cold conditions. When these temperatures drop drastically, cilantro is bound to freeze and die.
However, this shouldn’t discourage you from growing cilantro outdoors. A covering or a blanket for your garden can help preserve your plant’s life by preventing frosting from killing them. The covering for the blanket helps maintain the right temperature for a plant to grow.
Can Cilantro Withstand A Light Frost?
Cilantro can withstand a light frost. This is because cilantro is a frost-tolerant vegetable and thrives in a frosty environment. In addition, it does not die during winter like many other green vegetables.
However, the type of frost determines the survival of your cilantro plants. A light frost that occurs in temperatures 28 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit does not affect your cilantro plants. Cilantro does die due to a light frost. Frostbite lower than 28 degrees Fahrenheit is a hard frost and highly detrimental to your crop.
Cilantro cannot withstand such temperatures, especially when you have not provided any covering like gold frames, row covers, or low cold tunnels protecting them from severe cold weather conditions.
Under frosty conditions, the cilantro plant gets sweeter. This is because the cold weather causes them to convert their starches into sugar, making them taste sweeter.
What Temperature Does Cilantro Germinate?
Cilantro seeds can be hard to germinate. They are very susceptible to disease and fungal infections, which can interfere with sprouting. This is because the conditions for germination have to be just right. One of the most important factors that need to be just perfect for cilantro to germinate is temperature.
The germination rate of cilantro is naturally below 50%, but if you can ensure that other environmental conditions are optimal this rate can increase to about 70%.
The ideal temperature for cilantro seeds to germinate is in the range of 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Cilantro does not like cold temperatures and will definitely die and not germinate if exposed to freezing temperatures.
If you are germinating your cilantro in an indoor environment such as a greenhouse, can easily make sure that the temperature in the environment is up to standard. You can use heat lamps such as these, which are specifically formulated for seed germination.
If you have no access to a temperature-controlled area to germinate your cilantro seeds, you will need to germinate them in the summer or spring months when the temperatures are high enough. If you do it in the wrong season, you will not have any success, and therefore no crop.
Will Cilantro Grow Back After Bolting?
Unfortunately, once cilantro bolts it loses all its flavor and does not grow back. Trimming it by cutting off the white flowers will also not bring it back to life.
Let us discuss what bolting looks like so we can better understand this process. Bolting is the process when a plant produces flowers and goes to seed. This is a natural part of the plant’s life cycle and prepares for the following season by making seeds that can be planted. Some of the most common and fast-bolting plants alongside cilantro include basil, broccoli, lettuce, and Swiss chard.
When these plants start bolting, they start to produce and thick central stem and also start shooting out delicate little flowers (which are white in the case of cilantro) on the tip of the stem. Cilantro plants will grow very tall when bolting and will eventually turn yellow. At this point, the cilantro starts to get bitter and becomes inedible. The little ponds on the plant will develop into seeds, known as coriander.
Bolting signals the end of the life of your cilantro plant. To have a continual supply of this crop, you will need to plant your crops sequentially over time so that you always have a new crop coming up.
Bolting might seem like a disadvantage but it is actually good because it gives seeds to plant the next season. If you plant your cilantro sequentially, you will have a constant flow of seeds coming in and you will have the freedom to select the best ones ensuring further success for your future planting.
Unlike other green vegetables, cilantro does well under cooler temperatures. It is a cool-season plant that grows favorably in cold weather conditions due to its tolerant nature. It is however intolerant of freezing temperatures and will not germinate or grow well in these conditions.
Cilantro temperature tolerance outdoes many other vegetables because it withstands light frost temperature which actually helps it improve its life span.
Growing Cilantro requires some care, maintenance, and tolerance to the zone you are growing in and the sort of growing season have.
With adequate attention, you can enjoy prolonged and abundant harvests of rich, flavorful cilantro leaves. If some plants grow past you and go to seed, don’t despair. You can let them ripen into tasty coriander seeds or let them fall to earth and seed another set of cilantro plants.
Is cilantro sensitive to frost?
Cilantro is fairly tolerant of cold weather. Cilantro can handle frost just fine.
The problem with cilantro is that it grows best when you give it lots of water. If you're planning to plant it in the fall, wait until spring before you put it out in the garden. You'll have a better chance of having it grow well then. I've also heard that cilantro does not like to dry out. This is true as well. It won't like to dry out as long as it is kept moist. I don't think there is anything wrong with planting cilantro in the fall, but it's best to wait until spring. It will still grow, but you won't get as much from it. I would plant it early in the spring if you can, because it won't grow as big or as well in the fall.
Cilantro is a member of the mint family, but it's more closely related to parsley. It's often used as an herb and can be found in Mexican, Indian, Asian and Mediterranean cuisines. It's also commonly used in Latin American dishes, including tacos and guacamole. Cilantro is known for its distinct flavor and is often used as an ingredient in cooking. When you add it to dishes, you're adding a bit of spice to foods.
When can I put cilantro outside?
Cilantro likes heat, but can tolerate cooler temperatures, so the main thing you need to consider is when will it be cool enough for your plants.
You should try to get it started early (April-May) since it does well in summer and fall. But if you get it started in spring, you can plant in pots outside, and bring inside when it gets too hot. I am doing this right now. If it gets too warm, I'll just bring it in. Cilantro is one of the easiest herbs to grow. The main thing to watch out for is that it doesn't get too much heat, and doesn't get cold temperatures, which will cause the leaves to curl.
What is the trick to growing cilantro?
It's easy to grow and does well in a pot or hanging basket. It likes full sun, but can tolerate some shade.
Cilantro can be grown in a pot on a sunny windowsill. I grow it year-round, but usually it's too cold in the winter. You can grow it indoors in a houseplant container. Water it regularly.
The plants are easy to propagate from seed, and if you get enough of them, they will multiply.
How often should I water cilantro?
You should water your cilantro once or twice a day.

It cannot tolerate temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit or higher than 85 degrees Fahrenheit. There are certain limitations to this peculiar plant when it comes to cold weather that you must know. They include:
- Extreme cold temperature is detrimental to your cilantro plant. When the temperatures become too cold for plants, they lose their ability to grow well. This loss leads to the death of the plant.
- Cilantro does not withstand temperatures that exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit as the plant starts bolting. Bolting can result in a short harvest and the sprouting of seeds from the plant too early.
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Cilantro Temperature Tolerance For Winter?
Cilantro does well during the winter as it happens to be its favorite growth temperature. That’s why this weather enhances the plant’s performance by ensuring faster growth and a longer lifespan.
It is best to cultivate cilantro during the winter growing season between April to May and September to October for better produce. However, it is essential to note that cilantro only withstands mild winter. If your area seems heavy in winter, the bone-freezing temperatures will only lead to the death of the plants.
Cilantro is a special kind of vegetable that does not grow like many others that belong to the green vegetable family.
The bottom line, cilantro can survive mild winter and do exceptionally well under such temperatures. Exposure to heavy winter temperatures is not favorable for cilantro growth and development.
Tree Cover Rectangle Frost Protection Blankets for Plants
Does Cilantro Freeze When Growing Outdoors?
Cilantro can freeze only when exposed to high frosty temperatures if growing outside. Therefore, the prevailing atmospheric temperature outside determines your plants.
It is important to note that cilantro does not just freeze because it is planted outdoors. Instead, it freezes and dies when the climate exceeds the surviving capacity the plant can withstand. This process occurs during frosty cold temperatures when cilantro cannot withstand them.
Cilantro only freezes under ice-cold weather conditions, which mainly occurs when growing outdoors because they are exposed directly to severe cold conditions. When these temperatures drop drastically, cilantro is bound to freeze and die.
However, this shouldn’t discourage you from growing cilantro outdoors. A covering or a blanket for your garden can help preserve your plant’s life by preventing frosting from killing them. The covering for the blanket helps maintain the right temperature for a plant to grow.
Can Cilantro Withstand A Light Frost?
Cilantro can withstand a light frost. This is because cilantro is a frost-tolerant vegetable and thrives in a frosty environment. In addition, it does not die during winter like many other green vegetables.
However, the type of frost determines the survival of your cilantro plants. A light frost that occurs in temperatures 28 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit does not affect your cilantro plants. Cilantro does die due to a light frost. Frostbite lower than 28 degrees Fahrenheit is a hard frost and highly detrimental to your crop.
Cilantro cannot withstand such temperatures, especially when you have not provided any covering like gold frames, row covers, or low cold tunnels protecting them from severe cold weather conditions.
Under frosty conditions, the cilantro plant gets sweeter. This is because the cold weather causes them to convert their starches into sugar, making them taste sweeter.
What Temperature Does Cilantro Germinate?
Cilantro seeds can be hard to germinate. They are very susceptible to disease and fungal infections, which can interfere with sprouting. This is because the conditions for germination have to be just right. One of the most important factors that need to be just perfect for cilantro to germinate is temperature.
The germination rate of cilantro is naturally below 50%, but if you can ensure that other environmental conditions are optimal this rate can increase to about 70%.
The ideal temperature for cilantro seeds to germinate is in the range of 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Cilantro does not like cold temperatures and will definitely die and not germinate if exposed to freezing temperatures.
If you are germinating your cilantro in an indoor environment such as a greenhouse, can easily make sure that the temperature in the environment is up to standard. You can use heat lamps such as these, which are specifically formulated for seed germination.
If you have no access to a temperature-controlled area to germinate your cilantro seeds, you will need to germinate them in the summer or spring months when the temperatures are high enough. If you do it in the wrong season, you will not have any success, and therefore no crop.
Will Cilantro Grow Back After Bolting?
Unfortunately, once cilantro bolts it loses all its flavor and does not grow back. Trimming it by cutting off the white flowers will also not bring it back to life.
Let us discuss what bolting looks like so we can better understand this process. Bolting is the process when a plant produces flowers and goes to seed. This is a natural part of the plant’s life cycle and prepares for the following season by making seeds that can be planted. Some of the most common and fast-bolting plants alongside cilantro include basil, broccoli, lettuce, and Swiss chard.
When these plants start bolting, they start to produce and thick central stem and also start shooting out delicate little flowers (which are white in the case of cilantro) on the tip of the stem. Cilantro plants will grow very tall when bolting and will eventually turn yellow. At this point, the cilantro starts to get bitter and becomes inedible. The little ponds on the plant will develop into seeds, known as coriander.
Bolting signals the end of the life of your cilantro plant. To have a continual supply of this crop, you will need to plant your crops sequentially over time so that you always have a new crop coming up.
Bolting might seem like a disadvantage but it is actually good because it gives seeds to plant the next season. If you plant your cilantro sequentially, you will have a constant flow of seeds coming in and you will have the freedom to select the best ones ensuring further success for your future planting.
Unlike other green vegetables, cilantro does well under cooler temperatures. It is a cool-season plant that grows favorably in cold weather conditions due to its tolerant nature. It is however intolerant of freezing temperatures and will not germinate or grow well in these conditions.
Cilantro temperature tolerance outdoes many other vegetables because it withstands light frost temperature which actually helps it improve its life span.
Growing Cilantro requires some care, maintenance, and tolerance to the zone you are growing in and the sort of growing season have.
With adequate attention, you can enjoy prolonged and abundant harvests of rich, flavorful cilantro leaves. If some plants grow past you and go to seed, don’t despair. You can let them ripen into tasty coriander seeds or let them fall to earth and seed another set of cilantro plants.
Is cilantro sensitive to frost?
Cilantro is fairly tolerant of cold weather. Cilantro can handle frost just fine.
The problem with cilantro is that it grows best when you give it lots of water. If you're planning to plant it in the fall, wait until spring before you put it out in the garden. You'll have a better chance of having it grow well then. I've also heard that cilantro does not like to dry out. This is true as well. It won't like to dry out as long as it is kept moist. I don't think there is anything wrong with planting cilantro in the fall, but it's best to wait until spring. It will still grow, but you won't get as much from it. I would plant it early in the spring if you can, because it won't grow as big or as well in the fall.
Cilantro is a member of the mint family, but it's more closely related to parsley. It's often used as an herb and can be found in Mexican, Indian, Asian and Mediterranean cuisines. It's also commonly used in Latin American dishes, including tacos and guacamole. Cilantro is known for its distinct flavor and is often used as an ingredient in cooking. When you add it to dishes, you're adding a bit of spice to foods.
When can I put cilantro outside?
Cilantro likes heat, but can tolerate cooler temperatures, so the main thing you need to consider is when will it be cool enough for your plants.
You should try to get it started early (April-May) since it does well in summer and fall. But if you get it started in spring, you can plant in pots outside, and bring inside when it gets too hot. I am doing this right now. If it gets too warm, I'll just bring it in. Cilantro is one of the easiest herbs to grow. The main thing to watch out for is that it doesn't get too much heat, and doesn't get cold temperatures, which will cause the leaves to curl.
What is the trick to growing cilantro?
It's easy to grow and does well in a pot or hanging basket. It likes full sun, but can tolerate some shade.
Cilantro can be grown in a pot on a sunny windowsill. I grow it year-round, but usually it's too cold in the winter. You can grow it indoors in a houseplant container. Water it regularly.
The plants are easy to propagate from seed, and if you get enough of them, they will multiply.
How often should I water cilantro?
You should water your cilantro once or twice a day.

Set the seeds in soft well-loosened
Click Here: Do You Use Cilantro Stems?
Does Cilantro Survive Cold Weather?
Cilantro is a cool-season crop, but that’s best to add cold to freezing temperatures. The cilantro temperature tolerance is high because they have a cold hardy nature. Cold weather conditions are the best for growing cilantro plants.
Cold weather enhances its plant’s lifespan by extending its greenish nature and leafiness so you can harvest from it for a more extended period. The cold weather also prevents it from bolting or blooming too early.
The cilantro plant needs cold weather for its overall effective growth and development as well as its survival lost their phone(?) it drives better in cold weather and hot and sunny weather.
The cold-hardy nature or temperature tolerance of cilantro makes it possible for you to survive in cold weather without wilting. The cold weather not only helps cilantro survive but it accelerates its growth rate while enhancing its longevity.
However, freezing temperatures can cause the death of this plant. Cilantro thrives at temperatures between 50 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit, the best weather for its growth.

It cannot tolerate temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit or higher than 85 degrees Fahrenheit. There are certain limitations to this peculiar plant when it comes to cold weather that you must know. They include:
- Extreme cold temperature is detrimental to your cilantro plant. When the temperatures become too cold for plants, they lose their ability to grow well. This loss leads to the death of the plant.
- Cilantro does not withstand temperatures that exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit as the plant starts bolting. Bolting can result in a short harvest and the sprouting of seeds from the plant too early.
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Cilantro Temperature Tolerance For Winter?
Cilantro does well during the winter as it happens to be its favorite growth temperature. That’s why this weather enhances the plant’s performance by ensuring faster growth and a longer lifespan.
It is best to cultivate cilantro during the winter growing season between April to May and September to October for better produce. However, it is essential to note that cilantro only withstands mild winter. If your area seems heavy in winter, the bone-freezing temperatures will only lead to the death of the plants.
Cilantro is a special kind of vegetable that does not grow like many others that belong to the green vegetable family.
The bottom line, cilantro can survive mild winter and do exceptionally well under such temperatures. Exposure to heavy winter temperatures is not favorable for cilantro growth and development.
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Does Cilantro Freeze When Growing Outdoors?
Cilantro can freeze only when exposed to high frosty temperatures if growing outside. Therefore, the prevailing atmospheric temperature outside determines your plants.
It is important to note that cilantro does not just freeze because it is planted outdoors. Instead, it freezes and dies when the climate exceeds the surviving capacity the plant can withstand. This process occurs during frosty cold temperatures when cilantro cannot withstand them.
Cilantro only freezes under ice-cold weather conditions, which mainly occurs when growing outdoors because they are exposed directly to severe cold conditions. When these temperatures drop drastically, cilantro is bound to freeze and die.
However, this shouldn’t discourage you from growing cilantro outdoors. A covering or a blanket for your garden can help preserve your plant’s life by preventing frosting from killing them. The covering for the blanket helps maintain the right temperature for a plant to grow.
Can Cilantro Withstand A Light Frost?
Cilantro can withstand a light frost. This is because cilantro is a frost-tolerant vegetable and thrives in a frosty environment. In addition, it does not die during winter like many other green vegetables.
However, the type of frost determines the survival of your cilantro plants. A light frost that occurs in temperatures 28 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit does not affect your cilantro plants. Cilantro does die due to a light frost. Frostbite lower than 28 degrees Fahrenheit is a hard frost and highly detrimental to your crop.
Cilantro cannot withstand such temperatures, especially when you have not provided any covering like gold frames, row covers, or low cold tunnels protecting them from severe cold weather conditions.
Under frosty conditions, the cilantro plant gets sweeter. This is because the cold weather causes them to convert their starches into sugar, making them taste sweeter.
What Temperature Does Cilantro Germinate?
Cilantro seeds can be hard to germinate. They are very susceptible to disease and fungal infections, which can interfere with sprouting. This is because the conditions for germination have to be just right. One of the most important factors that need to be just perfect for cilantro to germinate is temperature.
The germination rate of cilantro is naturally below 50%, but if you can ensure that other environmental conditions are optimal this rate can increase to about 70%.
The ideal temperature for cilantro seeds to germinate is in the range of 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Cilantro does not like cold temperatures and will definitely die and not germinate if exposed to freezing temperatures.
If you are germinating your cilantro in an indoor environment such as a greenhouse, can easily make sure that the temperature in the environment is up to standard. You can use heat lamps such as these, which are specifically formulated for seed germination.
If you have no access to a temperature-controlled area to germinate your cilantro seeds, you will need to germinate them in the summer or spring months when the temperatures are high enough. If you do it in the wrong season, you will not have any success, and therefore no crop.
Will Cilantro Grow Back After Bolting?
Unfortunately, once cilantro bolts it loses all its flavor and does not grow back. Trimming it by cutting off the white flowers will also not bring it back to life.
Let us discuss what bolting looks like so we can better understand this process. Bolting is the process when a plant produces flowers and goes to seed. This is a natural part of the plant’s life cycle and prepares for the following season by making seeds that can be planted. Some of the most common and fast-bolting plants alongside cilantro include basil, broccoli, lettuce, and Swiss chard.
When these plants start bolting, they start to produce and thick central stem and also start shooting out delicate little flowers (which are white in the case of cilantro) on the tip of the stem. Cilantro plants will grow very tall when bolting and will eventually turn yellow. At this point, the cilantro starts to get bitter and becomes inedible. The little ponds on the plant will develop into seeds, known as coriander.
Bolting signals the end of the life of your cilantro plant. To have a continual supply of this crop, you will need to plant your crops sequentially over time so that you always have a new crop coming up.
Bolting might seem like a disadvantage but it is actually good because it gives seeds to plant the next season. If you plant your cilantro sequentially, you will have a constant flow of seeds coming in and you will have the freedom to select the best ones ensuring further success for your future planting.
Unlike other green vegetables, cilantro does well under cooler temperatures. It is a cool-season plant that grows favorably in cold weather conditions due to its tolerant nature. It is however intolerant of freezing temperatures and will not germinate or grow well in these conditions.
Cilantro temperature tolerance outdoes many other vegetables because it withstands light frost temperature which actually helps it improve its life span.
Growing Cilantro requires some care, maintenance, and tolerance to the zone you are growing in and the sort of growing season have.
With adequate attention, you can enjoy prolonged and abundant harvests of rich, flavorful cilantro leaves. If some plants grow past you and go to seed, don’t despair. You can let them ripen into tasty coriander seeds or let them fall to earth and seed another set of cilantro plants.
Is cilantro sensitive to frost?
Cilantro is fairly tolerant of cold weather. Cilantro can handle frost just fine.
The problem with cilantro is that it grows best when you give it lots of water. If you're planning to plant it in the fall, wait until spring before you put it out in the garden. You'll have a better chance of having it grow well then. I've also heard that cilantro does not like to dry out. This is true as well. It won't like to dry out as long as it is kept moist. I don't think there is anything wrong with planting cilantro in the fall, but it's best to wait until spring. It will still grow, but you won't get as much from it. I would plant it early in the spring if you can, because it won't grow as big or as well in the fall.
Cilantro is a member of the mint family, but it's more closely related to parsley. It's often used as an herb and can be found in Mexican, Indian, Asian and Mediterranean cuisines. It's also commonly used in Latin American dishes, including tacos and guacamole. Cilantro is known for its distinct flavor and is often used as an ingredient in cooking. When you add it to dishes, you're adding a bit of spice to foods.
When can I put cilantro outside?
Cilantro likes heat, but can tolerate cooler temperatures, so the main thing you need to consider is when will it be cool enough for your plants.
You should try to get it started early (April-May) since it does well in summer and fall. But if you get it started in spring, you can plant in pots outside, and bring inside when it gets too hot. I am doing this right now. If it gets too warm, I'll just bring it in. Cilantro is one of the easiest herbs to grow. The main thing to watch out for is that it doesn't get too much heat, and doesn't get cold temperatures, which will cause the leaves to curl.
What is the trick to growing cilantro?
It's easy to grow and does well in a pot or hanging basket. It likes full sun, but can tolerate some shade.
Cilantro can be grown in a pot on a sunny windowsill. I grow it year-round, but usually it's too cold in the winter. You can grow it indoors in a houseplant container. Water it regularly.
The plants are easy to propagate from seed, and if you get enough of them, they will multiply.
How often should I water cilantro?
You should water your cilantro once or twice a day.

Brian is an avid gardener who loves spending time outdoors. He is passionate about using his green thumb to create beautiful, lush gardens for her friends and family. He finds joy in tending to her garden, trimming plants, and cultivating new species. He enjoys to share his knowledge and experience with others with a similar gardening enthusiasm. Brian is a true nature enthusiast and a has true passion for the outdoors.