In the course of their normal life, plants need water to survive. However, succulents are able to go days without much water or even weeks at a time!
Cacti are succulent plants that need a lot of water. They can go without water for up to 3 days, but they should be watered every day. Read more in detail here: how long can cacti go without water.
The “how long can succulents live” is the question of how long a succulent can go without water. The answer to this question varies depending on the type of succulent and its environment.
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Sam is an avid gardener and plant enthusiast. He loves spending time outdoors tending to his garden, learning about new plants and sharing his knowledge with others. Sam has been gardening for over 10 years and takes great pride in his work. He is a self-taught expert and is always eager to learn more. Sam also enjoys teaching others about gardening and has even written several articles for local newspapers about the topic. He is passionate about preserving the environment and making sure that the plants in his garden are healthy and thriving. Sam’s favorite pastime is spending time in the garden with his family and friends, where he can share his knowledge and enjoy the beauty of nature.