A Guide To Septoria Leaf Spot Resistant Tomatoes

Tomato septoria leaf spots start as a circular spot on the undersides of older leaves at the bottom of the plant. These spots have a  dark brown margin and lighter grey centers. A yellow color may surround the area, which is about 1.6 to 3.2 mm.

Signs Of Septoria Leaf Spot-Resistant Tomatoe

As the septoria tomatoes leaf spots develop, the areas get larger by merging. When viewed under a magnifying glass, you will see the fungus that looks like dark brown pimples.

The fungus spores that cause this disease are very good at hiding and waiting for the best conditions to thrive. They thrive in temperatures ranging from 59 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Does Septoria Leaf Spot-Resistant Disease In Tomatoes Spread

Thick Brush Stroke

How To Treat Septoria Leaf – Spot Resistance On Tomatoe

Removing the Infected Leaves or Plants Immediately.  Use Chemical Fungicides.  Consider Using Organic Fungicide Options.  

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Thick Brush Stroke

Preventing Septoria Leaf Spot-Resistant On Tomatoe

 Use Disease-free Seed. Start Your Crop In A Clean Garden. Provide Room For Air Circulation. Avoid Overhead Watering. Mulch Below The Plants.

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf

Practice crop rotation so that you avoid getting your new tomatoes infected with the septoria leaf spot.

Plant Your Next Season Of Tomatoes In A Different Section Of Your Garden

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