Do Seeds Need Light To Germinate?

For seeds to grow appropriately, different rules or techniques work for different seeds. When it comes to the light requirement for seed germination, most seeds need light to germinate, but some don’t require light. Such seeds that sprout under light include lettuce, dill, celery, and petunias.

A good number of seeds do need light to germinate. It is a popular thought that seeds generally require light to sprout. After all, light is one crucial factor for most plants to grow. 

Do Seeds Need Light To Germinate?

After sprouting, almost all resulting seedlings surely need light to keep on growing. Light is required for all seedlings that have sprouted to root adequately else they can get leggy from reaching for the light.

What about Seedling, Do They Require Light To Develop?

-You can grow them indoors in a growing try. -Sow the seeds directly in a thin layer on the soil if the soil is warm. -You can also do a greenhouse with direct sunshine during early spring

Ways To Germinate Seeds That Require Light

To germinate seeds that don’t need light, you can also sow them in trays. Then just to make sure they are in the dark, you should cover the tray in black plastic. Also, take note of the temperature when they are covered.

How To Sprout Seeds That Don’t Require Light

Thick Brush Stroke

Seeds That Germinates With Light

 1.   Carrots  2.    Lettuce  3.    Rose 

Thick Brush Stroke

Seeds That Germinates In The Dark

 1.   Onion  2.   Sunflower 3.    Calendula 


There are also other seeds that will sprout whether they are provided with light or not. Examples of such seeds include cucumber, tomato, eggplant, zinnia seeds, and so on.

Seeds That Will Sprout With Or Without Light

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