Know the Best Time to Pick Potatoes [Potato Harvest Time]

harvest potato

Homegrown potatoes are arguably better than anything you can buy at a supermarket. Growing them however can be a bit tricky if you are inexperienced. One of the key things with growing them at home is to know when to pick potatoes. Knowing how to harvest and handle homegrown potatoes after harvest will help you … Read more

How to Harvest Kale So the Leaves Keep Growing

How to Harvest Kale

Kale is one of the easiest and best leafy greens to grow currently. Also dubbed a superfood due to its many health benefits, if you’re a health enthusiast, you definitely want to know how to harvest kale so the leaves keep growing and give you a continuous harvest. To learn how to do this right, … Read more

Do Pepper Plants Come Back: Improve Your Harvest

do pepper plants come back

Do pepper plants come back every year? Let’s get the answers to that here. Pepper is both classified as a fruit and a vegetable according to botany and culinary definitions. It’s a great feeling to plant, grow, nurture, and then begin to harvest your vegetables. What is more tempting is wishing you could keep your … Read more

Bone Meal for Tomatoes: Best Uses & How Much?

bone meal for tomatoes

How much bone meal per tomato plant? This article will help you determine how much bone meal you should give per tomato plant and how to effectively use bone meal for tomatoes.  Tomatoes are heavy feeders and require a lot of nutrients. Bone meal is one of the easiest ways to give an extra boost … Read more

Disease Resistant Tomatoes: Top List of Varieties

disease resistant tomatoes

Tomato plants can be prone to a bunch of unimaginable problems or diseases capable of taking a toll on the entire crop. The good news is that you can avoid the various problems or diseases that tomato plants tend to be susceptible to. This is why we will be looking into disease resistant tomatoes. There … Read more

Do Tomato Hornworms Bite: Best Ways to Control

do tomato hornworms bite

Tomato worms are one common pest that bothers tomato plants and they can ruin your plants. They may look fierce and dangerous, but do tomato hornworms bite? The huge green tomato worm can grow up to 4 or 5 inches long and they are one of the longest types of caterpillar. There is nothing more … Read more

Plant Your Own Peppers- Spacing And Growing Tips Plant Your Own Peppers- Spacing And Growing Tips Syngonium Helpful Watering And Growing Tips Best Way To Cut Monstera To Help It Grow Healthier Insightful Signs That Indicate 1000W HPS light is too close to a plant