the best root organics soil review

The Best Roots Organic Soil

Finding the right organic soil for your plant or garden can be a tedious task for any farmer; this is because you can be truly certain of the organic matter that is contained in the soil. Also, most growers find it difficult to find the right organic soil that can work well with the type of plant they grow. In this article, we will be reviewing some of the best roots organic soil that is available for purchase. Before I let you in on the list, I will like to share with you some vital information about organic soil and its benefit to plant roots. 

What is Organic Soil

Organic soils are engineered to contain organic matter that is packed with minerals and nutrients that are beneficial to the growth and development of plants. Simply put, organic soil is derived from living matter. This living matter consists mainly of decaying worms, microorganisms, insects, plant materials, and many other components. 

the best root organics soil review

Most farmers make use of compost, manure, and mulch to add nutrients to soils that are deficient in minerals required by plant roots. It is important to amend the soil when making preparations for planting. This is important in order to improve the nutrient content of the soil before putting in the seed or transplanting. 

What Constitutes an Organic Soil

Before you make use of organic soil in your pot or garden, you need to be wary of what goes into the soil so as not to compromise the health of your plants and seeds. The main components in an ideal organic soil are:

  • Compost 

Compost contains decaying matters which could include leaves, flowers, and other food scraps from the vegetative origin. Adding compost to a nutrient deficient soil is a great way to improve its quality and yield when it’s time to harvest the plant. The slow decay process of compost ensures the release of nutrients at a steady rate the roots can easily absorb. When adding compost to acidic soil, you will need to balance it by using lime or calcium to improve the pH. But in the case of alkaline soil, you need to add any calcium derivative as the compost will take care of balancing the pH level of the soil

  • Mulch 

This is also similar to compost but the difference is that it is made from decaying leaves, wood chips and/or bark. You can find a variety of mulch depending on the smell, color, and texture. Mulch helps the soil to retain moisture and also provides it with the required nutrients to improve plant growth. Just like compost, mulch also releases nutrients into the soil at a slow rate that can easily be absorbed by plant roots. 

  • Manure 

Many organic soils contain manure which is usually decayed animal excrement. They are applied to soil to serve as fertilizers that boost the nutrients in the soil. Adding manure to a nutrient deficient soil is a great way to improve the viability of the soil and improve plant yield. 


Benefits of Organic Soil

The organic matter contained in organic soil is beneficial to both the soil and plant as they:

  • Supply Nutrients

Adding organic soil to a nutrient deficient soil helps to provide minerals and nutrients that help the plant to grow. This will improve the foliage production leading to more healthy fruits, flowers, and leaves. 

  • Retain Moisture 

Organic soil rich in mulch helps to improve the soil water-holding capacity. This makes it possible for the roots to get direct access to moisture needed to improve growth and development. 

  • Improves Soil Structure

Adding organic matter to soil helps to improve the soil structure. The presence of organic matter causes the soil to form clumps which help to improve permeability, water absorption, and retention. 

The Best Organic Soil for Plant 

1. FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil

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This organic soil is perfect for use right from the bag as all the work has been done by the manufacturers. The pH of the fertilizer has been adjusted to between 6.3 and 6.8 to make it easy for the root to absorb the fertilizer. It contains organic matter such as bat guano, earthworm castings, and other micronutrients. This dirt works wonders in soil suffering from nutrient deficiency and will help to improve the plant growth in no time. 

2. Roots Organic

This coco fiber-based organic soil is packed with the highest quality coco fiber and contains other organic matter such as bat guano, fishbone meal, earthworm castings, feather meal, mycorrhizae, green sand, humic acid, soybean meal, glacial rock dust, and many other ingredients. The Roots Organics potting soil helps to improve soil nutrient content which encourages the growth of healthier plants leading to better yield. 

         3. Nature’s Living Soil Super Soil Organic Concentrate 


This organic soil from Natures’ living Soil contains organic matter that will improve the nutrient content in deficient soil. The ingredients include bat guano, blood meal, fishbone meal, kelp meal, Epsom salt, azomite, dolomite lime, alfalfa meal, coconut water powder among many others. The organic soil can be used in growing flowers, vegetables, and even for use on seedlings. 

         4. FoxFarm Happy Frog Potting Soil 

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Another quality product from FoxFarm, this organic soil is rich in nutrients that improve the growth and health of plants in your garden. The soil is packed with a combination of organic matter such as mycorrhizal fungal and other soil microbes which act together to adjust the soil pH, improve the development of soil structure, enhance flower and fruit production and increase plant yield. 

         5. Miracle-Gro Potting Soil

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Unlike traditional garden soil, the Miracle-Gro potting soil has the tendency to expand. When using the soil in a pot or container, you will need to add water until the soil fully expands and fills the container. It has the ability to hold more water than normal planting soil making it a great buy for gardens that suffer from nutrient deficiency. You can use this potting soil to grow healthy herbs, veggies, and Cole crops. 

Organic soil is a good way to improve the quality and yield of your plant especially when you notice that the soil is deficient in nutrients. Organic soil also works well with organic fertilizers so you want to avoid using any form of chemical for your plants as they can be harmful to your plant and the environment. 

If you would like help on how to use organic soil on your farm or have any further questions, you can let us know in the comment section.


Is organic soil good for plants?

Soil and gardening Organic gardening means gardening without using chemical fertilisers and pesticides. There are a number of different kinds of organic gardening, but they all have something in common – they try to mimic nature, in order to create a healthy and balanced environment for plants. This is where soil comes into the picture. Soil is the key to healthy plants and flowers. It is a living thing which helps to nourish the plants and provide them with the minerals they need. If you are interested in gardening, then you know how important soil is. Soil is full of things like worms, bacteria and fungi that help to keep your plants healthy and happy.

What is the difference between organic soil and regular soil?

Organic is better. According to the National Organic Program, organic farms use no synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fungicides on their crops.
Organic soil is not treated with chemicals that kill beneficial soil organisms. As a result, organic soils have a richer supply of nutrients than chemically treated soils.
Organic soil is a product of nature, but when it has been contaminated with chemicals, it is no longer organic. Soil is composed of mostly sand, clay, silt, and organic matter. There are many types of organic matter, including humus, leaf mold, compost, and peat moss. The key thing to understand about organic matter is that it is alive. When you dig into your garden bed, you’ll see that the top layer of soil is darker than the bottom because the organic matter is higher there. As the organic matter decays, it releases nutrients back into the soil. That is how organic matter keeps your soil healthy.

Does organic soil have fertilizer?

Organic soil has a lot of organic matter which can take up nitrogen and phosphorous from compost or manure.
In most cases the organic matter will be able to take up nutrients before the compost or manure is completely broken down. If you want to get more specific you can go through a lab and test the soil to see how much nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. is available.
Organic matter is an effective fertilizer. However, if your organic matter is not decomposed, it is not really fertilizer, but just some kind of compost.

How do you use organic soil?

The process is a little complicated, but the main idea is to enrich your garden with a rich and healthy soil. You can do this by adding composted manure or by using other organic matter. Organic matter is made up of dead organic material that has decayed into nutrients.

These nutrients are then able to be taken up by plants. Soil is made up of three basic components: sand, clay, and organic matter. Organic matter is made up of living and dead organisms. It includes both animal and plant remains. This means that you can use the composted manure from your animals or any other type of organic matter. Compost is a mixture of plant and animal waste that has been allowed to decompose in a controlled environment. You can add it directly to the soil or compost it before applying it to the soil. The amount of organic matter that you add to your soil is known as the “bulk density” of your soil. This will vary depending on the type of soil you have, but a good rule of thumb is to add at least 2-3 inches (5-7cm) of organic matter for every square foot .