Aquaponics combines raising fish and growing crops in a system and the fish waste serves as the plant’s nutrient. The plants also filter the water for the fish. However, sometimes the fish waste that serves as a plant’s nutrient may not be enough, and adding nutrients to your aquaponics system may be required.
This is why it is important you test your nutrient solution often to know if any nutrient addition will be necessary. This will help you prevent nutrient deficiencies in your aquaponics system. Adding nutrients to your aquaponics system when necessary will also boost the yield of your plants.
So, continue reading to learn about adding nutrients to your aquaponics system.
Aquaponics Nutrients
Nutrients are essential for plants growth and as we said earlier, the fish in your aquaponics provides these nutrients. The fish food you feed your fish usually contains all the appropriate nutrients required by your plants and it’s been supplied to your plants from the fish waste.
However, this fish waste may not contain the required nutrient quantity needed by your plants to grow efficiently. This is why supplemental nutrients may be required. So, adding nutrients to your aquaponics system is for the purpose of balancing the low level or low amount of nutrients provided by the fish food.

Before we look into adding nutrients to your aquaponics, the first thing to do is to test your nutrient solutions. This will help determine which nutrients are deficient and if they need nutrient supplements. Also, you will be testing for temperatures, pH range, and electrical conductivity. All these parameters need to be tested in your aquaponics system for nutrients to be absorbed appropriately. There are different testing kits available for you to be able to do all this required testing.
PH Range
It is important for the pH level of your nutrient solution must be in range. This is required for optimal nutrient uptake by your plant and also for your fish survival.
If the pH level is out of range, plants will be unable to absorb nutrients appropriately. This is in turn causes the water to be polluted as this prevents the ammonia from converting to nitrates. It can also expose your fish to diseases.
When the temperature of your fish surrounding is too low or too high, it will cause your fish to become stressed. At the same time, it will affect your plants’ growth.
Inappropriate temperatures range can as well cause harm to the beneficial bacteria responsible for the conversion of ammonia to nitrates. When this happens, it can be quite detrimental to your aquaponics system.
Electrical Conductivity
Inappropriate electrical conductivity can slow the growth of your plants. Thus, decreasing the quality of your plant’s growth. It can also make the growth of your plant very fast which may be bad for some plants that will enter into the bolting phase quickly.

Aquaponics Nutrient Supplements: Adding Nutrients To Aquaponics
The most common nutrient deficiency that usually occurs in an aquaponic system is calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorous, and magnesium. These are part of the most essential elements required in your aquaponics system.
So, depending on the nutrient element missing, here are the following ways of adding nutrients to your aquaponics system:
The calcium deficiency can be solved effectively by spraying calcium solution over your plants. Mix calcium chloride with water and start with 4 teaspoons per gallon. Afterward, you can up the dose if need be. Ensure you spray once every week.
Using rock phosphate is one of the most easiest and common methods of adding phosphorous to your plants. Adding this supplement directly to your plant beds will allow for instant absorption. However, ensure you protect your plant bed from direct sunlight to get a successful result.
Adding shellfish bones to your fish tanks can also increase the supply of phosphorous as well as calcium.
Spraying and food additives are two ways of adding potassium to your aquaponics system. Spray potassium chloride onto your plants and repeat this process at least once a week. For food additives, add kelp meal concentrate to feed your fish. This will serve as a source of potassium.
TrueNute Potassium Silicate for Aquaponics, Hydroponics, Soil and Foliar Spray
To supply iron to your plants, a type of iron that can be easily absorbed by your plant should be used. You can use chelated iron and one excellent type we recommend is the Fe-DTPA. When using this, ensure your pH range is 7.5 or lower.
Aquaponics Nutrient Deficiencies: Symptoms
The most common deficiencies that may occur in your aquaponics systems are that of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous, and magnesium. So, here are their symptoms:
Potassium Deficiency: the symptoms include wrinkled and cupped leaves and this is usually noticed in older leaves.
Phosphorous Deficiency: you may begin to notice the leaves’ veins turning purple color. Brown spotting on leaves and spindly growth may be another sign of phosphorous deficiency. Stunted growth especially during the early stage of plant growth can be another symptom of phosphorous deficiency.
Calcium Deficiency: deficiency in calcium will result in stunted growth and brown spotting on the young stem and on the leaves. You may also notice the leaves cupping and interveinal chlorosis. The plant that is a fruiting variety will exhibit blossom end rot.
Magnesium Deficiency: the symptom of magnesium deficiency is interveinal chlorosis that will begin from the older leaves. You may also notice some white to brown necrotic spots.
Iron Deficiency: deficiency of iron is very easy to discover. You will notice interveinal chlorosis on all the young growth of your plant. The severity of the interveinal chlorosis can be so obvious that it displays an almost white appearance in the affected plant area.
Can you add nutrients to an aquaponics system?
Aquaponics combines the two technologies of aquaculture and hydroponics. Aquaculture is a form of farming that relies on the capture and rearing of aquatic animals for food, while hydroponics uses the nutrient-rich water in which plants are grown to nourish them. In the past, aquaponics has been mostly used by small scale farmers to produce organic vegetables, but now it can be used in commercial settings as well. With its high efficiency, low maintenance, and high yield, aquaponics has become a viable option for urban dwellers who want to live green and healthy lives. If you want to add nutrients to your aquaponics system, you can.
How do I add nitrogen to my aquaponics system?
Nitrogen is added to the water in an aquaponic system, either through the use of fertilizers or by adding air that contains nitrogen. Adding a fertilizer with nitrogen can be done at any time during the growing season. The amount of fertilizer added will depend on how much of the crop you are planning to grow and how much fish you are planning to raise. Air containing nitrogen is typically available at all times but you may need to add it more often during the summer months.
What type of fertilizers can I use in an aquaponic system? There are many different types of fertilizers for an aquaponic system. The most common ones are: Organic Fertilizers These fertilizers are usually derived from plant materials and are usually free of harmful chemicals and other substances. There are many different organic fertilizers available depending on what you are planning to grow and the crops you are raising.
What plant deficiencies are common in aquaponics?
Aquaponics is a fascinating and fun way to grow food. But it’s also a complex and high-maintenance hobby that requires some understanding of the basic science behind it, as well as knowledge about plants and nutrition. There are many different ways to use aquaponics, from small urban systems that can fit on a balcony or rooftop to large commercial systems that can be installed in a warehouse or even a factory.
The key to successful aquaponics is finding the right balance between water and fish. The water needs to be shallow enough to keep the fish from drowning. But you also don’t want to let the fish out of their tanks so that they will be able to eat the plants. You should be able to see the bottom of the tank at all times, so that you know exactly what’s going on in there. You also need to be sure that your water supply is clean. This means that you shouldn’t use tap water. It should be treated with chemicals to kill any bacteria that may be in it.
The most common nutrient deficiency in aquaponics is iron. Adding nutrients to the aquaponics system is mostly required in large-scale operations. This is because most aquaponics systems will do well on their own without requiring supplemental nutrients.
Always monitor the pH levels of your nutrient solutions so your plants can absorb nutrients appropriately.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.