Learn All You Need To Know About Growing Artichokes

Growing artichokes is relatively easy as you are only required to note a few things and follow the right process. When you time your planting period properly, ensure you plant on good soil and water the plant regularly, yield is sure to be bountiful.

Understanding a few facts about the artichoke plant will give you insight into growing and caring for the plant. The buds of the plant are the artichokes that you can harvest and eat.

Things To Know about Artichoke 

Thick Brush Stroke

How To Plant Artichokes Seed

· Prepare Soil Indoor · Sow your Seeds · Water Regularly · Thinning

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Thick Brush Stroke

How To Plant Artichokes Seed

· Transplant to a Permanent  Location · Spacing after Transplant · Water

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

How Long Does It take for Artichokes To grow?

You must know this from the onset. Artichokes are relatively slow growers. They would as such take between 85 to 120 days of the proper weather condition-spring or summer, to produce flowers.

Thick Brush Stroke

Tips On Growing And Caring For Artichoke

· Seed Variety · Climatic Conditions · Sunlight

Thick Brush Stroke

Tips On Growing And Caring For Artichoke

· Water · Harvesting · Pests and Diseases

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