The Reason Your Green Beans Are Turning Brown

Green bean is a type of common bean that comes from different cultivars. Green beans have different common names they go by and some of these names include snap beans, string beans, and French beans. You can add green beans to any type of healthy diet or almost any eating plan and this is thanks to their low calorie and fat contents.

Looking at some of the major reasons why green beans turn brown, it may be because the beans are not in their best state any longer. When you begin to notice some brown spots around your green beans, it usually means they are already getting old and stale. 

Green Beans Turning Brown

Thick Brush Stroke

More Ways Of Telling How Bad Green Bean IS

Color  Smell  Texture  Mold 

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

Leaving your green beans on the counter outside for 2 days is fine because they can last up to 2 days outside the fridge.

Lasting Duration Of Green Beans Outside

If you store your green beans properly in the fridge, it should be able to last you up to a week and this is for both raw and cooked beans. Just endure you store them properly in the fridge.

Lasting Duration Of Green Beans In The Fridge

You can store green beans for longer in the freezer. They can last up to 6 months when frozen. It will be easy for you to defrost them when you’re ready to use them.

Lasting Duration Of Green Beans In The Freezer

When you properly store your green beans, it will further help in prolonging their shelf life. For instance, it is recommended you don’t wash your green beans until you’re ready to use them.

How I Can Properly Keep My Green Beans Fresh For Storage

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