All About Purple Green Beans

Purple Green Beans are purple when fresh, their color turns red when they are cooked. This article is a brief guide into how to grow purple green beans, the steps to follow when preparing the soil and harvesting. This article also briefly discusses how these unique beans can be utilized after harvesting.

If you were not previously knowledgeable about purple green beans, you may be in wonder as to their nutritional benefits. Let us briefly consider some of its nutritional benefits 

Health Benefits Of Purple Green Bean

Thick Brush Stroke

Health Benefits Of Purple Green Bean

-Healthy Weight  -Support Heart Health  -High Protein Content  -Vitamins and Minerals  -Other Benefits

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Thick Brush Stroke

Growing Purple Green Bean

-Warm Sunny Location  -Best Type of Soil  -Preparing the Beans for Planting  -Fertilizer Application  -Time for Planting 

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Thick Brush Stroke

Planting Purple Green Bean

Prepare Seed Beds  Dig Trench Down the Middle of Each Row  Succession Planting  Water Consistently 

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

Royal Burgundy beans also known as Purple green beans are usually ready for harvesting between 50 to 69 days. Knowing when to harvest and how to go about the harvesting process is key to getting the best possible nutrition from the beans.

Harvesting Purple Green Bean

To preserve the beans, you may decide to cook. This however is very likely to cause a reduction in nutrients like vitamin C. You may also decide to store purple green beans in a refrigerator after putting them in a plastic bag.

How To store/Preserve Purple Green Bean

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