Sansevieria night owl is a type of succulent plant that has this lovely bloom and the plant is one famous plant seen in many homes. This charming houseplant tends to showcase its stunning blooms at night. So, whenever you get back home at night, your sansevieria night owl can welcome you with its beautiful blooms.
It is characterized by soft green leaves that feature transverse lines and a narrow, white, or cream rim and falls under sansevieria variety and the plant is native to the tropics of Africa. This captivating plant is one of the newer hybrids of the popular Hahnia cultivar.
The plant mostly prefers indoor growing conditions which is why they are great to be grown indoors, particularly as a houseplant. This captivating plant will look amazing when you display them indoors.
In this article, we will be describing this plant, we will mention how to care for this lovely plant, and we will also look into sansevieria night owl propagation. So, let’s dive in.
Sansevieria Night Owl: Brief Description About This Plant
So, here is a brief look into sansevieria night owl description:
- Sansevieria night owl originates from the tropical rainforest of Africa and falls under succulent plants.
- It is a type of succulent that is a hardy plant and can tolerate some drought.
- The plant of sansevieria night owl appears pale green in the upper part of the leaves. Then the lower part of the leaves looks dark gray-green.
- The plant is a climber that can grow up to 100 cm tall and its leaves are relatively thin.
- This lovely plant falls under sansevieria and it specifically belongs to the group of plants snake tongue and this is due to the resemblance of their leaves with snake tongue plant.
- The thickness of sansevieria night owl leaves is around 0.25 thick.

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General Plant Care Tips For Sansevieria Night Owl
Below are some general plant care tips to follow when taking care of your sansevieria night owl:
1. Lightning System
Sansevieria night owl thrives well in a spot where it is exposed to bright light and indirect sunlight. So, exposing the plant to direct sun rays can cause harm to the plant.
The best spot to position sansevieria night owl plant indoors along with the East window.
2. Soil
This lovely plant thrives well with
3. Humidity
Where the plant of sansevieria night owl originates from is characterized by the area that has dry and warm air. The plant can adjust to indoor growing conditions. Hence, extra moistening or spraying isn’t required.
You can simply remove dust from the plant leaves frequently and that’s enough to refresh the leaves.
4. Watering Requirement
Because the plant is classified as succulent which stores water in its thick leaves, sansevieria night owl can require moderate watering and the plant can even go a while without a drink.
Therefore, the sansevieria night owl should be watered less frequently. You can water once every 2 weeks during its growing season and just once a month during winter.
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5. Fertilization
Even though the plant of sansevieria night owl can thrive without extra fertilization, the plant can still benefit from moderate fertilization.
Sansevieria Night Owl Propagation
Sansevieria night owl can be propagated in various ways and some of them include division, cutting in
1. Propagation Of Sansevieria Night Owl By Division
To propagate the sansevieria night owl through the division method, start by carefully taking out the plant from its container. Then sprinkle and clean the root under water spray.
Once you’ve cleaned the root completely, and each shoot can be clearly seen, spate them using a sterile tool together with a portion of root ball.
They go further by planting the new sansevieria night owl in a small pot. Ensure you use a good potting mix and water the new plant and allow excess water to flow out of the pot. Then place the new plant in a shady spot.
2. Propagation By Cutting In Soil
Get a healthy sansevieria night owl and cut off a developed leaf one inch above the surface of the substrate. Allow the cut leaf to dry for some hours until it forms a scab.
Then the leaf should be dipped into a damp mixture of substrate and perlite or sand in a container. While you’re doing this, also ensure that one-quarter to one-third of the leaf enters the substrate.
Rooting may take around 1 to 2 months then new leaves can begin to show up around 6 or 7 months, so you need to exercise patience.
3. Propagation By Cutting In Water
This is done by rooting the leaves of sansevieria night owl in water rather than using a substrate.
Begin by putting the leaf in a glass of water and allow a quarter of the entire leaf length to be above the water level. Then position the glass in a warm spot that has lots of filtered bright light. Because rooting can take some time, you can always add lukewarm water just to maintain a constant level. Also, replace the water as required so that microorganism that causes cuttings to rot will have less chance of growing.
So, once you notice a mustache-like root growing along with the cut, then it’s time to transplant.
Closing Remark
Sansevieria night owl is a fascinating plant that is quite popular amongst other plants in the succulent family. Even though this is a hardy plant, it still needs to be taken care of so you can enjoy the pleasing nature of this lovely plant.
Is Sansevieria toxic to humans?
It so happens that sansevieria tends to fall under toxic houseplants. They are considered toxic to humans and pets. If this plant is consumed, it can cause vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.
How tall does sansevieria get?
Depending on the type of sansevieria species, they can grow at different heights. Sansevieria night owl for instance is a climber that can grow 100 cm tall.
What is the rarest sansevieria?
The most rare variety of sansevieria is sansevieria trifasciata moonshine. This rare plant is also referred to as the silver snake plant and it is characterized by broad-leaf.
Does Sansevieria grow fast?
Some sansevieria varieties do grow fast and one good example is the snake plant also known as mother-in-law’s tongue. The plant can grow up to 4 to 12 inches per year.

Eunice is an enthusiastic gardener with a passion for growing beautiful flowers. She loves nothing more than spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and enjoying the outdoors. Eunice has been gardening for over 15 years and has developed a unique style of landscaping that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. She is especially fond of growing roses and enjoys experimenting with different varieties and colors. Eunice takes great pride in her garden and often shares the fruits of her labor with friends and family. In her spare time, she enjoys reading gardening magazines and attending local horticulture events. Eunice is passionate about her hobby and is always eager to share her knowledge and experience with others.