It is important to give your grow light and indoor plants the appropriate distance so they can flourish. Now, if you’re wondering what distance from your plants you should give 1000w HPS grow light, we will let you know in this post.
Various grow lights have different placements that need to be followed. High-pressure sodium (HPS) lights are great for providing light for your indoor plants. Following the right positioning for this type of grow light is essential so you don’t end up causing harm to your indoor plants.
In this article, we will be looking at how far should 1000w HPS distance be from plants. We will also be looking at the appropriate hanging distance for other grow lights. So, continue reading to learn more about this.
How Far Should 1000W HPS Distance Be From Plants?
Hanging HPS grow light too low can burn your plants. Also, placing them too high can cause your plants not to receive an adequate light supply making them grow leggy and stretchy.
Another criterion to look at when considering the distance to hang your HPS grow light is the power of the grow light. The stronger the grow light, the farther it should be from your plants.
So, for 1000w HPS light, the appropriate hanging distance from plants should be about 20 to 36 inches above your plant canopy. Then you can gradually move the light closer while monitoring them as your plant strengthens and develops. However, you should ensure the heat emitted is bearable for your plants so they don’t burn them.
You can do a simple backhand test by putting your hand between your HPS grow light and plant to feel the heat. If they don’t burn the back of your hand, then your plants are safe. Nevertheless, always do the proper adjustments if you notice any changes as your plants develop.
For seedlings, the 1000w HPS distance from plants should be around 5 feet. However, you should be very careful when using HPS for your fragile seedlings especially high power such as a 1000w.
For other HPS grow lights lower than 1000w, the hanging distance will continue to decrease as the bulb wattage value decreases. However, various grow lights have their distance range to be followed.
Other Grow Light Hanging Distance
As we said earlier, various grow lights have a specific hanging distance that must be followed so your plants can grow optimally. Let’s take a look at how far fluorescent and LED distances should be from their plants’ canopy.
Fluorescent Light Distance From Plants
Fluorescent lights are one of the safest lights to use because they don’t emit too much heat compared to other grow lights. Therefore, they can be positioned close to your plant canopy.
It would be best if you hung your fluorescent grow light about 4 to 6 inches above the plant canopy for the vegetative and flowering phases. For seedlings, position your fluorescent to grow light a little farther. You can do 6 to 10 inches for seedlings and gradually move them closer as they mature.

After trying the manufacturer’s recommended hanging distance, you can go ahead and move it a bit closer to get the perfect distance. Do these until you get to a point where your plants start to bleach. Also, you need to always monitor your plants when trying new grow lights. Move them back immediately when you notice any signs of discomfort in the plants.
By doing this, you will have mastered the right hanging distance for your plants for them to receive optimal light for their growing needs. Also, you may need to adjust the grow light upwards as your plants grow taller and develop.
Read more about the 5 Best Hydroponic Kits You Can Find
How Many Watts Per Plant HPS?
When choosing an HPS light, it should not be about wattage. Instead of paying attention to the wattage of the grow light, it is more important to understand how the light spectrum works. This is so you can know which grow light and light spectrum to get for the stage of growth that your plants are at.
The grow light spectrum is measured in micromoles (µmol). Generally, you will need a light spectrum in the range of 180 to 1300 µmol. This is quite a wide range, therefore you would need to determine the light requirements of your plants. The more light-hungry your plants are, the higher the light spectrum you should get.
Certain plant families such as those of the Cannabaceae are on the upper end of the spectrum. They need a minimum of 800 µmol to reach 85% of their growth potential and up to 1300 µmol to reach their full potential. Other plants such as herbs, salad greens, and other leafy plants only require between 180-380 µmol to grow efficiently.
To determine the light intensity of your plants if you don’t know it, you can use a PAR meter for the spectral range that is suitable for growing plants.
What Size Room For 1000-Watt HPS?
In general, a 1000-watt grow light is used to cover an area that is 5 x 5 total foot area. HPS grow lights are however more powerful. A 1000-watt HPS grow light can cover a much wider area of about 49 square feet in size.
The actual area of coverage of a 1000-watt grow light, or any grow light for that matter depends on several factors such as the type of the light, the specific light requirements of the plants being grown, and the design and type of the grow space.
How Hot Does a 1000w HPS Light Get?
HPS lights operate at very high temperatures of up to 54000F. The majority of this light gets turned to infrared (IR) radiation. This is the type of radiation that causes molecules to vibrate and heat up when it comes into contact with them. This IR radiation is directed toward plants the same way visible light radiation does.
Regular users of HPS grow lights are well aware of this fact, and for this reason, they do not put the grow lights too close to their plants as it would kill the plants in a very short space of time.
How Many Lumens Does a 1000w HPS Produce?
Normally, when we go to the shop to buy light bulbs, we buy them based on how much energy (usually in watts) they use. Lately, however, there has been more knowledge that has led to people buying light based on the amount of light they can provide.
Lumens are a measure of how much light you will get from a light bulb. The higher the lumens, the brighter the light you will get. The opposite is true for fewer lumens.
The best way to shop for bulbs is to look for lumens instead of watts, that way you will be able to tell which bulb will give you more light.
A 1000-watt high-output HPS bulb produces 150 000 lumens. This is more than the standard HPS bulb which produces only 140 000 lumens.
Conclusion – 1000w HPS Distance From Plants
Different hanging distances are recommended for various grow lights. We have concluded that the ideal distance from plants for 1000w HPS should be around 20 to 36 inches.
Whenever you purchase a new grow light, you can start with the recommended hanging distance and monitor your plants closely. You should back off the lights if you notice any bleaching of leaves. If you however notice your plants are fine with the distance, you can bring them a little closer so they can get optimal lights for their growth.
In all this, always keep a close eye on your plants’ response anytime you are using a new grow light on your plants. You should be able to obtain the appropriate hanging heights for your grow lights.
Read more about How Many Plants Will A 1000 Watt HPS Light Produce?
How far should my 1000 HPS lights be from my plants?
If you look at a picture of a HPS (high pressure sodium) light fixture, you'll notice that there are two metal reflectors, one on top of the other. This design keeps the heat from dissipating and helps to direct the light toward the plants. The light fixture itself is mounted on a stand with a ballast. You'll find that the ballast is usually mounted between 8-10 feet from the fixture itself. The distance will vary depending on the type of ballast you purchase. Most people recommend a minimum of 15 feet of separation between plants and HPS lights. If you've got enough room, I'd say go for it.
What does the ballast do?
A ballast regulates the flow of power to the lamp, which provides a constant voltage and frequency to the lamp. The ballast usually includes circuitry for sensing lamp current and voltage and for turning the lamp on and off to minimize energy waste. The ballast may also include circuitry for dimming the lamp by varying the frequency or phase of the alternating current.
How do you know if a light is too close to a plant?
It’s important to remember that we are not looking at the plant itself, we are looking at the light. If it is shining directly onto the leaves, or even the top of the plant, then the light is too close and you should move the light away.
If the plant looks a little wilted and the leaves are turning yellow, then you may need to adjust your light to make sure that the light is not shining directly on the leaves.
When is the right distance the most important for a 1000w HPS?
You want to pay the most attention to this during the flowering stage. This type of light is highly recommended for this stage in the growing process. As a matter of fact, many people only use this light for this stage in the growing process. Sometimes after applying a MH grow light beforehand.
Can you have too much light in a cannabis grow tent?
Yes you can, and the plants will show signs of this. This is why it is very important to keep not only the right amount of lights, but the right distance between them and the plants.
Also, note that when it comes to using fluorescent grow lights, anything higher than 12 inches from your plants’ canopy may mean your plants aren’t getting good light energy. This is because fluorescent light strength decreases when the height is too far from the plants’ canopy. So, ensure they are close enough to your plant as they are safe to be positioned close to plants.
How Far Should LED Grow Light Be From Plants?
LED grow lights are one of the most popular lights to use for indoor gardening. They are also safe to use at an appropriate close range on plants and they don’t emit much heat. LED grow lights are as well strong and efficient and can be used for different plant growth stages. They are majorly used in the flowering and fruiting stages.
When it comes to using LED grow lights, there is no particular rule to their positioning. But as a recommended tip, they can be placed around 12 to 18 inches above the plants’ canopy.
However, there are many types and brands of LED grow light that offers different output so deciding the appropriate distance may be tricky. The good thing is most times when you purchase LED grow lights, the manufacturer usually puts a recommended hanging height to follow. You can start with the manufacturer’s recommended hanging distance.

After trying the manufacturer’s recommended hanging distance, you can go ahead and move it a bit closer to get the perfect distance. Do these until you get to a point where your plants start to bleach. Also, you need to always monitor your plants when trying new grow lights. Move them back immediately when you notice any signs of discomfort in the plants.
By doing this, you will have mastered the right hanging distance for your plants for them to receive optimal light for their growing needs. Also, you may need to adjust the grow light upwards as your plants grow taller and develop.
Read more about the 5 Best Hydroponic Kits You Can Find
How Many Watts Per Plant HPS?
When choosing an HPS light, it should not be about wattage. Instead of paying attention to the wattage of the grow light, it is more important to understand how the light spectrum works. This is so you can know which grow light and light spectrum to get for the stage of growth that your plants are at.
The grow light spectrum is measured in micromoles (µmol). Generally, you will need a light spectrum in the range of 180 to 1300 µmol. This is quite a wide range, therefore you would need to determine the light requirements of your plants. The more light-hungry your plants are, the higher the light spectrum you should get.
Certain plant families such as those of the Cannabaceae are on the upper end of the spectrum. They need a minimum of 800 µmol to reach 85% of their growth potential and up to 1300 µmol to reach their full potential. Other plants such as herbs, salad greens, and other leafy plants only require between 180-380 µmol to grow efficiently.
To determine the light intensity of your plants if you don’t know it, you can use a PAR meter for the spectral range that is suitable for growing plants.
What Size Room For 1000-Watt HPS?
In general, a 1000-watt grow light is used to cover an area that is 5 x 5 total foot area. HPS grow lights are however more powerful. A 1000-watt HPS grow light can cover a much wider area of about 49 square feet in size.
The actual area of coverage of a 1000-watt grow light, or any grow light for that matter depends on several factors such as the type of the light, the specific light requirements of the plants being grown, and the design and type of the grow space.
How Hot Does a 1000w HPS Light Get?
HPS lights operate at very high temperatures of up to 54000F. The majority of this light gets turned to infrared (IR) radiation. This is the type of radiation that causes molecules to vibrate and heat up when it comes into contact with them. This IR radiation is directed toward plants the same way visible light radiation does.
Regular users of HPS grow lights are well aware of this fact, and for this reason, they do not put the grow lights too close to their plants as it would kill the plants in a very short space of time.
How Many Lumens Does a 1000w HPS Produce?
Normally, when we go to the shop to buy light bulbs, we buy them based on how much energy (usually in watts) they use. Lately, however, there has been more knowledge that has led to people buying light based on the amount of light they can provide.
Lumens are a measure of how much light you will get from a light bulb. The higher the lumens, the brighter the light you will get. The opposite is true for fewer lumens.
The best way to shop for bulbs is to look for lumens instead of watts, that way you will be able to tell which bulb will give you more light.
A 1000-watt high-output HPS bulb produces 150 000 lumens. This is more than the standard HPS bulb which produces only 140 000 lumens.
Conclusion – 1000w HPS Distance From Plants
Different hanging distances are recommended for various grow lights. We have concluded that the ideal distance from plants for 1000w HPS should be around 20 to 36 inches.
Whenever you purchase a new grow light, you can start with the recommended hanging distance and monitor your plants closely. You should back off the lights if you notice any bleaching of leaves. If you however notice your plants are fine with the distance, you can bring them a little closer so they can get optimal lights for their growth.
In all this, always keep a close eye on your plants’ response anytime you are using a new grow light on your plants. You should be able to obtain the appropriate hanging heights for your grow lights.
Read more about How Many Plants Will A 1000 Watt HPS Light Produce?
How far should my 1000 HPS lights be from my plants?
If you look at a picture of a HPS (high pressure sodium) light fixture, you'll notice that there are two metal reflectors, one on top of the other. This design keeps the heat from dissipating and helps to direct the light toward the plants. The light fixture itself is mounted on a stand with a ballast. You'll find that the ballast is usually mounted between 8-10 feet from the fixture itself. The distance will vary depending on the type of ballast you purchase. Most people recommend a minimum of 15 feet of separation between plants and HPS lights. If you've got enough room, I'd say go for it.
What does the ballast do?
A ballast regulates the flow of power to the lamp, which provides a constant voltage and frequency to the lamp. The ballast usually includes circuitry for sensing lamp current and voltage and for turning the lamp on and off to minimize energy waste. The ballast may also include circuitry for dimming the lamp by varying the frequency or phase of the alternating current.
How do you know if a light is too close to a plant?
It’s important to remember that we are not looking at the plant itself, we are looking at the light. If it is shining directly onto the leaves, or even the top of the plant, then the light is too close and you should move the light away.
If the plant looks a little wilted and the leaves are turning yellow, then you may need to adjust your light to make sure that the light is not shining directly on the leaves.
When is the right distance the most important for a 1000w HPS?
You want to pay the most attention to this during the flowering stage. This type of light is highly recommended for this stage in the growing process. As a matter of fact, many people only use this light for this stage in the growing process. Sometimes after applying a MH grow light beforehand.
Can you have too much light in a cannabis grow tent?
Yes you can, and the plants will show signs of this. This is why it is very important to keep not only the right amount of lights, but the right distance between them and the plants.
Also, note that when it comes to using fluorescent grow lights, anything higher than 12 inches from your plants’ canopy may mean your plants aren’t getting good light energy. This is because fluorescent light strength decreases when the height is too far from the plants’ canopy. So, ensure they are close enough to your plant as they are safe to be positioned close to plants.
How Far Should LED Grow Light Be From Plants?
LED grow lights are one of the most popular lights to use for indoor gardening. They are also safe to use at an appropriate close range on plants and they don’t emit much heat. LED grow lights are as well strong and efficient and can be used for different plant growth stages. They are majorly used in the flowering and fruiting stages.
When it comes to using LED grow lights, there is no particular rule to their positioning. But as a recommended tip, they can be placed around 12 to 18 inches above the plants’ canopy.
However, there are many types and brands of LED grow light that offers different output so deciding the appropriate distance may be tricky. The good thing is most times when you purchase LED grow lights, the manufacturer usually puts a recommended hanging height to follow. You can start with the manufacturer’s recommended hanging distance.

After trying the manufacturer’s recommended hanging distance, you can go ahead and move it a bit closer to get the perfect distance. Do these until you get to a point where your plants start to bleach. Also, you need to always monitor your plants when trying new grow lights. Move them back immediately when you notice any signs of discomfort in the plants.
By doing this, you will have mastered the right hanging distance for your plants for them to receive optimal light for their growing needs. Also, you may need to adjust the grow light upwards as your plants grow taller and develop.
Read more about the 5 Best Hydroponic Kits You Can Find
How Many Watts Per Plant HPS?
When choosing an HPS light, it should not be about wattage. Instead of paying attention to the wattage of the grow light, it is more important to understand how the light spectrum works. This is so you can know which grow light and light spectrum to get for the stage of growth that your plants are at.
The grow light spectrum is measured in micromoles (µmol). Generally, you will need a light spectrum in the range of 180 to 1300 µmol. This is quite a wide range, therefore you would need to determine the light requirements of your plants. The more light-hungry your plants are, the higher the light spectrum you should get.
Certain plant families such as those of the Cannabaceae are on the upper end of the spectrum. They need a minimum of 800 µmol to reach 85% of their growth potential and up to 1300 µmol to reach their full potential. Other plants such as herbs, salad greens, and other leafy plants only require between 180-380 µmol to grow efficiently.
To determine the light intensity of your plants if you don’t know it, you can use a PAR meter for the spectral range that is suitable for growing plants.
What Size Room For 1000-Watt HPS?
In general, a 1000-watt grow light is used to cover an area that is 5 x 5 total foot area. HPS grow lights are however more powerful. A 1000-watt HPS grow light can cover a much wider area of about 49 square feet in size.
The actual area of coverage of a 1000-watt grow light, or any grow light for that matter depends on several factors such as the type of the light, the specific light requirements of the plants being grown, and the design and type of the grow space.
How Hot Does a 1000w HPS Light Get?
HPS lights operate at very high temperatures of up to 54000F. The majority of this light gets turned to infrared (IR) radiation. This is the type of radiation that causes molecules to vibrate and heat up when it comes into contact with them. This IR radiation is directed toward plants the same way visible light radiation does.
Regular users of HPS grow lights are well aware of this fact, and for this reason, they do not put the grow lights too close to their plants as it would kill the plants in a very short space of time.
How Many Lumens Does a 1000w HPS Produce?
Normally, when we go to the shop to buy light bulbs, we buy them based on how much energy (usually in watts) they use. Lately, however, there has been more knowledge that has led to people buying light based on the amount of light they can provide.
Lumens are a measure of how much light you will get from a light bulb. The higher the lumens, the brighter the light you will get. The opposite is true for fewer lumens.
The best way to shop for bulbs is to look for lumens instead of watts, that way you will be able to tell which bulb will give you more light.
A 1000-watt high-output HPS bulb produces 150 000 lumens. This is more than the standard HPS bulb which produces only 140 000 lumens.
Conclusion – 1000w HPS Distance From Plants
Different hanging distances are recommended for various grow lights. We have concluded that the ideal distance from plants for 1000w HPS should be around 20 to 36 inches.
Whenever you purchase a new grow light, you can start with the recommended hanging distance and monitor your plants closely. You should back off the lights if you notice any bleaching of leaves. If you however notice your plants are fine with the distance, you can bring them a little closer so they can get optimal lights for their growth.
In all this, always keep a close eye on your plants’ response anytime you are using a new grow light on your plants. You should be able to obtain the appropriate hanging heights for your grow lights.
Read more about How Many Plants Will A 1000 Watt HPS Light Produce?
How far should my 1000 HPS lights be from my plants?
If you look at a picture of a HPS (high pressure sodium) light fixture, you'll notice that there are two metal reflectors, one on top of the other. This design keeps the heat from dissipating and helps to direct the light toward the plants. The light fixture itself is mounted on a stand with a ballast. You'll find that the ballast is usually mounted between 8-10 feet from the fixture itself. The distance will vary depending on the type of ballast you purchase. Most people recommend a minimum of 15 feet of separation between plants and HPS lights. If you've got enough room, I'd say go for it.
What does the ballast do?
A ballast regulates the flow of power to the lamp, which provides a constant voltage and frequency to the lamp. The ballast usually includes circuitry for sensing lamp current and voltage and for turning the lamp on and off to minimize energy waste. The ballast may also include circuitry for dimming the lamp by varying the frequency or phase of the alternating current.
How do you know if a light is too close to a plant?
It’s important to remember that we are not looking at the plant itself, we are looking at the light. If it is shining directly onto the leaves, or even the top of the plant, then the light is too close and you should move the light away.
If the plant looks a little wilted and the leaves are turning yellow, then you may need to adjust your light to make sure that the light is not shining directly on the leaves.
When is the right distance the most important for a 1000w HPS?
You want to pay the most attention to this during the flowering stage. This type of light is highly recommended for this stage in the growing process. As a matter of fact, many people only use this light for this stage in the growing process. Sometimes after applying a MH grow light beforehand.
Can you have too much light in a cannabis grow tent?
Yes you can, and the plants will show signs of this. This is why it is very important to keep not only the right amount of lights, but the right distance between them and the plants.
Also, note that when it comes to using fluorescent grow lights, anything higher than 12 inches from your plants’ canopy may mean your plants aren’t getting good light energy. This is because fluorescent light strength decreases when the height is too far from the plants’ canopy. So, ensure they are close enough to your plant as they are safe to be positioned close to plants.
How Far Should LED Grow Light Be From Plants?
LED grow lights are one of the most popular lights to use for indoor gardening. They are also safe to use at an appropriate close range on plants and they don’t emit much heat. LED grow lights are as well strong and efficient and can be used for different plant growth stages. They are majorly used in the flowering and fruiting stages.
When it comes to using LED grow lights, there is no particular rule to their positioning. But as a recommended tip, they can be placed around 12 to 18 inches above the plants’ canopy.
However, there are many types and brands of LED grow light that offers different output so deciding the appropriate distance may be tricky. The good thing is most times when you purchase LED grow lights, the manufacturer usually puts a recommended hanging height to follow. You can start with the manufacturer’s recommended hanging distance.

After trying the manufacturer’s recommended hanging distance, you can go ahead and move it a bit closer to get the perfect distance. Do these until you get to a point where your plants start to bleach. Also, you need to always monitor your plants when trying new grow lights. Move them back immediately when you notice any signs of discomfort in the plants.
By doing this, you will have mastered the right hanging distance for your plants for them to receive optimal light for their growing needs. Also, you may need to adjust the grow light upwards as your plants grow taller and develop.
Read more about the 5 Best Hydroponic Kits You Can Find
How Many Watts Per Plant HPS?
When choosing an HPS light, it should not be about wattage. Instead of paying attention to the wattage of the grow light, it is more important to understand how the light spectrum works. This is so you can know which grow light and light spectrum to get for the stage of growth that your plants are at.
The grow light spectrum is measured in micromoles (µmol). Generally, you will need a light spectrum in the range of 180 to 1300 µmol. This is quite a wide range, therefore you would need to determine the light requirements of your plants. The more light-hungry your plants are, the higher the light spectrum you should get.
Certain plant families such as those of the Cannabaceae are on the upper end of the spectrum. They need a minimum of 800 µmol to reach 85% of their growth potential and up to 1300 µmol to reach their full potential. Other plants such as herbs, salad greens, and other leafy plants only require between 180-380 µmol to grow efficiently.
To determine the light intensity of your plants if you don’t know it, you can use a PAR meter for the spectral range that is suitable for growing plants.
What Size Room For 1000-Watt HPS?
In general, a 1000-watt grow light is used to cover an area that is 5 x 5 total foot area. HPS grow lights are however more powerful. A 1000-watt HPS grow light can cover a much wider area of about 49 square feet in size.
The actual area of coverage of a 1000-watt grow light, or any grow light for that matter depends on several factors such as the type of the light, the specific light requirements of the plants being grown, and the design and type of the grow space.
How Hot Does a 1000w HPS Light Get?
HPS lights operate at very high temperatures of up to 54000F. The majority of this light gets turned to infrared (IR) radiation. This is the type of radiation that causes molecules to vibrate and heat up when it comes into contact with them. This IR radiation is directed toward plants the same way visible light radiation does.
Regular users of HPS grow lights are well aware of this fact, and for this reason, they do not put the grow lights too close to their plants as it would kill the plants in a very short space of time.
How Many Lumens Does a 1000w HPS Produce?
Normally, when we go to the shop to buy light bulbs, we buy them based on how much energy (usually in watts) they use. Lately, however, there has been more knowledge that has led to people buying light based on the amount of light they can provide.
Lumens are a measure of how much light you will get from a light bulb. The higher the lumens, the brighter the light you will get. The opposite is true for fewer lumens.
The best way to shop for bulbs is to look for lumens instead of watts, that way you will be able to tell which bulb will give you more light.
A 1000-watt high-output HPS bulb produces 150 000 lumens. This is more than the standard HPS bulb which produces only 140 000 lumens.
Conclusion – 1000w HPS Distance From Plants
Different hanging distances are recommended for various grow lights. We have concluded that the ideal distance from plants for 1000w HPS should be around 20 to 36 inches.
Whenever you purchase a new grow light, you can start with the recommended hanging distance and monitor your plants closely. You should back off the lights if you notice any bleaching of leaves. If you however notice your plants are fine with the distance, you can bring them a little closer so they can get optimal lights for their growth.
In all this, always keep a close eye on your plants’ response anytime you are using a new grow light on your plants. You should be able to obtain the appropriate hanging heights for your grow lights.
Read more about How Many Plants Will A 1000 Watt HPS Light Produce?
How far should my 1000 HPS lights be from my plants?
If you look at a picture of a HPS (high pressure sodium) light fixture, you'll notice that there are two metal reflectors, one on top of the other. This design keeps the heat from dissipating and helps to direct the light toward the plants. The light fixture itself is mounted on a stand with a ballast. You'll find that the ballast is usually mounted between 8-10 feet from the fixture itself. The distance will vary depending on the type of ballast you purchase. Most people recommend a minimum of 15 feet of separation between plants and HPS lights. If you've got enough room, I'd say go for it.
What does the ballast do?
A ballast regulates the flow of power to the lamp, which provides a constant voltage and frequency to the lamp. The ballast usually includes circuitry for sensing lamp current and voltage and for turning the lamp on and off to minimize energy waste. The ballast may also include circuitry for dimming the lamp by varying the frequency or phase of the alternating current.
How do you know if a light is too close to a plant?
It’s important to remember that we are not looking at the plant itself, we are looking at the light. If it is shining directly onto the leaves, or even the top of the plant, then the light is too close and you should move the light away.
If the plant looks a little wilted and the leaves are turning yellow, then you may need to adjust your light to make sure that the light is not shining directly on the leaves.
When is the right distance the most important for a 1000w HPS?
You want to pay the most attention to this during the flowering stage. This type of light is highly recommended for this stage in the growing process. As a matter of fact, many people only use this light for this stage in the growing process. Sometimes after applying a MH grow light beforehand.
Can you have too much light in a cannabis grow tent?
Yes you can, and the plants will show signs of this. This is why it is very important to keep not only the right amount of lights, but the right distance between them and the plants.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.