Prayer Plant Problems And Possible Remedies

It is commonly raised Prayer plant  a house plant by gardeners and in fact, the Texas A&M University confirms it to be one of the best house plants for indoor gardening. Prayer plant problems however are something that can’t be totally avoided.

Leaves curling up or turning brown due to overwatering, yellowing leaves, change in climate, stress due to repotting or bad soil drainage are all part of maranta problems. 

Prayer Plant Problem

1.    Low Moisture Pn Prayer Plant 2.    Fungal Infections In Prayer Plant – Prayer Plant Problem 3.    Chlorosis – Prayer Plant Problem

Problems Pertaining To Prayer Plant And Possible Remedie

4.    Unbearable Light Condition 5.    Yellowing Leaves On Prayer Plant 6.    Too Much Watering – Prayer Plant Problem

Problems Pertaining To Prayer Plant And Possible Remedie

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