How To Check If Your Pumpkin Is Ripe

The big question on most farmers’ minds is how to know when a pumpkin is ripe or ready for harvest. In this article, we will be sharing great tips on how to know when a pumpkin is ripe or ready for harvest. So, let’s get right into this.

Pumpkin is from the gourd family. Pumpkin is a smooth, round, and partially cultivar of winter squash. It has ribbed-like skin and the most common colors tend to be deep yellow to orange.

Some Info On Pumpkin

Thick Brush Stroke

How Do You Know When A Pumpkin Is Ripe: Helpful TipS

1.    Right Time Of The Year 2.    Desired Color Change 3.    Hard To Puncture Rind With Fingernails 4.    Stem Turns Brown 5.    A Hollow Sound Is Generated When You Knock The Rind

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