Everything You Need To Know About Repotting A Snake Plant

Snake plant is one easy type of houseplant to have, you should still take care of your snake plant. So, repotting is also part of caring for the plant. A snake plant that is overgrown in pot can cause rootbound. So, once your snake plant has grown heavy and is starting to explode out of its pot, then it’s time to repot.

Repotting a snake plant should be done when it’s only necessary. Don’t repot when it’s not needed so you don’t stress the plant for anything. 

Signs That Shows Your Snake Pot Needs Repotting

Thick Brush Stroke

Signs That Shows Your Snake Pot Needs Repotting

·    Water Drains Too Fast Out Of Drainage Holes When You Water ·    Root Growing Out From The Pot’s Bottom ·    Snake Plant With Several Pup ·    Snake Plant Falling Off

Early spring or late winter is the best time to repot your snake plant. This is mainly because snake plant is in its dormancy period during winter.

When Is The Best Period To Repot Snake Plant?

Thick Brush Stroke

Repotting A Snake Plant: Steps To Follow

Step 1: Obtain A New Bigger Or Spacious Pot  Step 2: Plant Removal  Step 3: Obtain A New Soil And Replant Step 4: Water And Provide Indirect Sun Step 5: Fertilization

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