How To Plant Tomatoes And Peppers Side By Side

Growing companion plants will allow you to have the privilege of enjoying different food varieties for your dishes. Now tomatoes and peppers are easy plants for both expert and novice to grow so why not just plant them together? In this article, we will be discussing the right way to plant tomatoes and pepper together and how to cultivate each plant fruit variety successfully.

Planting tomato and pepper is a form of companion planting whereby different plants are grown next to each other. It is believed that these companion plants form a symbiotic relationship whereby they contribute to each other growth and development. 

Know If You Can Plant Tomatoes And Pepper Together?

You should grow these plants 20 feet away from each other especially in hot and humid weather conditions where fungal diseases are more rampant.

Planting Tomatoes And Peppers: Garden Tip

Thick Brush Stroke

Planting Tomatoes And Peppers: Garden Tip

- Avoid Plant  Overcrowding - Avoid Overwatering  Or Underwatering - Never Work On The  Garden When The  Plant Is Wet  - Avoid Leaves Watering


One best way to plant tomato plants is to allow the soil to warm up. Never plant in cool soil as this can stunt their growth. Ensure all dangers of frost have passed. Ideally, you should allow the soil to warm up above 60 degrees.

Planting Tomatoe

To begin the planting process for pepper, choose a planting site and ensure it’s a sunny and well-draining spot. Then grow your seeds indoors and harden them off then plant in a warm soil of at least 60 degrees.

Planting PepperS

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