There have always been consistent debates about the effectiveness of various types of grow lights for indoor hydroponics. Among these various debates, let’s get to know if white LED lights are good options for growing.
Grow lights such as LED mimics the work sunlight does on plants. They are an artificial source of light for enhancing the growth of indoor hydroponic plants. So, if it interests you to find out if grow lights such as white LED lights are good for growing, we will let you know in this post.
White LED Lights Are Made Of
Firstly, let’s get to know what a white light really is. In a clear sense, white LED lights are not actually white. They are combinations or packed diodes of different colors to give white color to human eyes.
The combinations of colors that appear white to human eyes are many. One of them is an equal amount of red, blue, and green color combinations. Another combination is blue and yellow color combinations and many more. However, these lights are not a complete spectrum. Changing the amount or level of each color will result in color temperatures of light.

Let’s Find Out If White Led Grow Lights Are Good For Burgeoning
The short answer is yes, white LED lights are definitely good for growing. Even though most growers are used to purple grow lights and may think white LED lights don’t offer much value to plants’ growth: well, that’s not the case. Your indoor plants can also benefit from using white LED grow lights.
Regular White Light Led Grow Light (Full-conversion)
Note that there we have regular white LED used in most homes, offices, etc. These types of white LED are standard fluorescent lights. They are actually made of ultraviolet light that is made of blue, green, and red.
There is a powdered phosphor coating in the tube of this light that converts the ultraviolet light into green, red, and blue. However, they are seen as white to the human eyes. The ultraviolet light discharged by the LED is usually transformed into white light by the phosphor coating.
This transformation or conversion is known as full-conversion white LED. Although this type of white LED will work for growing plants, the efficiency won’t be that great.
LED Grow Light,6000K Full Spectrum Clip Plant Growing Lamp with White Red LEDs for Indoor Plants
White LED Lights (Partial-conversion)
In today’s market, there is the introduction of a better type of white light which is a partial conversion LED used in an indoor garden. It makes use of blue light instead of ultraviolet light. The phosphor coating here changes part of the blue light into yellow light. This yellow light consists of red and green.
This yellow light now merges with the rest of the blue light to form white light. Now, this type of white LED is very efficient for growing plants compared to the regular one.
Today’s white LED spectrum light will supply a full light spectrum of various wavelengths.
Wavelength Of White LED Light
Various plants in their different growth phases require a certain type of light. This is where color temperature comes into play where specific wavelengths are required for different phases in a plant’s life cycle.
The changes in the amount proportion of each color contained in the white LED will determine the color temperature. For instance, warm white light of color temperature 3000k has more red wavelengths. On the other hand, cool white light of color temperature 6500K has more blue wavelengths.
Now when it comes to changing the color temperature for the white diode, all you need do is make use of a thicker phosphor layer. Then you can change the blue LED’s wavelength.
Below are some color temperatures for various stages of a plant’s growth:
- Vegetative Phase: Red light is ideal for the vegetative phase of a plant and this falls in the 5000K range.
- Flowering Phase: Cooler temperatures are ideal for the flowering phase. Thus, you should go for the 2700K to 3000K scale. 2700K is specifically for the flowering stage; however, if you wish to make use of your light for all growth stages, then 3000K is the ideal number.
- Generally For Plants: for growing plants generally both 5000K and 6500K are perfect. However, if you plan on indulging in just veggies 6500K will work fine.
Can you use a white LED light to grow plants?
Yes, you can use a white LED light to grow plants. There are many different ways to use an LED light for growing plants. You can use a cool white or warm white LED light. You can also use the red and blue LED lights. It’s not a good idea to use a white LED light for any other purpose. However, the best way to do this is to use an LED grow light that has been specifically designed for growing plants. The reason being that LEDs produce a specific wavelength of light, and these are what plants need to grow. Using any other type of lighting would not be the best option for growing plants.
When should you use white LED as opposed to flourescent?
You can use an LED light to grow plants, but it’s not the same as a fluorescent bulb. While fluorescent lights are made of tubes that contain mercury vapor, LEDs don’t have any mercury. They also emit a different wavelength of light than conventional fluorescent lights, and their spectrum is more like sunlight.
The LED light is much more efficient than a conventional fluorescent bulb, so it will last longer and cost less to run. It won’t heat up the room as much as a fluorescent bulb, so your house won’t be hotter in the summer. And since LEDs don’t contain mercury or have any other hazardous chemicals inside them, you can put them in an area where children and pets play.
LED lights are great for growing herbs, veggies, fruits, and flowers. But if you’re looking to grow houseplants or succulents, you should use a fluorescent light instead. Fluorescent bulbs emit the same spectrum of light as sunlight, which is great for plants that like bright sunlight.
Can any LED light be used as a grow light?
Yes. The only restriction is that the spectrum of the light must be within the tolerance range of the plants' requirements, which is typically a range of 400 to 700nm for most plants. The higher the wavelength, the more blue light, and the lower the wavelength, the more red light. The light is typically measured in lumens. A typical fluorescent bulb emits about 100 lumens, so one lumen is equal to one lumen per watt.
How do I change the color of my LED grow light?
You can adjust the color of your LED lights by using the colored filters that are available from most LED lighting manufacturers. The colored filters come in a variety of colors such as red, yellow, blue, and green. The colored filters are usually designed to match the spectrum of light emitted by the bulbs. Some colored filters have their own special name and are labeled accordingly. For example, "G-Red" is a red filter, "G-Green" is a green filter, etc. The filters can be purchased individually, or they can be bought as a set.
Conclusion About White Led Spectrum
So, we have concluded that white LED lights are indeed is good for growing indoor plants. It will offer your plant efficient growth and stronger results.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.