The Right Time To Harvest Chili Peppers

If you don’t grow your own chillies, you can buy them at any store. Chilies are one of the most versatile and important food crops we grow in our gardens. They are easy to grow, have a long life span and are self-seeding.

How do you know if they are fully mature? Chillies are harvested when they reach a certain size. The best way to know is by looking at the outside.

When To Harvest Chilli Pepper

Once you know when to harvest chilli peppers, it’s time to harvest your produce.  When harvesting take care of the plant as it can easily be damaged if you put the peppers too much.

Harvesting Chilli Pepper

Store your dried chillies in a cool and dry place. You can either hang them on a string or wrap them in the paper. The paper will keep the humidity low.

How To Store Your Chillies 

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