So let’s talk about maggot in your compost. You might be the one that freaks out when you see maggot in your compost. But they are not so bad and …
One prolific ingredient to add to your soil to boost garden growth is mushroom composts. We will be enlightening you on how to make mushroom compost so you can grow …
A fantastic and very simple way to feed your garden soil and plants is Compost-Tea. Have you heard about this special brew? Compost-tea can be used as a mild liquid …
How long to compost chicken manure before use is still one of the commonly asked questions by farmers who rear chicken and use its manure as fertilizer. Chickens are generous …
Almost all gardening advice gives great tips on both compost and topsoil use but not everybody understands the difference between topsoil vs compost. Are you struggling to grow plants in …
Learning how to make a homemade compost catalyst enables you to make your pile efficiently available saving you valuable time. Compost comes from decomposing leaves, papers, eggshells, coffee grounds, and …
Have you been warned of the risks of composting weeds and you don’t know if you can compost them? Weeding is a dreaded garden activity because it might be hard …