Category: Tips & Guides

Grow Room Equipment Checklist

Cultivation in an indoor space is becoming most growers’ favorite as it offers lots of advantages. To commence grow room indoor garden, there are some supplies required to set up …

How Long For Clones To Root

How long does it take for clones to root is the question we’re answering today. Cloned plants successfully taking root is every grower’s wish and anticipating your clones taking root …

How To Fix Nutrient Burn

A couple of growers may face nutrient burn sometimes during the course of their growing period. The thing is do you know how to fix nutrient burn? Drying out leaves, …

Ceramic Metal Halide vs LED

Let’s discuss Ceramic Metal Halide vs LED. Is anyone better than the other? We will find out. In the world of hydroponics, grow light continues to advance. Various types of …

How To Harvest Leaf Lettuce

Are you ready to enjoy all-year-round fresh green salad lettuce? Let’s dive in. Lettuce leaves should be harvested the appropriate way so it keeps growing nonstop. If you’re wondering how …